Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio Inventory 8.1B
December 10, 2009
- Excel Direct (from finders, smart finders and from grids in some modules) can be configured to export an ASCII CSV file (instead of
sending data direct to Excel) and start an application that automatically opens the file. This allows export when Excel is not installed
and provides support for other spreadsheets such as OpenOffice.org. Note that unlike Excel Direct there is no formatting with CSV.
To enable this functionality, entries must be made manually in the file \softrak\system\ssi2xl.ini. Refer to the Configuring Excel Direct
to Export to CSV topic in the Readme help for details.
- Added 'Report Preview Options' in the File | Options function to allow you to set the default preview zoom factor (percentage) and
preview window state (full screen or partial screen) for previewing reports to screen. These settings are saved by workstation. Note:
this applies to previewing reports only (but not previewing statements/letters).
- The Export Physical Inventory Worksheet function now sets the 'Qty counted (stock unit)' field to -1. The Import Physical Inventory
Worksheet function skips any item with -1 in the 'Qty counted (stock unit)' field and the worksheet is not updated, leaving the quantity
on hand unchanged. A zero in the 'Qty counted (stock unit)' field sets the quantity on hand to zero. In Inventory 8.1B, setting the
count to zero skipped the item, and if the physical count was to change the quantity on hand from non-zero to zero, you could not
import this change but had to enter it manually. The import function no longer allows import of a negative 'Qty counted (stock unit)',
except as noted for -1 to skip the item.
- If there are errors during any import function, the error message dialog displaying the error (e.g. "Errors have been written to the log
file C:\softrak\data\xxIMPERR.ddd.") now allows you to view or print the log file.
- The Import Physical Inventory Worksheet function now warns that it will replace the current worksheet for the Location (e.g.
"Worksheet for Location NNN already exists. Import recreates the worksheet. Proceed?"). It now also prompts you to post after the
reconciliation has been imported so that it does not become out of date or get replaced accidentally before it is posted (e.g.
"Worksheet for Location NNN has been successfully imported. Post worksheet?").
- The Import Physical Inventory function now always has validation on. Without validation it ignored errors, thus considering the import
successful and replaced the worksheet with incorrect or partial information. If there is an error during the import the worksheet is no
longer replaced.
- The Export Physical Inventory Worksheet function did not adhere to the 'Suppress 0 qty items' option on the Print Physical Inventory
Worksheet function.
- When you entered Alternate Units in the edit item function the program did not verify that a Conversion Factor was also entered if
you did not visit that field.
- If you made an item active at a location in the Edit Items function (Location tab) when creating new item and the used the Default, or
made the item active in the Item List for Location function, or posted a receipt for that item at a location, the Picking Sequence from
the item did not display in the Item Inquiry (Quantities tab) and was blank. There was no problem if you used the Edit Picking
Sequences function to set the Picking Sequence.
- The 'Last access' date was not updated if the program was started from the Adagio menu of another application or from an icon with
parameters that bypassed the login screen. Therefore the field was not up to date on the login screen the next time you started the
- The Bills of Materials (BOM) inquiry function was missing from security Groups.
- In Inventory 8.1B, the Base Price always showed as 100.00 and the Discount / Markup Price as 0.00 on the Selling Price/Margin
Analysis report for multi-currency databases in Inventory 8.1B.
- In the Adjustment entry function in Inventory 8.1B, if you tried to post adjustments while another user was entering adjustment
transactions, you received the error "Critical error – unknown error deleting data set.".
- Item Inquiry for POs grid now shows the 'Quantity Received' by default.
- Added the option 'Single user adjustment entry' to the System Options tab in the Company Profile. In Inventory 8.1B the adjustment
entry was changed to allow multiple users to add adjustments. However, that disrupted the adjustment entry procedure at some
sites. When the option is off and there is a user in the Adjustments function, other users will receive a message when they attempt to
open the function.
- In Inventory 8.1B, posting an adjustment to a LIFO/FIFO costed item was changed to not update the Receipt info (Receipt Date and
Receipt #).on the Lot, allowing the original receipt information to show on the Costing tab in the Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs.
However, these fields were not cleared when the quantity and cost on the lot were adjusted to zero. They are now cleared in this
case and running the Data Integrity Check will clear these fields if needed.
- The program attempted to create the file SPELL.INI in the \windows folder if it was not there already, even though the Adagio spell
checker maintains this file in the \softrak\spell folder. This caused errors at sites that do not grant the user full permissions to the
local \windows folder.
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