Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Receivables 9.0B

July 27, 2011

       Installs the AdagioPDF printer driver. All reports and printouts from Adagio can be printed to the AdagioPDF printer to create a PDF document in the data folder.

       Supports the features in Adagio ePrint. When ePrint is installed you can print reports to PDF files in configurable folders determined by the Report Type (General, Transaction or Audit). Statements print to a separate, configurable folder. Fields can be embedded to establish the file and folder names (User, Session Date, System Date, Time). Click the ePrint button (red "EP" icon) on any report dialog to print the report to PDF. The Paperless Reports option forces all reports to be printed to PDF. Reports can be printed to PDF and attached to an email (MAPI) with a single button click.

       On the Open database dialog you can now use Alt-B to open the browse and Alt-F (for Favorites) to open the previously opened list. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select the folder buttons.

       Alt-X now selects the Excel Direct button on grids where it is available. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select Excel Direct.

       The vitalEsafe upload progress dialog has been improved and the progress bar now accurately shows the percentage. It is no longer necessary to install the vitalEsafe patch.

       Grids, filters, and finders now show the lookup values instead of the raw data values for typed fields. For example in customer grids the Account Type shows Open Item and Bal Forward instead of No and Yes.

       Account Styles and Filters were added in Ledger 9.0D. They are now supported in GL account finder grids in Receivables.

       Added the field 'Send to BankRec' to Payment Methods to allow explicit control on a bank by bank basis as to whether cash transactions flow to Adagio BankRec. In previous versions all transactions went to BankRec, to the bank specified in the 'Default BankRec Bank' field in the company profile, if the bank in the Payment Method was blank. A Payment Method having the 'Send to BankRec' off must be used for any transaction you do not want to send to BankRec. When the option is off the 'BankRec clearing' field label changes to 'Account/Dept'.

       Job Phase and Category fields have been added to the Overdue Receivables, Projected Receivables, and Aged Trial Balance reports when printed in detail form.

       The maximum number of columns for Charts has been increased from 5 to 12.


    Problems fixed


       When you copied a customer, the amounts in the aging bucket values (visible only on grids and in GridView) were copied to the new customer even though the new customer has no transactions or balance. Note: this did not affect the aging reports or aging fields shown on the customer screen.

       When adding customers, the Payables Vendor field from the previously added customer was defaulted for the next customer instead of being set to blank.

       When opening the customer edit or inquiry functions, it was possible to very quickly press the F5 or F6 keys to open the finder or smart finder before the customer grid was open, in particular on a network with slower performance. When a customer was selected from the finder an access violation error was displayed.

       The width of the 'Total days to pay' field on Customer Statistics tab was increased, allowing room to fully display the field.

       Changes to the column sizing in the customer smart finder grid were not saved in some cases.

       The Find did not work correctly for selecting a customer with a leading zero in the Name field, such as for a numbered company.

       On a customer grid, if you select a filter that has sort fields, the fields are added to the grid automatically. If the filter is then turned off those additional columns were not removed.

       The smart finder did not work for customers in Receivables 9.0B if Adagio Time&Billing data was present.

       In Receivables 9.0B, when you added a new customer "on the fly" during batch entry an "Access Violation" error was displayed when you clicked OK to save the new customer, although the customer was added.

       When you posted an adjustment batch containing a duplicate transaction, the next batch number was not updated in the batch control, resulting in the loss of the transactions in the next batch entered and posted. This has been corrected and the Data Integrity Check will detect and rebuild this condition.

       Entering an inactive customer in cash batch entry no longer forces you to make the customer active because you must always be able to accept a payment from customers.

       If you attempted to rename a retrieved batch when the 'Allow edit of retrieved/imported batches?' option was off, you could not edit the company profile afterwards and received a message saying it was locked.

       Posting a multi-currency Revaluation in Receivables 9.0A or 9.0B caused integrity errors in some cases.

       When the Job Tracking Method was 'Job only' the job number did not print on the Customer Transactions report.

       The Customer List and Statistics report did not select customers correctly for a range of 'Start date' in some cases.

       If your Ledger data was created with version 9.0x and you never used Ledger 8.1A or earlier versions, after printing the G/L Transactions report in Receivables, the Consolidate G/L Transactions dialog did not show the 2 options to consolidate by Fiscal Period.

       After printing or previewing a multi-currency report that prints in landscape, reports that print in portrait printed in landscape instead.

       Customer Notes could not be imported in Receivables 9.0B as the import function did not accept the date field in any of the available formats.

       The Note Detail field is no longer a required field for when importing customer notes and can be defaulted.

       If you exported customers by range of Billing Cycle or Account Set and you had a filter applied on the customers grid no customers were exported.

       When importing a cash batch, the Payment Method defaults from the customer if the field is not included in the template. If the Payment Method is in the template but the field in the import file is blank it is not defaulted from the customer.

       When importing customers, new values for optional fields in the import file were not added to the list of Values for the Optional Field even though the 'Add on the fly?' option was enabled.

       There was an error in the auto-import on startup in some cases for templates that specified a spreadsheet with an .XLXS extension (but not .XLS), even though the import worked without error when run manually for the same import template.

       The Import Contacts/Shipto function was trimming leading zeros from the Contact/Shipto Code, even though they are allowed and supported in Adagio Invoices and OrderEntry.

       Security Groups did not have an option for disabling Edit Customer Filters.

       The Adagio command line parameters on an icon did not take precedence over the remembered user logon options if the /u parameter was after /d and /e. Thus desktop icons used to open different databases did not work.

       Manual Check batches created in Payables by the Create Write-off Batch function now support the new date, time and user stamp fields in the Payables 8.1C batch status.

       For filters based on a range of a right-justified field (such as customer number, single segment item number, vendor number, etc.), additional records were selected that should not have been. For example, if the range is from 1 to 2, then not only would records 1 and 2 be selected, but also 10, 11, 100, 101 etc. You will need to edit and save any such existing filters to correct them.

       Turning on the 'Clear customer history up to' option in both the Period End and Year End functions cleared the transactions but did not clear the related details within the Receivables GL Distribution Details table, leaving "orphan" records in the table. (Note: the Maintenance | Clear History function did clear these details.) The orphan records caused an error if you later posted a cash receipt with the same (i.e. a duplicate) document number to a customer. The Data Integrity Check (DIC) detected and rebuild these errors after a posting. The DIC (in Receivables but not DataCare) now detects ALL orphan records and removes them when you do a rebuild so the error will not be repeated with future postings. While the DIC is rebuilding, progress is not shown (the number of orphans deleted is not updated). This may take several minutes. In some cases, the first DIC run after installing 9.0B (2011.07.27) or higher may detect and rebuild a large number of errors caused by the orphan records. This is not a cause for concern.

       There was an application integrity error in the Customer Alert Details in the 9.0B sample data.

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