Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio GridView 9.0C
October 1, 2010
- Compatible with Office 2010 (Excel 2010, 32-bit and 64-bit versions).
- Added a Permissions function to allow you to define what Users are allowed in what Application.. When logged in as SYS, then Edit |
Permissions is available. You select the user(s) and then the application(s) they are permitted to access. For example, a particular user could be allowed to create or use views based on Receivables but not Ledger. Attempting to load a pre-created view on a restricted table will open the view but not load any records - the user will get a blank view. Permissions are by company database. This allows a user permission to access an application for one company but not for another. Permissions cannot be set when running GridView-RW in RW mode. Note: you cannot restrict the user SYS. .
- Added named Row Formats. A Row Formats dropdown box has been added to the toolbar, similar to the Filters dropdown. Row
Formats allow conditional formatting on rows. For example, format a view of customers to show customers who have exceeded their credit limit highlighted in red or any Style you have defined. The "tested field" can be a column in the view or a data element in the table. Row Formats can be attached to filters. When a Filter is selected the associate Row Format is automatically applied. Note: after installing the 9.0C upgrade, you need to reset the toolbar before it will display the Row Formats dropdown. Select View | Customize and click on the Reset button for each choice in the Toolbars tab.
- Added the GETEXTERNALDATA function, which gets fields from other tables. This allows you to create your own composite views,
eliminating the need for composite dictionaries (@Znna). Each table used for the view must contain the same Link identifier. For example, you can add the Customer Name to the A/R Customer Transactions. There are two ways to use the function: 1 - Define an associated view (ex. Customers), and then in that view, select 'Copy column to another View', then in the primary view (ex. Transactions) select 'Paste Column from another View'. 2 - When in the primary view, select Edit | Insert Related Column (Alt F8). A list of modules is presented, then a list of tables in the module and finally a list of fields in the table. The fields will be alphabetical if that option was originally selected when defining the view
- Added the GETLINKEDVALUE function, which returns fields within another view that was created with a table that does not contain a
Link identifier . This function is similar to VLOOKUP in Excel. For example, add the Balance Outstanding field from a view created from the A/R Customer Master table to a calculated column within a view created from the OE History Detail table.
- Added the GETLINKEDRESULT function, which copies the original column Total, Min, Max or Average result to a calculated column
in another view. This result might then be used in a calculation within the destination view. For example, you can add the column total of the Balance Outstanding field from a view created from the A/R Customer Master table to a calculated column within a view created for the OE History Detail table.
- The 'Selected Fields' choice was added to the form when defining Filters, Calculated Columns and Row Formats. Selected Fields are
the ones that are on the current View. The list is presented in the order they appear on the view or in alphabetical order if that option was selected when defining the View.
- When you open a view or workspace that has been saved with data, the status line along the bottom of the GridView windows now
displays a message indicating the name of the view being loaded, which could take several seconds or minutes. In previous versions the status line only displayed 'For Help, press F1' during this time.
- Edit | Defaults | 'On Start up do' now includes the 'Open Workspace' option.
- The Named Items file is loaded when a workspace is opened from the Inquiries menu in Adagio applications.
- Calculated Columns can now be edited directly from the View, using the right-click menu. In previous versions, the Edit / Calculated
Columns function was required to edit the column. This makes editing calculated columns faster and easier to use.
- View file properties added to show the file name, description, type, index file(s) and other information. Select and right-click on the
top left-most cell of the view to display the properties.
- GridView 9.0B allowed you to save your Adagio User Id and Password, and defaulted them from your Windows authenticated user
name when logging in. This option may now be turned off by editing SoftraksystemADS.INI and adding the lines: [Options] RememberUser=0 RememberPassword=0
- Individual Item Number segments can be shown as separate fields in views. The field names are set to the Segment Name fields
from the System Options tab in the Company Profile in Adagio Inventory. You must open the database at least once with Inventory 8.1C before these fields become available.
- Updated and added to the sample views installed in softrakgvwiniewsadagio. SummarizeSales.gvs (workspace) shows how to
set up Sort Sequences. AP Invoices to Pay.gv (view) shows connecting Filters to Named Row Formats, and also uses GetExternalData to get the Vendor Name into the AP Transaction table view. CustomersWithPaidSales.gvs (workspace) shows how to retrieve a subtotal from one view to use in another (in this case, for sorting). CustomersWithRecentOEdocs.gvs (workspace) shows how to use GetLinkedValue formulas to report the most recent transaction for each customer.
- Updated sample data to the most current versions, including GL 9.0C, AR 9.0B, AP 8.1C, and IC 8.1C.
- The Delete key has been disabled on columns unless GridView-RW is active. In previous versions the Delete key cleared the
contents of the fields in the column, whereas the Delete in the pop-up menu deleted the entire column.
- When renaming a column you are now prevented from using the same name as an existing column or calculated column, thus
preventing potential problems when linking on the field.
- When GridView is opened from the menu in an Adagio application by a user with a blank Adagio password it no longer displays the
Open dialog and waits for user input (same behavior as for other Adagio applications).
- If you opened a workspace, closed all the views in it and then closed GridView, it asked if wanted to close all views even though
none were open.
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