Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio SalesAnalysis 8.1B
February 24, 2009
- Compatible with
Adagio Receivables 9.0A. Compatibility with earlier versions of Adagio
Receivables is maintained.
- The Customer Inquiry function supports all the new features in
the Customer in Adagio Receivables 9.0A.
- The Adagio Open Data Dialog has been
significantly improved. The Previously Opened database list is now saved by
Adagio User rather than for all users. The first time an existing user or a new
user logs into Adagio SalesAnalysis 8.1B they will be asked “Would you like your
historical company access list set up?” Answer yes to have all entries from the
Previously Opened list from your prior use of SalesAnalysis copied for your use.
You may also elect to have Adagio save your Adagio User Id and Password and
default them when logging into Adagio. The saved information is based on your
Windows authenticated user name. The Open Data screen and Previously Opened
database list now show the date the database was last opened by the user.
- The date
control has been updated to improve the speed of data entry. You can enter just
the 1 or 2 character day in any date field without having to enter the month or
year. The month and year are automatically populated with the initial values
from the field. For example, if the date is 1/23/2009, typing “22” and tab
changes the date to 1/22/2009. You can also enter just 4 characters for the day
and month (zeros are required) and the year will be populated. This change
speeds up data entry in most cases where you need to enter a date different than
the session date or last remembered date.
- The Data Integrity Check (DIC)
function can be set to automatically do a backup of the SalesAnalysis database
if there are no errors reported. Set the ‘Auto-backup after DIC’ option on the
System Options tab in the Company Profile. The backup details and backup
filename are shown in the DIC log.
- A backup is done automatically in the
Data Integrity Check when you do a Rebuild on database with errors.
- The options ‘Enable
SF Export’ and ‘Enable SF Printing’ have been added to the Edit User screen to
allow you to disable Excel Direct in Smart Finders to help safeguard your sales
data, customer list and other information in your database.
- The Help Menu has
been modified to allow the user to launch the Adagio System Status utility
(chksys.exe) and print the Adagio Lanpak registration form.
- The list of printers
available from Windows is now refreshed immediately before printing reports and
invoices / credit notes. When a user with a shared local printer logs in under
Terminal Services the list of printers available to Windows changes because one
more printer has in effect been added. If other users were in Adagio
applications this resulted in the selected printer being changed in Adagio in
some cases. If the user did not notice this and reselect the correct printer
before printing then their report or form randomly and unexpectedly printed on a
different printer.
- When Adagio GridView 9.0A or higher is opened from the Adagio menu
Adagio SalesAnalysis 8.1B will be displayed as the first line on the Select
Module screen so you do not need to scroll down to find it.
- The Smart Finder
performance has been significantly improved across a network.
- The Help (.CHM) file
has been updated. The Import / Export Tech Note for SalesAnalysis on Softrak’s
website has been incorporated into the product help.
- The multi-currency files for
single currency database are now backed up when you backup a ‘Complete Dataset’.
- WebSafe
changed to vitalEsafe™ in Backup function to reflect the 3rd party name change.
- When you
size a screen containing a grid, the size is automatically adjusted so that an
entire line will be visible for the last grid line. This corrects a problem
where double-clicking on a partially displayed last line selected a different
line than the one intended.
- The Scan Sales Data function
displayed a warning message for every single transaction where the invoice
number was greater than 8 characters when scanning an Adagio Invoices database,
as the Document Number in SA has a maximum size of 8 characters. The function
now has an option to not show this message again. The Retrieve Sales Data
function now has a similar option.
- A SalesAnalysis transaction import
file has been added to the sample data.
- The arrow buttons in View/Print
Statistics became disabled after scrolling in some cases.
- An Online Inquiry for a single
customer displayed “Error: 120 Lookup item not found” when you printed a report
from multi-currency data in some cases.
- Fixed a problem in the Statistics
function where the date range generated from the interval was incorrect,
resulting in zeros in the columns. This occurred when the Calendar Type was
fiscal, Adagio Ledger 9.0A was used and Next Year was active, and you edited the
Report Date to be in the Next Year.
- The Online Inquiry did not summarize
properly if the result spanned multiple years and the primary sort was any field
other than Customer.
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