Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Payables 8.1B

November 30, 2009

  • The changes and improvements to Adagio Payables with this release are significant. To make it easier to review the various changes
    that have been made, we have grouped them by function in this release note. This release adds the generic features found in Adagio
    Receivables 9.0A and the AR 9.0A compatibility upgrades to other products, as well as many new features specific to Payables. This
    release also supports the Adagio EFT Add-on product scheduled for release following 8.1B.


  • The Adagio Open Data Dialog has been significantly improved. The Previously Opened database list is now saved by Adagio User
    rather than for all users. The first time an existing user or a new user logs into Adagio Payables 8.1B they will be asked “Would you
    like your historical company access list set up?” Answer yes to have all entries from the Previously Opened list from your prior use of
    Payables copied for your use. The Open Data screen and Previously Opened database list now show the date the database was last
    opened by the user. You may also elect to have Adagio save your Adagio User Id and Password and default them when logging into
    Adagio. The saved information is based on your Windows authenticated user name. This option may be turned off by editing
    softraksystemADS.INI and adding the lines:


  • Options have been added to open functions when the program starts up, including vendor edit, vendor inquiry, invoice, manual check
    and adjustment batch entry, and process imports. Set these options on the System/Report Options tab in the Company Profile.

    Data Integrity Check

  • Rebuilding File Integrity Errors (also known as phase 1) across a network on large databases is significantly faster.

  • The Data Integrity Check now finds orphan alternate payee records and the rebuild removes them. Any such errors that existed in
    your database prior to converting to 8.1B will now show up. This is not a cause for concern.

  • The Data Integrity Check (DIC) function can be set to automatically do a backup of the database if there are no errors reported by
    setting the ‘Auto-backup after DIC’ option on the System/Report Options tab in the Company Profile. The backup details and backup
    filename are shown in the DIC log. A backup is now done automatically when you do a Rebuild on a database with errors.


  • Adagio Payables will optionally create a backup of related data whenever a Data Integrity Check (DIC) completes without errors.
    Adagio Payables will offer to create a backup of a database prior to applying any “fix” as a result of the “Rebuild” option being
    selected to repair damaged data. Backup details are written to the DIC log file. The multi-currency files for single currency databases
    are now backed up when you backup a ‘Complete Dataset’.

    Vendor Edit and Inquiry

  • Extensive improvements have been made to the grid used to select vendors to view or edit. Vendor grids can be sorted by Vendor
    Number, Name or Phone Number using the right mouse context menu. The Column Editor allows you to hide inactive vendors when
    the grid is displayed in vendor number sequence. The Find button allows you to locate a vendor by entering their vendor number, name (without case sensitivity) or telephone number. If an inactive vendor is located and these records are suppressed from the grid,
    the user is able to activate the vendor (if the user has permission to edit vendors).

  • Added “Auto-generate invoice number” option to vendors for vendors who send you a statement rather than an invoice, such as
    utility companies. An associated 'Invoice number format' field has also been added to the vendor, allowing literal characters and
    values from the date. For example: “Stmnt: %mmm %yy” would result in a document number “Stmnt: Oct 09” for October’s
    statement. When entering an invoice for such vendors a document number is generated according to the format in the vendor. A
    check is done to see if the document has already been posted. This helps prevent duplicate entry in cases where you do not have a
    unique invoice number from the vendor. In invoice batch entry the Document field is disabled and cannot be edited. Changing the
    Date will update the date values in Document field. The Cash Invoice number field in manual checks also uses this feature.

  • Entry of vendor codes has been improved with the addition of several options on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company Profile.
    ‘Uppercase vendor codes’ forces all vendor codes to upper case. ‘Auto-fill vendor codes' allows you to set all vendor codes to the
    same length by automatically filling the entry form to the specified length. The fill character can be specified. A vendor code mask
    can be used to make sure that new vendor codes conform to a company standard. Vendor codes are validated only when new
    vendor records are added. These are the valid characters:

    A -Uppercase alphabetic only “A-Z”
    a - Upper or lowercase alphabetic only “A-Z, a-z”
    B - Uppercase alphabetic only “A-Z” and blank
    B - Upper or lowercase alphabetic only “A-Z, a-z” and blank
    9 - Numeric only “0-9”
    N - Uppercase alphanumeric only “0-9, A-Z”
    n - Upper or lower case alphanumeric only “0-9, A-Z, a-z”
    S - Uppercase alphanumeric only “0-9, A-Z” and blank
    s - Upper or lower case alphanumeric only “0-9, A-Z, a-z” and blank
    . – (period) Any case alphanumeric and “! - / ”
    ~ - (tilde) Any printable
    _ - (blank) for leading spaces

  • Current and archived purchase orders in Purchase Orders for Adagio can be shown on the Transactions tab in the Edit Vendor and
    Vendor Inquiry functions.

  • The Edit Vendors and Vendor Inquiry screens are larger and can be sized, allowing for more transactions, notes and alerts to be

  • Alt Keys (Speed Keys) have been added to tabs on the Edit Vendors and Vendor Inquiry screens.

  • Copy vendors, control accounts, terms, distributions and banks places you directly in the edit for the newly created record.

  • You can now delete vendors with historical transactions as long as they do not have a balance outstanding or current transactions.

  • You can now add notes and alerts when adding a new vendor. In previous versions you had to save the new vendor first, then edit
    the vendor to add notes and alerts.

  • You can now edit vendor notes from Vendor Inquiry function if the Group allows View but not Edit. Select the option 'Edit Vendor
    Notes' option in the Group if you want to allow this.

  • Added 'Advice print method' field to the vendor. Allows you set default for vendor to Print, Fax, Email, or any combination of the
    three. This is useful when sending payment advices to vendors paid by EFT. It allows you to separate and process advices by print
    method in a single manual check batch where some vendors have email, some only fax and some you want to send by regular mail.
    Note: You can't fax or email an advice to a one-time vendor.

  • You can now edit the due date of current posted transactions for a vendor in the Edit Vendor function. This is useful if you negotiate
    a new due date with a supplier and want this to be reflected in aging reports.

  • Users can now post batches when another user has the vendor grid open.

  • The Edit Vendor and Vendor Inquiry functions remember which tab you were on when a new vendor is selected.

  • Increased the field size for Phone and Fax so more of long numbers can be shown on the screen.

    Other Edit functions

  • The options ‘Enable SF Export’ and ‘Enable SF Printing’ have been added to the Edit User screen to allow you to disable Excel
    Direct in Smart Finders to help safeguard your sales data, vendor list and other information in your database.

  • Default settings for Credit limit, Terms code, Control account set, Distribution set, Distribution, Report group and 1099 Form Type
    used when creating a new vendor have been added to the on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company Profile.

  • The maximum for the 'Keep transaction history for' setting in the Company Profile has been increased from 999 to 9999 days.

  • Added ‘Default bank for manual checks' field on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company Profile. This allows sites with multiple banks
    to have a particular bank code set as the default when creating new manual check batches rather than defaulting to the first bank

  • Added G/L Description 2 field on the Integration tab in the Company Profile for use with Adagio Ledger 9.0A or higher.

  • Added %job to the user-defined GL Send-to field send Job-phase-category to Adagio Ledger 9.0A or higher.

    Batch Entry and Posting

  • Default batch description text can be automatically created with user initials (%usr), date (%dat) and time (%tim) created in a user
    specified format. Multiple date and time formats are supported. These options are set on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company
    Profile. The batch description can still be edited as required when the batch is created.

  • The invoice and manual check batch functions support lookup of vendor by vendor name and phone number. Click the Find button
    on the batch entry screen to lookup by these fields.

  • The invoice, manual check and adjustment batch entry screens are now sizeable. This allows more batch detail lines and more fields
    in the grids to be shown.

  • Batch entry supports the ‘Active’ flag in vendors. Batch entry warns you a vendor is marked inactive and asks if you want to make the
    vendor active. You can save the entry for an inactive vendor but the entry cannot be posted and will be sent to an error batch.
    Checks cannot be printed for inactive vendors in a manual check batch.

  • Batch entry now prevents or warns you when the document date is for a closed period / year in Ledger. The ‘Validate closed periods’
    option on the Integration tab in the Company Profile can be set to Allow, Warn Only, or Disable.

  • In batch entry, selecting an inactive g/l account now generates a warning message.

  • Alt Keys (Speed Keys) have been added to tabs on the manual check batch screen.

  • Added ‘Update document number’ option when copying a batch. This allows you retain the original document number rather than
    having it replaced with automatically with the new batch number and entry number.

  • Job Alerts from Adagio JobCost 8.1B or higher are supported in batch entry.

  • Pops customer/client alerts from AR in the Client field when entering a Time/Billing detail on an invoice if 'TB bill entry' or 'TB time &
    disb.entry' are selected in the alert for the customer.

  • Option 'Alphanumeric manual check numbers?' on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company Profile to allow alpha chars in manual
    check numbers. Use this option if you receive alphanumeric payment confirmation numbers when you pay vendors on-line. It may
    also be required for payments made using EFT.

  • Option 'Uppercase manual check numbers?' on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company Profile. This option is available only when you
    allow alphanumeric check numbers. Unless you already have lower case alphanumeric checks in your database you would normally
    turn this option off.

  • Added option ‘Trim leading zeros from invoice number?’ on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company Profile. Use this option to help
    prevent entering the same invoice with and without a leading zero. Import Invoices function also respects this setting.

  • The batch entry number is now displayed in the title bar of the batch entry window. This helps you keep your place when entering
    transactions from a list on paper. For example, for new batch entries it displays 'Invoice Batch X, New Invoice (Entry 1)'. When
    editing an entry it displays 'Invoice Batch X, Invoice 123456 (Entry 1)'.

  • Added option ‘Auto-assign document number?’ on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company Profile. Turn this option off if you normally
    enter your own document numbers in invoice and adjustment batches and do not want the program to generate a document number
    (not applicable to manual check batches). In previous versions the document number was always auto-assigned. Note: the autoassigned
    document number feature for invoices is overridden by the 'Auto-generate invoice number' option in the vendor.

  • Added option ‘Disable discounts in invoice entry?’ on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company Profile. The Discount date and Discount
    rate are disabled if the Terms code is blank. This prevents the data entry person from changing these fields. (Note: this does not
    prevent selecting a Terms code that has a discount.)

  • A warning message is displayed if you post a manual check batch and any of the checks have not yet been printed.

  • Adjustment batch entry now displays the 'original' document's balance, its 'current' balance and what the 'adjusted' balance will be
    when this adjustment is posted. This clarifies the effect the adjustment will have on the document.

  • Payables now takes of advantage of the longer description fields in Ledger 9.0A and higher when sending transactions to the GL.

    Check Reconciliation

  • When you reverse a check, the invoice(s) the check was applied to are reinstated with the amount of the check and the entries are
    backed out of the GL. In previous versions this included the invoices generated by 'Cash Invoices' posted in manual check batches.
    The option ‘Reverse cash invoice with check?' on the System/Report Options tab in the Company Profile allows you to reverse the
    cash invoice rather than reinstating it. The option can be set to Never, Prompt or Always. If set to Prompt the option 'Reverse cash
    invoice' appears on the Reconcile Check dialog for checks that paid Cash Invoices. Note: If BankRec is being used, the option
    should be set to Prompt to allow you to modify the option on the Payables Reconcile Check dialog. Also Note: In all cases,
    reinstating invoices originating from bills in Time&Billing is not supported and these invoices must be backed out manually.

  • When reversing a check you can now specify the date of the reversal transaction (RC) or select an option to use the issue date of the
    check. In previous versions the session date (login date) was always used. Reversing a check as of the issue date is useful when
    reversing postdated checks and simplifies reconciliation by listing a reversal in the same period as the check. The right-mouse popup
    menu has 2 choices for reversing a check: Reversed (login date) and Reversed (check date).

  • In the Check Reconciliation function, the button "Clear" used to clear the pending status changes, has been changed to "Reset" so
    as not to be confused with clearing the check.

  • Added a finder and smart finder on the Check Number field in the Check Reconciliation function.

    Printing Checks, 1099 and other forms, and the Spec Designer

  • Documents in the Payments grid in the Print/Post Checks & Advices function can be multi-selected and set to Clear or Pay using the
    right-mouse menu. The spacebar can now be used to toggle the document to be cleared or paid in full.

  • You can now print, fax or email letters to vendors. Letters are designed with the Specification Designer.

  • Email and faxing has been enabled in Adagio Payables. This allows you to email or fax advices to vendors when payment has been
    made. This is particularly useful when vendors are paid via EFT or on-line banking systems. Also useful for sending letters generated
    in Payables to your vendors.

  • New toolbar icons in the Designer provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually.

  • Improved 1099 handling at year end. 1099 payments are now date-sensitive. The vendor has Year-to-date and Next Year 1099 total
    buckets. Added the field '1099 Year End' on the System/Report Options tab in the Company Profile. 1099 payments posted after this
    date are accumulated in the Next Year bucket in the vendor. Purge Vendor 1099 function has been added to the Maintenance menu.
    This function clears the Year-to-date total, moves the Next Year total into Year-to-date, and sets the 1099 Year End date to the end
    of the new year.

  • Added Edit 1099 Form Types function. The 1099 Form Type is specified in the vendor. The Print 1099 function allows a range of
    1099 Form Type to select to print 1099s for vendors by type of 1099. On conversion, the Default form type for any vendors with
    1099s turned on will be set to ‘OTHER’. Import will also default to ‘OTHER’ for new vendors if the field is not imported.

  • A 1096 form (summary report of 1099s) can be printed with each set of 1099s you print. You create 1096 forms in the Designer. A
    default template 'Sample 1096 2009' (AP$1096) has been added.

  • New Specification codes are available in the Designer for 1096 forms.
    T01 # of 1099's
    T02 Total of 1099's
  • The default 1099 template 'Sample 1099 2009' (AP$2009) has been updated.

  • When printing specifications (checks, advices, 1099s, 1096 or letters) the list of specifications is now shows only the specifications
    for the Document Type you select to print. Set the Specification Type, under File | Specification Options as appropriate in the
    Designer. Start the designer by selecting Maintain Specifications in the Maintenance menu. Specifications created with earlier
    versions of the designer will display in all print dialogs until they are edited and their document type set. A document type of “Any”
    causes the specification to display in all dialogs.

  • New Specification codes are available in the Designer: Use the specification form “All Check Codes to Sep 2009” to see every field
    available to print on a user defined bill.
    M21 current date
    M22 current time
    M23 check source (prints "Manual Check or "System")
  • Added option 'Print date?' to the Print Blank Check Stock function to allow you to blank check date fields when printing blank stock
    using check specs containing a date field.

  • Added predefined check specification for NEBS ® forms, one for Canada - NEBS Check CPA 559085/559085A (ap$nebsc), on for the US - NEBS Check 559085/559085A (ap$nebsu), to the sample data and templates for creating new checks in the designer.

  • The Designer supports UNC paths. If you open Payables data with UNC path (rather than a mapped drive) then the Open Check
    Specification dialog changes and does not have a folder view but uses a browse instead. In previous versions the dialog gave an
    error. If a mapped network drive is used the dialog is the same as in previous versions.


  • Added 'Report Preview Options' in the File | Options function to allow you to set the default preview zoom factor (percentage) and
    preview window state (full screen or partial screen) for previewing reports to screen. These settings are saved by workstation. Note:
    this applies to previewing reports only (but not previewing checks, advices, 1099s or letters).

  • Added option ‘Prompt to consolidate’ on the Integration tab in the Company Profile. Disabling this option ensures you do not
    accidentally consolidate transactions after printing report with the ‘Print/Consolidate G/L transactions’ function.

  • Added option ‘Close report dialog after print?’ on the System/Report Options tab in the Company Profile. Set this option off if you
    often print reports multiple times with different settings or ranges.

  • Report performance has been improved for most reports including all aging reports, batch listings and posting journals.

  • Added ‘Allow Post Journal purge?’ option on the System/Report Options tab in the Company Profile. If this option is off you cannot
    clear the posting journals after printing them. This prevents accidental purging of posting journals. If this option is off the posting
    journals will be purged as part of Year End.

  • Print button allows you to print a vendor "snapshot" report from Edit Vendor and Vendor Inquiry screens. The report is the same as
    the Vendor List and Statistics report and you can select which items (groups of fields) to print on the report.

  • Non-printed checks are now included in the Check Number Audit List report.

  • The option 'Exclude zero dollar amounts' has been added when printing the Pre-Check Register. Select this option to suppress
    documents that have been cleared (payment set to zero) on the Payments grid in the Print/Post Checks & Advices function.

  • Added ‘Source and home’ option for multi-currency databases on Open Payables, Age Overdue Payables, Aged Cash Requirements
    and Vendor Transactions reports to show both currency values on these reports.

  • The Check Reconciliation report permits alpha characters in the range of check numbers, allowing you to select only the alphanumeric
    payments generated by EFT payments but exclude printed checks. The option 'Alphanumeric manual check numbers? must
    be on.

  • The option to print landscape oriented multi-currency reports on scaled printers was not working reliably and has been replaced with
    an option to ‘Fit to paper size’ (your printer / driver must support ‘Fit to paper size’). Under File | Options, the ‘Multi-currency Report
    Printer / Orientation Landscape’ option ‘Letter on dedicated scaled printer’ (and in some modules, ‘A3’ and ‘A4’) has been replaced
    with ‘Legal fit to other’ option. Use this option to print landscape oriented reports such as report in ‘Source and home’ on letter
    instead of legal size paper. International companies can use this option to print on A4 or A3 paper.

    Import / export

  • Imports can be automatically processed when Payables is started, including import of batches. This makes it easier to import (you
    don’t have to open the import function and find the correct import template) and it warns you there are new transactions to import.
    Set the option 'Auto-import on startup' in the import template and set the 'Process Imports' option on the System/Report Options tab
    in the Company Profile.

  • Old formats such as Lotus, Dbase and Clipper that are almost never used any more have been removed from import / export
    templates, leaving Excel, ASCII CSV (Delimited), ASCII Fixed Length and PSV Delimited. The old formats may be manually turned
    back on for sites that need them. See the Upgrading section below for details.

  • The G/L Account code and G/L Department code fields are validated when importing batches, similar to validation in batch entry.
    This prevents batches accidentally being imported and posted with blank GL accounts.

  • You can now import the Exchange Rate in batches. Previously the rate was always imported as zero and therefore you had to import
    the Rate Type and Rate Date, and the rate had to be on file in Adagio MultiCurrency.

  • Import batches now includes Adagio Time&Billing related data fields.

    Maintenance functions

  • Added Clear Vendor History function. This allows you to purge history transactions by range of vendor and up to a specific date. In
    previous versions you had to run the period end or yearend function to purge history, and these functions purged transactions for all
    vendors. This made it difficult to delete vendors who had historical transactions.

  • Purge Vendor 1099 function has been added to the Maintenance menu. This function clears the Year-to-date total, moves the Next Year total into Year-to-date, and sets the 1099 Year End date to the end of the new year.


  • New toolbar icons provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually.

  • Buttons for Check Reconciliation, System Checks and Payment Control have been added to the toolbar, and buttons for Terms,
    Banks and Distributions have been removed, as former are used more likely to be used on a regular basis and the latter are rarely

  • The date control has been updated to improve the speed of data entry. You can enter just the 1 or 2-character day in any date field
    without having to enter the month or year. The month and year are automatically populated with the initial values from the field. For
    example, if the date is 1/23/2009, typing “22” and tab changes the date to 1/22/2009. You can also enter just 4 characters for the day
    and month (zeros are required) and the year will be populated. This change speeds up data entry in most cases where you need to
    enter a date different than the session date or last remembered date.

  • The Smart Finder performance has been significantly improved across a network.

  • Excel Direct (from finders, smart finders and from grids in some modules) can be configured to export an ASCII CSV file (instead of
    sending data direct to Excel) and start an application that automatically opens the file. This allows export when Excel is not installed
    and provides support for other spreadsheets such as OpenOffice.org. Note that unlike Excel Direct there is no formatting with CSV.
    To enable this functionality, entries must be made manually in the file softraksystemssi2xl.ini. Refer to the Readme help file for

  • The File | Options, Field Verification option has been removed. Fields are always verified during entry.

  • The Help Menu has been modified to allow you to launch the Adagio System Status utility (chksys.exe) and print the Adagio Lanpak
    registration form.

  • When Adagio GridView 9.0A or higher is opened from the Adagio menu, Adagio Payables will be displayed as the first line on the
    Select Module screen so you do not need to scroll down to find it.

  • WebSafe changed to vitalEsafe™ in the Backup function to reflect the 3rd party name change.

  • Automatically copies help files (*.chm) to the local drive so that Service Packs do not require a workstation install just to update the
    readme help file.

  • You can now view the EFT file produced. A View button has been added to the EFT Batch Creation dialog. To enable this feature,
    set the new option 'Enable view file?' added to the EFT tab in the Company Profile.

  • The Help | About dialog now has a 'System Info' tab showing the version and path to various DLLs used by the program.

  • Added Time&Billing related fields to open batch tables for use in Crystal Reports for Adagio.

  • Additional Links between tables and Lookups for typed fields have been added for use by Adagio GridView.

  • A flag is set when a conversion from an older version is started and reset when the conversion completes. If the conversion fails for
    any reason the flag is not reset and you will be prevented from opening the database, as the data will likely be corrupt. You must
    delete all the AP data files and restore from backup before attempting the conversion again.

  • The sample data has been improved. New options in 8.1B have been enabled and new fields have been entered in vendors. Sample
    data for other modules has been update to the most recent version, including Ledger 9.0B, Inventory 8.1B and Receivables 9.0A.

    Fixes made in version 8.1B

  • If you entered an invalid Distribution code in a vendor you got the error message 'Unable to read the distribution record for code,
    nnnn.' followed by other error messages. You now get the message 'Please enter a valid distribution code'.

  • The amounts on the GL details of reversed checks (RC) were zero or blank in the drill down in vendor transactions for reversals
    entered in Payables 8.1A. Reversals entered in 8.1B will show the correct information. In some cases reverse check showed no GL
    details at all. In all cases transactions were correctly sent to the GL, they were just not correct in the vendor.

  • The wrong vendor was selected when you double-clicked on the last line in the grid if the screen was sized such that the last line
    could not be completely shown. The screen size is now adjusted when you size it so this can no longer happen.

  • With 'Remember batch entry fields' on, if you changed the date on a prepayment, the default date was the original date of the new
    entry instead of the date assigned.

  • When entering an adjustment to a foreign currency vendor, the finder to select the invoice to adjust shows the Original Amount (in
    the vendor's currency) and the Current Amount (in the home equivalent). This makes it appear that the invoice has already been
    adjusted or applied to when in fact it hasn't. The default columns for the finder have been changed to show the Outstanding Balance (which is in vendor currency) rather than the Current Amount.

  • When you signed on to a multi-currency database with a different date than a batch entry is for, the rates defaulted from the sign on
    date and were not refreshed when the entry date was changed. You had to use the rate finder in this case.

  • When posting a manual check batch containing errors, the resulting error message was displayed (hidden) under the posting
    progress screen in some cases.

  • After attempting to post a manual check batch with errors, other users could not enter batches until you closed the batch entry

  • The list of printers available from Windows is now refreshed immediately before printing reports and checks. When a user with a
    shared local printer logs in under Terminal Services the list of printers available to Windows changes because one more printer has
    in effect been added. If other users were in Adagio applications this resulted in the selected printer being changed in Adagio in some
    cases. If the user did not notice this and reselect the correct printer before printing then their report or form randomly and
    unexpectedly printed on a different printer.

  • If you consolidated transactions in a multi-currency database a negative exchange rate was calculated in some cases and the batch
    could not be retrieved into Ledger.

  • After printing a custom report that was set to print landscape, the Open Payables report printed in landscape too until you closed and
    reopened Payables.

  • The vendor's Identity Number was not printing on the Tax Tracking report even though there was a field label for it.

  • An error message was displayed when you attempted to print a manual check batch listing to the screen destination. Preview did not
    have a problem.

  • The word "Sales" printed instead of "Purchases" as a column heading when the ‘Include tax code summary’ option was selected for
    the Tax Tracking report.

  • When you changed the '# of copies' to more than 1 in the Specification Options in the designer, the first time you previewed the
    check it printed 27 copies rather than the correct number. There was no problem printing checks in Payables.

  • The range of Report Groups in the Print 1099s function did not work if the Report Group codes were less than the full 6 characters.

  • The EFT file created could not be imported in TelPay for Business in some cases if the payments were made to a bank account
    containing non-numeric characters.

  • In Check Reconciliation, when you restricted the list of checks to one particular bank, posting the reconciliation posted for all banks
    rather than only the selected bank. Checks with a pending status change for any bank were posted.

  • When posting multiple manual check batches at once for different banks, if one or more of the batches had errors, in some cases the
    resulting error batch was created for a different bank than the original batch containing the errors.

  • Import vendors and import invoices now validate Distribution Codes and Departments. Import vendors validates email addresses (for
    correct format).

  • You could not import a Distribution Set code to a vendor or set a default for it in the import template and received the error message,
    'Invalid data, 'VISA' for field called 'Distribution Set Code' of record 1.'.

  • The Retainage percentage field in the vendor imported with an incorrect decimal place.

  • Importing cash invoices to a manual check batch gave a false error indicating the GL accounts in the import file were invalid.

  • Several fixes have been made to the import invoices function.

  • Payables 8.1A crashed in rare cases when you tried to start it on a Vista station if a workstation install was required but had not been
    done yet (for example on a new station that had not run Payables before).

  • The copy number now shows in the window title when more than one instance of Adagio Payables is open on the same machine (for
    example: “Adagio Payables (2) – Adagio Corporation”).

  • If data files from the old Quik History DOS product existed and you never had a Payables version prior to 8.1A installed, when you
    posted a batch nothing happened or you got an error message. This no longer happens if these files are present. The Quik History
    product has not been supported for several versions of Adagio and the data files starting with "QH" can be deleted from your data

  • The position of batch windows was not remembered correctly.

  • The program attempted to create the file SPELL.INI in the windows folder if it was not there already, even though the Adagio spell
    checker maintains this file in the softrakspell folder. This caused errors at sites that do not grant the user full permissions to the

  • The sample data shipped with Payables 8.1A had an integrity error and you received the message 'Error adding record to batch
    control. Record already exists.' when you tried to create an invoice batch.

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