Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio Payables 8.1C
August 10, 2010
- Added new function User Preferences under the File menu. It allows you to set certain options by user that were previously global, including options previously found under File | Options, Reports | Report Options and from the Company Profile (company background color and On Start-up functions). The preferences can optionally be set for all users and preferences can be printed. If no individual user preferences have been set up for a user, all preferences originally set for the Adagio System Administrator, user SYS, will be used.
- The option 'Auto-advance smart finder' has been added (in the User Preferences function). It controls whether the focus is on the previously found grid or on the search criteria field when the smart finder is opened. Select the option if you want focus to be on the next row in the grid, allowing you to press F6, Enter and select each item in turn through the found list. Turn it off if you usually want to search by new criteria each time the smart finder is invoked. In either case the position is advanced in the grid each time the finder is opened. When the smart finder Grid is opened, you can toggle the focus between the Grid and the selection criteria by pressing F6.
- The option 'Implied decimal' has been added (in the User Preferences function). Turn the option on if you want a decimal automatically entered before the last two digits. For example, typing 400 in an amount field and tabbing to the next field will result in the number being changed to 4.00; typing 400.00 and tabbing to the next field will leave the number as 400.00. With the option off, typing in 400 will result in the number being changed to 400.00 (the behavior in previous versions). Percent fields and exchange rate fields are not affected by this setting. The setting is by Adagio user, for all companies, and when set in any Adagio module, it is set for all Adagio module versions that support it.
- The option 'Alphabetically sorted field list' has been added (in the User Preferences function). Turn this option on if you want field lists in the Column Editor and Filters fields sorted alphabetically.
- Column Editor settings are now saved by grid by user by database.
- Optional Fields have been significantly improved with the addition of edit controls to validate optional field entry within and across an Adagio module(s). Users can control whether a text field, combo box or Finder field is used to validate optional field entries. Data can be restricted as to length and case. Fields shared between modules (such as Adagio Receivables Customer optional fields in Adagio OrderEntry) will automatically inherit the same validation rules. Module by module control of field entry and validation is available.
- You now have explicit control of how a vendor record is displayed in any vendor selection grid. File | Edit Styles allows the creation of named styles with a colored background and font color. User control of font attributes bold and italic are also supported. Named styles may be assigned to individual vendors by editing a record or importing the style you wish to use. The style controls the display of a vendor on the grid. Use this feature to highlight vendors paid by EFT or vendors with 1099 totals. Adagio Styles are shared globally between all Adagio modules and company datasets.
- Display just the records you need in your main vendor selection grid. User defined filters can select and instantly display vendor records that meet specific criteria in a user specified sequence. Column settings are saved by grid for each filter by user by database. Up to 5 selection rules can be defined per filter. Compare data elements to a constant value (YTD Payments > $10,000), another data element (Balance Outstanding > Credit Limit) or, in the case of dates, to a “floating date range” (Last invoice date in Last 30 days). A 'Week starts on' field has been added to System Options tab in the Company Profile. Grid Filters also allow you sort grids by multiple fields. Grid Filters may be public or private. Vendor filters are refreshed automatically when a Data Integrity Check is performed (including in DataCare) or on demand. Styles can be automatically applied to records that belong to a specific group, making it easy to identify important records according to criteria that you choose. The Display Style may also be set manually in the Edit Vendor function. The manual and automatic style code for the vendor print on the Vendor List and Statistics report in the Profile section. The Apply Styles function in the Maintenance menu allows you to apply multiple filter styles simultaneously. Filters can be toggled on/off on the vendor grid.
- Data Integrity Check (DIC) will automatically reset all filter Styles used based on the Style priority set in the vendor filter. For vendors that no longer meet any filter criteria, any filter style previously assigned to them is removed and reset to the Standard style. No messages or warnings are given in DIC.
- Data Integrity Check (DIC) automatically removes any styles set using the Calculate Vendor Aging function. These styles may be reapplied by rerunning the Calculate Vendor Aging function.
- Users can now post batches while other users are entering batches or printing reports (only while a report is printing or being previewed, but not while the work file is being created).
- Calculate Vendor Aging function added, to calculate aging buckets in vendor records for use with Grid Filters or when creating custom reports in Crystal Reports or custom views in GridView.
- Document Status options have been added to the Transaction Detail screen in the Edit Vendor function. This allows you to force a payment or place an invoice on hold without having to use the Payment Control function.
- You can now change the Bank Code of a manual check batch using Rename batch (as long as the batch contains no printed checks and the new Bank is in the same currency). This is helpful if you've accidentally entered a batch for the wrong bank.
- Added the option 'Exclude Ranges' to Report Options (now in the new User Preferences function). If 'Remember report options' is on and 'Exclude Ranges' is also on, field ranges in general (including date ranges) are not remembered but other report settings are remembered.
- You can now specify a desktop background color, image and/or text constant to display on the Adagio desktop. Use this feature to display your company logo. Use the text strings to make the company name prominent on the desktop. Any JPG or other graphic image can be centered or stretched to fit on the main program desktop. These settings are made on the Appearance tab in the User Preferences function.
- Added an Excel Direct button to the Edit Vendor and Vendor Inquiries grids.
- Excel Direct from grids now has a progress bar and cancel for grids with a very large number of rows.
- Composite tables previously found in the Composite dictionary 'Adagio {Composite Tables 8.0C V3}' have been added to the 'Adagio Payables 8.1B-8.1C' dictionary, including AP Trans w Vendor and AP Hist w Vendor.
- Corrected problems when converting from Adagio Payables 6.8x databases.
- When you enter a non-existent vendor code for an invoice and it asks if you want to create a new vendor, if you say No (i.e. you entered an incorrect vendor code rather than intending to add a new vendor on the fly) the cursor now returns to the vendor field to allow you to enter the correct code, rather than advancing to the Document type field.
- When editing a vendor or creating a new vendor, picking a Distribution code that does not have a GL Account defined will not clear the Account/Department already entered for the vendor. Importing the Distribution code into the vendor record does not clear an existing Account/Department either.
- After viewing a vendor with an active Alert in version 8.1B, when you created a new vendor the new vendor has the previous vendor's Alert text.
- After copying a vendor with notes, when you next edited a vendor, the notes grid had 2 heading rows instead of just 1. If you then added notes to any vendor before closing the vendor grid, the notes were added to the wrong vendor.
- If you turn on the 'Uppercase vendor codes' option when there are existing vendors with lowercase numbers, you will now receive the message "You cannot edit a mixed case vendor code when 'Uppercase vendor codes' is turned on" when you edit one of these vendors. The vendor is then displayed in View mode. In version 8.1B, if you edited the vendor, the Data Integrity Check reported an error and the rebuilt caused data corruption.
- The Currency code is now displayed on the vendor screen and transaction details screens for multi-currency databases.
- The formatted phone numbers did not display correctly on the vendor inquiry screen in version 8.1B.
- The Document field has been enabled in invoice batch entry when 'Auto-generate invoice number' is on in the vendor. This allows larger companies with multiple locations/departments, that record invoices from the same vendor for different locations, to make use of this feature to simplify the data entry process, provide consistency to the document numbering scheme using the date variable options, while still helping prevent duplicates.
- If the 'Validate ledger account' option in the Company Profile is set to 'Account-department' or 'Account only', when you entered an account for which the first Account/Department pair was inactive in Ledger, intending to enter a different Department (for an active account) you received a warning that the account was in active when you tabbed out of the Account field and could not leave the field without selecting the desired account using the finder.
- The 'Active records only' option was missing in the Column Editor for the finder on GL Account / Department fields.
- If the 'Require batch print before posting' and 'Auto print posting journal after post' options were on and you tried to post a batch without printing it first the posting journal print dialog was displayed even though the batch was not posted.
- In the Check Reconciliation function, when you posted a reversed check with a date in a closed fiscal period an error occurred and the post was not completed.
- If the Multicurrency Revaluation function was open in Receivables you could not open it in Payables.
- The Original Amount and Current Amount totals fields were switched (and thus wrong) on the multi-currency Open Payables report in some cases.
- After running Multicurrency Revaluation, the Home Current Amount on the Open Payables report printed the original amount before revaluation instead of the revalued amount if you set the date of the report to be prior to the revaluation date.
- The setting you selected for the 'Exclude zero dollar amounts' option on the Pre-Check Register was not remembered.
- The options you selected when printing Letters and 1099s were not remember correctly in some cases.
- The check specification you selected in the Print Blank Check Stock function was not remembered in version 8.1B.
- The workstation install (WKSETUP.EXE) and the auto-workstation install for Payables 8.1B (2010.05.12) incorrectly set the path to the APWIN.EXE file in the Windows start menu and desktop icon to the local C drive instead of to the network drive.
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