Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio Receivables 8.0A
March 22, 2005
- Now supports
multi-currency accounting.
- Email statements as a PDF attachment through MAPI compliant
email clients (such as Outlook) or directly using SMTP.
- Email customers without having
to send them a statement.
- Many new customer fields have been added.
- Customers can include user
defined optional fields of type string (3 fields), date (2), amount (2) and
units (2).
- Customers can be assigned a statement specification.
- New specification
codes have been added to allow you to print the new customer fields on
- In the Customer Edit / View, you can now view current and historical
orders, invoices and credit notes in Adagio OrderEntry, and invoices and credit
notes in Adagio Invoices history.
- Calculate Customer Aging function
added, to calculate aging buckets in customer records for use when creating
custom reports in Crystal Reports or custom views in GridView.
- Alerts have been
added to customers.
- Sample data has been updated to demonstrate the new
Multi-currency sample data has been added and is installed in
- Edit Payment Methods function added.
- 'Active Users' has been added
to the Help menu.
- GridView has been added to the Adagio menu.
- Users of Adagio GridView can
add views to the Inquiry menu.
- Statement print settings are now
- The statement designer was updated.
- F2 key now supports Windows standard
behavior by editing the line selected on a grid.
- F6 key now opens the smart finder
directly from any grid where you can do a find.
- Windows calculator can added to and
launched from the toolbar.
- The date of the last data integrity check is now displayed in
the status bar.
- The Data Integrity Checker memo now shows the date the integrity check
was run, the starting and ending time, the path and extension of the data and
the user name.
- The Data Integrity Checker now writes full details of the integrity
check into the log file (ARWINERR.xxx, where xxx is your company data
- Added an extension to the Adagio menu to allow Adagio Developer
Partners to add their products to the Adagio menu.
- The source files for all reports in
Adagio Receivables are installed in the StandardRP sub-directory rather in the
program directory \Softrak\CRWin.
- The install now checks to ensure the
current user has rights to write to the Adagio program directories.
- When launching other
modules from the Adagio menu in Adagio Receivables, the session date is passed
to the module.
- Multi-select is now supported in the fax queue.
- The option "Require batch
print before posting" has been added to the Integration/Reports Tab in Edit
Company Profile.
- The account description is now displayed when the account number is
entered when entering miscellaneous cash receipts.
- Page break options have been to the
Customer List and Statistics report.
- A table for the GL details for posted
transactions file (ARTNDT) has been added.
- Added specification AR$ALL.SAM 'All
Specification codes' to the sample data.
- Print button has been added to Export
- Customer Inquiry now shows 'Sales this year', 'Sales last year', 'Last
activity date' and 'Number of open invoices'.
- In the Create Write-Off Batch
function you can now select a balance range of $0.00 to $0.00 and it will look
for customers with a $0.00 balance who still have current amounts in off-setting
transactions (net to $0.00) and create a write off to reduce each transaction's
Current Amount to $0.00.
- When editing customers, the Edit Customer dialog remembers
which tab you were on last for the previous edit.
- An option to remember the document
number in invoice batch entry has been added under File | Options.
- There was a problem
when sorting by the Customer Balance in an aging report if the currency format
in the Windows regional settings had a negative sign in after the currency
'Auto print posting journal after post' option did not work in 6.8B
- The Customer List and Statistics report showed zero amounts for the
PTD, YTD and LY Invoice amounts.
- Setting the Number of Copies in the
printer driver now works for all reports.
- Interest Invoices printed on the
Customer Transaction report with values of zero in the 'Days Del' column. They
now print with the appropriate days delinquent after the due date.
- The Adagio JobCost
Job number did not print on Aged Retainage report.
- When entering details in an
adjustment batch, the Credit amount field is now above the Debit amount as you
are usually issuing credits when entering adjustments.
- When entering a job related
invoice, the retainage due date automatically updates to the Job due date and
the default retainage percent is changed to the Receivables Retainage Percent
from the Job.
- When more than one batch was open, the auto-generated invoice number
was incorrect in some cases.
- When entering the Job Number in an
invoice, the warning message "Please enter a valid job" was displayed if Field
Verification was on, even though the Job Number was valid.
- An error occurred if you
edited an existing miscellaneous cash batch entry and changed the Account /
Department on the Edit Cash Detail screen.
- A Cash entry for $0.00 entered in
BankRec to match an invoice to an unmatched transaction did not correctly match
the transactions when retrieved and posted in Adagio Receivables.
- Posting cash with a
negative unapplied amount caused an error in some cases.
- The number of columns and
column titles in the Historical Transactions tab in the Customer became mixed up
in some cases.
- When editing customer and viewing transactions details, if you clicked
OK on the Transaction Details screen without making any changes to the Due Date
the message "Revised due date is prior to original due date" was
- When editing the customer statistics, if you changed the 'Total days
to pay' it was not saved.
- In some cases the Cleared Paid Transactions function did not
clear all the transactions it should have. Installing any Adagio product or
Service Pack dated after June 2004 also fixed the problem.
- The C27 spec code for Credit
Remaining printed the credit limit instead.
- You can now import batches when the
import file is created in a DOS application and ends with an EOF (end of file)
- Adagio Receivables no longer interfaces to ACCPAC® PlusT Sales
In a database created with Adagio Receivables 6.8B the Report Option for
'Default print to file format' was blank. It is now Word.
- Year End was not clearing any
completed transactions to history. Transactions were only cleared to history by
Period End.
- The default width of the statement spec codes for Job Number (L9 and
D9) now allows for the 6 character Job Number for Adagio JobCost.
- Extended characters
are now supported in key fields, such as Customer Number.
- A progress bar is now shown
when the database is prepared for Adagio JobCost after turning on the interface
in the Company Profile.
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