Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio Receivables 9.0A
May 4, 2010
- Compatible with Adagio Invoices 9.0A. Compatibility with earlier versions of Adagio Invoices is maintained.
- Fully compatible with Windows 7. Supports MAPI email interface to Outlook and other mail clients on Windows 7.
- Added an Excel Direct button to various grids, including Edit / View Customer and the customer transactions tab for Receivables,
OrderEntry, Invoices and Time&Billing transactions. Use the 'Enable SF Export' option in Edit User to enable or disable the Excel Direct button.
- Excel Direct from grids now has a progress bar and cancel for grids with a very large number of rows.
- The Help | About dialog now has a 'System Info' tab showing the version and path to various DLLs used by the program.
- Supports the 'Implied decimal' option added in Ledger 9.0C (in the User Preferences function). The setting is by Adagio user, for all
companies, and when set in any Adagio module it is set for all Adagio module versions that support it. Turn the option on if you want a decimal automatically entered before the last two digits. For example, typing 400 in an amount field and tabbing to the next field will result in the number being changed to 4.00; typing 400.00 and tabbing to the next field will leave the number as 400.00. With the option off, typing in 400 will result in the number being changed to 400.00 (the behavior in previous versions). Percent fields and exchange rate fields are not affected by this setting.
- Excel Direct (from finders, smart finders and from grids in some modules) can be configured to export an ASCII CSV file (instead of
sending data direct to Excel) and start an application that automatically opens the file. This allows export when Excel is not installed and provides support for other spreadsheets such as OpenOffice.org. Note that unlike Excel Direct there is no formatting with CSV. To enable this functionality, entries must be made manually in the file \softrak\system\ssi2xl.ini. Refer to the Configuring Excel Direct to Export to CSV section for details.
- When you selected Historical transactions for Receivables on the Transactions tab in edit / view customer, loading the grid was
noticeably slow when across a network. In addition, if the Transactions tab was the last tab you visited in the customer, the next time you opened a customer it was noticeably slow.
- When adding new customer, the 'Def. OE Discount' field was defaulted from the previous customer rather than being set to zero.
- The currency code is now displayed beside the Original Rate field on the Transaction Details screen in the customer edit / view
- When a ShipTo Code is added to a customer the Tax Type now defaults from the customer's Tax Type. Likewise, when a ShipTo
Code is imported the Tax Type defaults from the customer's Tax Type.
- The sort selection for the customer grid in edit and view customer functions is now remembered between sessions.
- A warning message is displayed in batch entry if you enter a job number in an invoice that is for a different customer than the invoice
is for.
- If you entered an invalid date in a batch with the 'Allow edit of accounting date' option off in the Company Profile, and then corrected
the date using the calendar, in very rare cases all batch entries made from that point displayed the message "Ledger fiscal period for the date assigned is closed". Adagio Receivables 9.0A 2 of 7 AR20100504 23-Apr-10
- The payment amount entered on an invoice was rounded to remove the pennies (when it should not have been) if you changed the
default amount in some cases.
- The Payment Method was not verified when entering cash or a payment on an invoice. If a invalid Payment Method was entered
posted, the batch created for BankRec was corrupt and could not be retrieved.
- The Designer supports UNC paths. If you open Invoices data with UNC path (rather than a mapped drive) then the Open Statements
/ Letters Specification dialog changes and does not have a folder view but uses a browse instead. In previous versions the dialog gave an error. If a mapped network drive is used the dialog is the same as in previous versions.
- The Print Statements / Letters function displayed an error message if you used the 'Select customers based on balance' option and
selected 'Zero Balance' to print statements for customers with a zero balance.
- The transaction description (spec code D10, trans description 1) only printed the first 30 characters. It now prints the full 40
- Emailing statements using the Now option (rather than the Add to Queue option) did not populate fields from the Company Profile in
email covers.
- Added the option 'Exclude Current' to the Overdue Receivables report to suppress the listing of all current and future-dated
transactions. This option suppresses invoices where the Due Date is later than the report date. This option is useful in reducing the amount of paper generated when you have postdated invoices.
- Added a finder for the Customer Name on print report dialogs and the Mark Customers Inactive, Delete Inactive Customers function
and Update Recurring Charges functions.
- Added the Terms Code field to the list of Sort By fields on the Overdue Receivables report.
- If the Customer Name was selected as a Sort by field in the Customer Transactions report the error message 'Critical error 2022
unknown error starting index build' occurred in some cases.
- For balance forward customers, the outstanding balance was incorrect on the Aged Trial Balance report in some cases.
- Current invoices for Balance Forward customers were always aged into the last period (i.e. over 90 days) on the Aged Trial Balance
- The Tax Tracking report showed credit note tax amounts as positive instead of negative. This has been corrected for new postings.
- The Retrieve Transactions Batches function did not show the invoice/cash batches from all applications (including third-party
products) in some cases if there were batches from more than one application available to be retrieved.
- You could not retrieve a cash batch from Adagio BankRec after installing Receivables 9.0A (2009.09.28) and received the error
"Batch resource file X:\....datapath\BRCBR8AR.DAT for application BR is missing. This batch cannot be retrieved." This was not a problem for sites that enter cash in Receivables rather than BankRec.
- The Year End screen now warns that you must ''Retrieve the G/L batch into Adagio Ledger" rather than stating "G/L transaction
report - Must print & clear first" if a Ledger database is present, as that is the proper action required.
- The Create Write-off Batch function created an empty adjustment batch when no records matched the criteria (i.e. none were
- Typing the Adagio user password on the Open dialog displayed the characters very slowly when on a network in rare cases.
- The Data Integrity Check in 9.0A was not correctly checking open batches. NOTE: The first DIC run after installing the fix may detect
existing errors that were not detected in earlier releases. In most cases the DIC will be able to rebuild the errors and they should not be a cause for concern.
- For the 9.0A (2009.09.28) Service Pack, the Data Integrity Check rebuild function can add transaction matching records missing from
history due to previous database problems. This can correct problems in the Aged Trial Balance report when printed 'Calculate as of’ a date in the past. The new option 'Check history during DIC?' in the Company Profile must be on. The DIC has been further enhanced to correct problems in this case.
- If there are errors during any import function, the error message dialog displaying the error (e.g. "Errors have been written to the log
file C:\softrak\data\xxIMPERR.ddd.") now allows you to view or print the log file.
- Added 'Overwrite records?' and 'Add new records?' options to the Import Contacts/Shipto function. In previous versions both were
selected automatically.
- When importing customers with the 'Overwrite records?' option set to update existing customers, address line 4 was not updated
when the 'Format Address' option was off in the customer. Adding new customers did not have a problem. Adagio Receivables 9.0A 3 of 7 AR20100504 23-Apr-10
- If a Receivables 9.0A Hot Fix was installed the error "Unable to open data file Security Groups @@81ASCG, (1213)." occurred when
you created a new database or converted a database older than 8.1A in some cases.
- When Receivables is converted to 9.0A and the ShiptTo Addresses in OrderEntry are converted to ShipTo Codes in the Customer,
the Tax Type (0 - 9) now defaults from the customer's Tax Type rather than being set to zero. NOTE: If you have ShipTo addresses in different jurisdictions requiring a different Tax Type than the customer they must be edited and changed manually. The import and export Contacts/Shipto functions may also be used.
- If your OE data was originally created by ACCPAC® Plus™ Order Entry you could not retrieve cash batches from OE after installing
Receivables 9.0A (2009.09.28) and received the error: "Unknown field type error reading batch file X:\....datapath\OEARCBCH.DAT, header field 0. Please contact Softrak Systems Technical Support."
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