Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 8.1C

May 7, 2010

  • Compatible with Adagio Invoices 9.0A. Compatibility with earlier versions of Adagio Invoices is maintained.

  • Fully compatible with Windows 7. Supports MAPI email interface to Outlook and other mail clients on Windows 7.

  • Added an Excel Direct button to various grids, including Edit / View Customer and the customer transactions tab for Receivables, OrderEntry, Invoices and Time&Billing transactions. Also the Edit / View Item grids. Use the 'Enable SF Export' option in Edit User to enable or disable the Excel Direct button.

  • Excel Direct from grids now has a progress bar and cancel for grids with a very large number of rows.

  • Supports the 'Implied decimal' option added in Ledger 9.0C (in the User Preferences function). The setting is by Adagio user, for all companies, and when set in any Adagio module it is set for all Adagio module versions that support it. Turn the option on if you want a decimal automatically entered before the last two digits. For example, typing 400 in an amount field and tabbing to the next field will result in the number being changed to 4.00; typing 400.00 and tabbing to the next field will leave the number as 400.00. With the option off, typing in 400 will result in the number being changed to 400.00 (the behavior in previous versions). Percent fields and exchange rate fields are not affected by this setting.

  • The Help | About dialog now has a 'System Info' tab showing the version and path to various DLLs used by the program.

  • The Designer supports UNC paths. If you open Invoices data with UNC path (rather than a mapped drive) then the Open Invoice/Order Specification dialog changes and does not have a folder view but uses a browse instead. In previous versions the dialog gave an error. If a mapped network drive is used the dialog is the same as in previous versions.

  • Added 'Report Preview Options' in the File | Options function to allow you to set the default preview zoom factor (percentage) and preview window state (full screen or partial screen) for previewing reports to screen. These settings are saved by workstation. Note: this applies to previewing reports only (but not previewing orders, invoices and credit notes).

  • A Department code field was added to Territories and ShipTo Addresses in Receivables 9.0A (2009.09.28) to allow departmentalizing revenue and cost. This feature is now supported in Adagio OrderEntry. If a Department code is entered on the Territory record, it will override any Department code that has been entered in the Location record within Adagio Inventory. However, even if a Department code is entered on the Territory record, it can be overridden by any Department code within a ShipTo record being used. The Department code overrides the Department in GL Accounts in the Category in Adagio Inventory.

  • The option 'Use base price list if not found' on the System Options tab in the Company Profile, which was an on/off setting, can now be set to 'Disallow', 'Warning or 'No warning'. The 'No warning' setting allows you avoid getting a warning for every item that is not on the price list.

  • The performance of the Application Integrity Check phase in the Data Integrity Check has been significantly improved and may be up to 10 times or more faster across a network on a large database, providing there is sufficient memory in the workstation.

  • The Data Integrity Check now detects and corrects invoices where the Total Dollar Value is incorrect, whereas in previous versions only the Total Order Value was checked and corrected by a rebuild.

  • If there are errors during any import function, the error message dialog displaying the error (e.g. "Errors have been written to the log file C:\softrak\data\xxIMPERR.ddd.") now allows you to view or print the log file.

  • Excel Direct (from finders, smart finders and from grids in some modules) can be configured to export an ASCII CSV file (instead of Adagio OrderEntry 8.1C 2 of 5 OE20100507 18-May-2010 sending data direct to Excel) and start an application that automatically opens the file. This allows export when Excel is not installed and provides support for other spreadsheets such as OpenOffice.org. Note that unlike Excel Direct there is no formatting with CSV. To enable this functionality, entries must be made manually in the file \softrak\system\ssi2xl.ini. Refer to the Configuring Excel Direct to Export to CSV topic in the Readme help for details.

  • In 8.1C, if you entered an order with only miscellaneous charges (no items), when edited a miscellaneous charge you received an 'Invalid Floating Point Operation' error.

  • An error occurred in OrderEntry 8.1C when you restored an order from history for a customer who is over their credit limit (but not On Hold), preventing the order from being restored.

  • The smart finder did not work correctly for the ShipTo field on the New Order dialog in 8.1C if Receivables is 9.0A.

  • The Payment Method was not verified when entering a payment on an order/invoice. If a invalid Payment Method was entered and the resulting cash posted in Receivables, the batch created for BankRec was corrupt and could not be retrieved.

  • When the Costing Unit for an item is different than the Pricing Unit, the unit cost was in the Costing Unit of the item, instead of the Pricing Unit. The Extended Cost was correct and the costing in the GL was correct. If you used GridView or a specification driven document to show the Unit Price and Unit Cost of an detail, the cost could be significantly different and appear wrong, as compared to the price. The Unit Cost and the display cost are now converted to the Pricing Unit. This way the order entry clerk can compare "apples to apples". This change has been made for new documents in Enter Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes, Display Orders Invoices/Credit Notes, and History. In some cases, if the units of an Alternate price list item were different than the master item units, the wrong Cost Unit was displayed. If you have items where the Pricing Unit does not match the Costing Unit, you must complete Dayend before installing this Hot Fix. After this version is installed: 1) when a credit note is created for an existing invoice, the Unit Cost will default from the original invoice. If the original Costing Unit was different than the Pricing Unit, the unit cost will need to be adjusted before the credit note is posted; 2) unshipped orders for items or alternate price list items that use User specified costing will need to be modified to ensure that the unit cost matches the new unit on the detail (i.e. the Pricing Unit). Note: If your Pricing and Costing Units are always the same, none of this applies to you and can be ignored.

  • If the Costing Unit on a master item is different than the Costing Unit on the alternate price list item, and the 'Warn if Price below Cost' option was on, the warning was displayed when it should not have been in some cases.

  • Once an invoice has been Dayended, the cost that displayed on an invoice item detail in Enter Orders/Invoices/Credit notes is the actual cost of the Pricing Unit instead of the display cost (based on the Profile or Group setting for Cost to Display).

  • For Standard cost items, including Alternate price list items, the unit cost is now always the Standard Cost. For Alternate price list items, prior to Dayend, the unit cost was the Markup cost.

  • In version 8.1C (2009.07.31), when the Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes grid was sorted in reverse (most recent documents at the top of the list), the grid positioned at the bottom (oldest) instead of the top (newest).

  • In version 8.1C (2009.07.31) the Detail dialog screen could be sized. However, size was not saved separately by detail type, resulting in the size of screens for Misc Changes, Comments, Serial Numbers and Instructions being the same as for Items and overly large, which covered the detail list grid below.

  • If you created a Credit Note and then removed the Salesperson and posted this caused the Day End function to fail. You are now prevented from saving a Credit Notes with a blank Salesperson.

  • If Receivables 9.0A is used, when you edited an existing order that had no quantity shipped, the 'Def. OE Discount' percentage from the customer was reloaded, overriding the overall Discount percent on the Totals tab on the order. This caused the discount to be incorrect in cases where a discount other than the default customer discount was used on the order.

  • If your email method is set to Direct, you used the send option of 'Now' and you did not select to use an Email Cover sheet, the email that is received does not include the document as an attachment but shows as garbled text in the body of the email.

  • Previewing the Special Prices report did not work in 8.1C if Receivables is 9.0A.

  • The Order Action report in version 8.1C (2009.07.31) falsely gave the error "Starting value cannot be greater than ending value" when single segment item numbers are used.

  • The Edit button was disabled when you viewed a customer from the Customer Inquiry. The Edit button was also disabled on the Transaction tab when you opened the customer from within document entry.

  • When you selected Historical transactions for Receivables on the Transactions tab in edit / view customer, loading the grid was noticeably slow when across a network. In addition, if the Transactions tab was the last tab you visited in the customer, the next time you opened a customer it was noticeably slow. Adagio OrderEntry 8.1C 3 of 5 OE20100507 18-May-2010

  • When you created a new Special Price by Category for a customer that is set to use an Alternate Price List, the bottom half of the screen showed the 'Alternate Item Pricing Information' rather than the 'Alternate Category Pricing Information'.

  • When a ShipTo Code is created in OrderEntry, the Tax Status now defaults from the Customer.

  • The Cost total displayed at the bottom of the Display History, Items tab, was incorrect when documents contained items where the costing unit is not the same as the selling unit.

  • In 8.1C, if you imported an order from a file that does not contain the Price List field and the order has a Shipto, the Price List was not being read into the Order from the Shipto Address.

  • When an order that doesn’t contain a Tax Type is imported in 8.1C, the Tax Type now defaults from the customer’s Invoicing tab Tax Type, rather than setting it to zero.

  • The 'Det-Expected Shipping Date' field was added to Import Orders.

  • Typing the Adagio user password on the Open dialog displayed the characters very slowly when on a network in rare cases.

  • In OrderEntry 8.1C, you could not log in as any user other than SYS unless Security Groups where defined.

  • The 'Last access' date was not updated if the program was started from the Adagio menu of another application or from an icon with parameters that bypassed the login screen. Therefore the field was not up to date on the login screen the next time you started the program.

  • In version 8.1C, if a customer had an OE Special Price for an item and the 'Always use special price?' option was not selected, the Sale Price for the item or alternate item was not selected when it was the lowest price. The price defaulted to higher Special Price. This has been corrected in entry, import and restore from history.

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