Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Ledger 9.0D

June 29, 2011

    The changes and improvements to Adagio Ledger with this release are significant. To make it easier to review the various changes that have been made, we have grouped them by function in this release note. The Financial Reporter changes and improvements are listed separately from General Ledger.

    General Ledger

  • Styles and Account Filters are available to display accounts in different colors and Filter accounts that meet specific criteria. Use Colors to instantly identify miscoded accounts.

  • Grids, filters, and finders now show the lookup values instead of the raw data values for typed fields. For example Account Type shows as 'Balance', 'Income' or 'Retained' instead of B, I, or R.

  • Report Favorites allow saving Reports with specific options chosen. Click the Favorite button (a star icon) on any report dialog to create a Favorite. Added Favorite Reports and Print/Delete Favorites functions to the Reports menu. Multiple favorites can be defined for the same report. Favorites can be private to the Adagio user or public for use by all users.

  • Installs the AdagioPDF printer driver. All reports and printouts from Adagio can be printed to the AdagioPDF printer to create a PDF document in the data folder.

  • Adagio Ledger and Financial Reporter fully support the features in Adagio ePrint. When ePrint is installed you can print reports to PDF files in configurable folders determined by the Report Type (General, Transaction or Audit). Financial Statements and Statement Groups print to a separate, configurable folder. Fields can be embedded to establish the file and folder names (User, Session Date, System Date, Time, Batch Number, Posting Sequence). Click the ePrint button (red "EP" icon) on any report dialog to print the report to PDF. The Paperless Reports option forces all reports to be printed to PDF. Reports can be printed to PDF and attached to an email (MAPI) with a single button click.

  • Report Sets allow the grouping of Report Favorites and Statement Groups into a single print job that will run unattended. Report Sets may be printed to printer or PDF files. Report Sets may be launched from a command file or a scheduled Windows task by running Ledger.exe with the parameter /R followed by the Report Set (ex. /RMonthEnd). A progress dialog lists the reports in the Report Set, the printing status of each, the destination folder, filename and conflict strategy. A log is generated that records the printing status of each report in the set. Use Report Sets to automate the printing of all your month end reports.

  • The User Preferences function has been updated. The Appearance tab, 'Alphabetically sorted field list' option and 'Exclude Ranges' option have been added.

  • Added validation of account optional fields in the Edit Accounts function.

  • On the Open database dialog you can now use Alt-B to open the browse and Alt-F (for Favorites) to open the previously opened list. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select the folder buttons.

  • Alt-X now selects the Excel Direct button on grids where it is available. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select Excel Direct.

  • The vitalEsafe upload progress dialog has been improved and the progress bar now accurately shows the percentage. It is no longer necessary to install the vitalEsafe patch.

  • New functions added in 9.0D default to being disallowed in Security Groups when you upgrade from an earlier version, rather than allowed, as was previously the case in new versions.


  • The Reports menu has been reorganized and a General Reports sub-menu added.

  • Added ExcelDirect Financial Statements to the Reports menu to send statement groups directly to Excel without having to launch the Financial Reporter.

  • You can now print a distribution summary by account on batch listings. Added the 'Print G/L summary' option to the Print Batches dialog.

  • Added the option 'Include closing amounts' to the Detail Listing. It allows you to reprint the Detail Listing at any time without showing the 'Closing Entries' section. It is visible only if you restrict the period range to the last period.

  • Added the 'Entries in error only?' option on the batch listing to select only batch entries for the report that have at least one error. This allows you to quickly isolate entries in error that must be corrected before posting, without having to print and review the entire (potentially very large) batch listing.

  • Added the 'Opening balances for period' option to the Trial Balance report dialog to allow you to print the opening balances for the selected period rather than the closing balances.

  • Added the option 'Exclude 0 balance accts' to the Trial Balance report dialog. Use this option to exclude accounts that might have had activity but ended up with a $0.00 balance, potentially reducing the amount of paper in a Trial Balance with a lot of clearing accounts. This new option is slightly different than the existing option 'Include accounts with no activity', which includes accounts that fall within the selected range and have had no transaction activity within the fiscal period for the report.

  • Added the 'Current year/period only' option on the Detail Listing and Trial Balance report dialogs. Select this option to default the fiscal year starting and ending period from the session date used to log into Ledger. The option can be particularly useful when printing the report as a favorite.

  • After printing the Batch Status report you can clear the information for the posted and deleted batches in the range printed. A warning has been added indicating that if you do clear this batch information you will not be able to un-post, reverse or recover these batches.

  • Reports use the newer Crystal Reports 8.5 print engine. This allows exporting reports to PDF format from the report preview window and is another way (separate from AdagioPDF) to print reports to PDF.

    Import / Exports

  • Added Import/Export Departments, Import/Export Source Codes, Import/Export Account Notes and Import/Export Reallocations functions. The Import/Export Reallocations functions allow you to readily change reallocation percentages without having to manually edit Reallocations.

  • The Import Budgets and Import Forecasts functions include the Account Description 1 and 2 fields. This allows you to use import to change the description for a new year without having to manually edit accounts afterwards or make the change by running the import accounts function as well.

  • The Import Budgets and Import Forecasts functions now support importing a single annual budget figure and automatically allocating the amount over 12 or 13 periods.


  • Added the option 'Spread over first 12 periods' in the Edit Budgets and Edit Forecasts functions to allow you to spread the annual budget total out over the first 12 of 13 fiscal periods. The annual total is determined for just the first 12 periods, and the amount for period 13 is set to 0.00.


  • Added the option 'Display period n only?' to the View Account Transactions function (where n is the period selected at the top of the screen).

  • Added an Excel Direct button to View Account Budget History grid.

    Batch Entry

  • New options have been added on the copy batch dialog. The 'Revise date fields' option now allows you to set a date rather than using the login date. Added Revise Reference, Revise Description 1 and Revise Description 2 fields, allowing you to set new constant text for these fields during the copy.

    Miscellaneous new features

  • The Retrieve Subledger Batches function uses the full product name rather than a 2 character code in the resulting batch description when retrieving batches from third-party applications.

  • Added the option ''Open all periods?' to the Create Next Year and Create Next Year Budgets functions. Turn this option off to have all periods default to closed. In previous versions the periods all defaulted to open for the next year.

  • The Data Integrity Check now detects and rebuilds orphan header and/or detail records in batches.

    Problems fixed

  • Export / Import functions have been updated for field lengths that should have defaulted to 40 characters instead of 30.

  • The Export Transactions function did not find any records to export if the starting Account/Department did not exist.

  • The Import Accounts function now prevents you from changing the Account Type.

  • Import templates could not be processed on start-up using the 'Auto import on start-up' option if the import file was a .xlxs file, even though the template was set up with the correct filename and could be imported manually.

  • The Export Transactions function incorrectly displayed the error "Estimated record count n exceeds capacity of your Excel version (65534 rows). Export aborted." when you exported to older versions of Excel and had 65535 or more records in your GL Posted transactions file.

  • In the Export Account Net Changes function, the Opening Balance and Current Balance fields exported were from the current year regardless of the fiscal year selected.

  • Several other fixes have been made to the import and export functions.

  • You could not create a reallocation batch for a fiscal period in next year if the period was closed in the current year. Ledger was checking the period in the wrong year and you incorrectly received a warning saying the period was closed.

  • When the batch listing dialog is opened from the batch list, the focus is now on the Print button rather than the Batch Number field, allowing Alt-P to be used immediately to print that batch. This allows Alt-L and then Alt-P to be used to quickly print a batch you just edited and is now consistent with other Adagio modules.

  • When a batch is deleted the Last Edited Date, Time, and User fields are updated.

  • If you posted from the Retrieve Subledger Batches function all open batches in current were posted, not just the batch or batches you retrieved, if you were in Next Year and there were no next year batches.

  • When a batch containing entries with Statistic Units was copied with 'Reverse Entries' selected the sign on the units was not reversed. The sign of the units was also not reversed when Auto Reverse batches were created.

  • If you printed the Detail Listing for a Retained Earnings account for a range of periods that did not include period 1, the report total was incorrect and could not be reconciled to the Trial Balance.

  • When the Detail Listing was printed with the 'Batch/entry nos.' option the Batch Entry No. field was partially cut off.

  • The Source Net Changes fields were off by one period and the Home Net Changes were off by 2 periods in custom reports created in Crystal Reports for Adagio.

  • The Edit Budgets and Edit Forecasts functions refresh the Ending dates column for the year selected. In previous versions the Budget, Forecast and Net Changes columns were updated but not the Ending column.

  • For MultiCurrency databases, if an Account Source Currency existed for an account in Next Year, a false error message was being displayed when the Account Source Currency was added to the account in the Current Year.

  • When using the next/previous keys in the View Accounts function, the reallocation grid was not refreshed correctly in some cases and displayed information from the previous account you just viewed.

  • The Data Integrity Check now detects out-of-sequence errors in the Posting Journal file.

  • After printing source journals the backup function could not backup the GL Account Master files (GLMAST*).

  • Financial Reporter

  • You can now force a statement to “Fit to page” either by column or row. File | Page Setup allows you to fit the statement columns or rows to a specific number of pages. The printout will be scaled to fit the space available.

  • Editing a SmartSheet is now disabled if the sheet is expanded to prevent you making changes that will be discarded when the statement is refreshed. This disabling includes moving columns.

  • You can now hide inactive departments in the Department View. The Right-mouse menu on the Department title includes Hide Inactive / Show Inactive options. Selecting the Ignore Inactive button on a financial statement now also ignores inactive departments (as well as inactive accounts). Inactive departments are suppressed in the department drop-down, and will not be shown in the list of available departments when defining a Statement Group. File | Departmental Print will also ignore inactive departments.

  • A new function =ISEXPANDED() (returns TRUE() if the Smartsheet is expanded, otherwise returns FALSE()) has been added so that a formula can test the state of the financial statement.

  • 'Include Y/E Adj' and 'Ignore inactive accts' options have been added in statement groups. This information will be printed if “Statement Group” is selected in File | Send to sheet.

  • The current row and column is now easier to determine with the column and row number highlighted.

  • You can now protect the Excel worksheet that is created when you ExcelDirect a financial statement. This option is enabled in View | Customize | Settings.

  • Remove Row and Remove Column on the Edit menu have been renamed Delete Row, Delete Column for consistency.

  • Speed keys have been added to most Menu choices.

  • The Verify SmartSheet command now ignores inactive accounts.

  • You can now enter hyperlinks such as web addresses into cells in a financial statement and these hyperlinks will be preserved when a statement is sent to Excel.

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