Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Receivables 6.8A

September 12, 2001

  • Now a 32-bit application.

  • Now uses the Adagio Data Source (ADS).

  • Now uses Adagio Lanpaks.

  • Menu level security has been added.

  • A Backup feature has been added.

  • Results list for the Smart Finder is now persistent.

  • Results list from the Smart Finder can now be printed.

  • Adagio menu choice has been added to allow you to start other Adagio applications directly from within Adagio Receivables.

  • Notes have been added to customers.

  • Import invoice and cash batches has been added.

  • Import and export templates can now be printed.

  • GL details are now captured and retained when batches are posted.

  • Fax queue listing can now be printed on a report.

  • Faxes in the fax queue can now be printed to a printer.

  • Fax dialing now handles local numbers requiring an area code but not the "1".

  • Faxing statements from Adagio Receivables is now supported on Windows NT and Windows 2000.

  • Invoice and credit note batches can now be retrieved from Adagio OrderEntry and ACCPAC® PlusT Order Entry.

  • Report Groups can now be maintained on file and verified during entry of customers.

  • Batch Status Inquiry has been added.

  • Company wide aging inquiry has been added.

  • Customer inquiry has been added.

  • Reports in Adagio Receivables have been extensively enhanced, and a Report Options function has been added. New report features include.

  • optional footers.

  • optional comment to appear in footer.

  • shading with user-defined color for headers, footers, and sub-totals.

  • lines and hair-lines have been added to separate sections and transactions.

  • date formats are now user-defined for the header/footer and detail sections.

  • time format is now user-defined.

  • option to show selection parameters on only the first page or all pages.

  • optional group tree at left of the report preview window allows you to drill down.

  • Reports have been designed to use less paper.

  • Batch reports include the option "Paging by batch number" to reset the page number to 1 on change of batch.

  • Option "Page break on change of batch" has been added to start a new page after each batch.

  • Batch Listings can now be printed in summary as well as detail format.

  • Posting Journals can now be printed in summary as well as detail format.

  • GL account summaries have been added to all posting journals.

  • A "Listing" button has been added to the batches screen to allow you to select and print batches from the grid rather than having to use the Reports menu.

  • Minor problems in aging reports have been fixed.

  • Statement Designer now allows you to view each copy (page) of a multi-part statement independently.

  • You can now calculate and view the aging for outstanding transactions when viewing or editing a customer.

  • Customer balance is now shown on the Transactions screen when viewing or editing a customer.

  • A hint showing the path to the database has been added and is displayed when the mouse cursor is over the company name on the status bar.

  • An option to allow statements to be printed only for customers with a balance over a certain amount has been added.

  • Options to display text and raised buttons on the toolbar have been added.

  • The selected line on grids now changes color from blue to gray when the grid does not have focus.

  • Smart Finder now allows you to search on boolean fields (Yes/No).

  • After creating a new user, the user could not log in until you edited the user record and reentered the password. This has been corrected.

  • In previous versions, an error could occur in some cases if a button was clicked a second time because it appeared that there was no response on the first click. This has been corrected.

  • Deleting a customer now deletes the customer's history and matching records in all cases.

  • The integration tab in the company profile is not disabled when there are open batches.

  • The option 'Include batch in G/L description' has been added to the company profile.

  • If smart finder was used to locate an account with a department, the account and department field were both loaded into the account field instead of to the account and department. This has been corrected.

  • Job related invoices were not written to the Job Costing batch and could not be retrieved by Job Costing. This has been corrected.

  • If cash applied to an invoice does not completely pay the invoice, or if it overpays the invoice, the amount printed on the statement was wrong. This has been corrected.

  • Minor problems in statements have been fixed.

  • On a cash receipt, if you entered a discount greater than zero when the applied amount already equaled the amount outstanding (a data entry error), the discount amount was posted anyway. This is now prevented.

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