Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio FX 8.1C

November 29, 2010

  • Compatible with QuickBooks 2011. NOTE: Adagio FX 9.0A is NOT compatible with any version of QuickBooks.

  • Compatible with Simply Accounting 2010.

  • Compatible with Windows 7.

  • Updated Adagio Ledger sample data to 9.0B.

  • You could not open the sample data with the Simply Accounting or QuickBooks versions of FX. For these versions the option Open sample data' has been added to the Open Adagio FX Data screen. This was not a problem in the Pro version or the product Evaluation version.

  • Install, workstation install and Service Pack install now support installing to a LINUX server without the special command line parameter /LINUX. Note: This prevents problems with future installs but if you encounter a problem with read-only files from a previous install you must correct it manually to set all Adagio files to read-write. Financial Statement Designer

  • Duplicate row / column now retains all formatting, including shading.

  • Statement recalculation happens automatically when changing fiscal periods and toggling zero suppress.

  • Expanding a .Range or .RangeDept that is "Hide when printed" now copies that attribute to the expanded rows.

  • User level departmental restrictions have been significantly improved. Users restricted to specific departments may now add, modify and delete statement groups. Additionally, if they have modify access to a statement, they may make changes and still be restricted to the departments they are authorized to view. Statement groups may be flagged as only being available to the “SYS” user.

  • The cell containing the column specifier in a .ColSpec row can now support multiple values. Drag the values you want available at the top of the column from the “Data View” onto the cell. A drop-down will be created containing all the specification codes selected. Users can choose which value they want displayed using the drop down. To reset the cell to an empty value, right mouse click on the cell and select “Clear contents” from the pop-up context menu.

  • In the financial statement, you can now use the $Y parameter in the header or footer of the statement to place the string “As of Month dd, yyyy”. The date will be for the fiscal period of the statement.

  • A "Clear Selections" button has been added to the Select Fields dialogue of the Drag & Drop process to insure that you do not get any unwanted fields.

  • A "Clear" button has been added to the View | Customize | Settings dialogue to clear all of the optional settings.

  • The Select Fields dialogue of the Drag & Drop process now shows which sections have a field selected.

  • The function =GLDESC() no longer reports an error when referring to a blank cell for the account range.

  • When sending a statement to Excel as values, the performance of deleting the hidden rows has been noticeably improved. Also, for large sheets with many rows the same size, the sizing of rows and columns has been noticeably improved. Adagio FX 8.1C 2 of 3 FX20100113 25-Jan-10

  • Import from ExcelDirect now works properly with Vista and Excel 2007.

  • QuerySheet would not return the correct cell value when columns above “AA” were referenced rather than as a named range.

  • Using the ExcelDirect function on strings containing a “-“ resulted in Excel formatting them as dates. This has been fixed.

  • The BAL_M field now reports the correct amount for income statement accounts when printing for fiscal period 1.

  • A damaged chart of accounts group tree would result in the financial reporter hanging. This condition is detected in more cases.

  • The drill-down from the financial statement did not work properly if a transaction description was more than 38 characters.

  • Sending a sheet to Excel now executes the .Verify commands prior to the export.

  • Right Button | Insert formula | Current Date and Current Time correctly formats the cell.

  • Fixed a problem with placement of a graphic when using ExcelDirect from the Financial Reporter.

  • GLAMT now returns 0 (rather than an error) if referencing an empty cell for the account range.

  • VSUM has been changed to ignore hidden cells (zero height or width ). You can now do a VSUM( D11..D19) when collapsed with one or more of the rows being .Range and when you expand you will get the correct total. SUM(D11..D19) when expanded will behave as is and possibly double up the total.

  • Zero Suppress in the Financial Reporter did not work in some cases when a cell displayed as zero but actually contained a very small value.

  • The Excel Direct export from the drill-down to transactions in the Financial Reporter did not correctly format certain fields in the resulting Excel worksheet.

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