Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Payables 8.0A

September 29, 2005

  • Now supports multi-currency accounting.

  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is supported.

  • Check specifications conform to the Canadian Payments Association's (CPA) "Standards and Specifications for Imageable MICR-Encoded Cheques" required for all cheques written in Canada after December 31, 2006.

  • User-defined Optional Fields on vendors of type string (3 fields), date (2), amount (2) and units (2).

  • Other new fields have been added to the vendor: Tax status, Tax group, Price list, FOB Point, Email address, Website.

  • An 'Active' field has been added to vendors.

  • Alerts have been added to vendors.

  • New spec codes have been added to allow you to print the new vendor fields on checks and advices.

  • Vendor grids, finders and smart finders can now access fields from the Payee tab in Edit Vendors.

  • Sample data has been updated to demonstrate the new features.

  • Multi-currency sample data has been added and is installed in \softrak\APWin\mcsamdata.

  • 'Active Users' has been added to the Help menu.

  • Users of Adagio GridView 8.0A or higher can add views to the Inquiry menu in Payables.

  • The F2 key now edits the line selected on a grid.

  • The F6 key now opens the smart finder directly from any grid where you can do a find.

  • The Windows calculator can added to and launched from the toolbar.

  • The date of the last data integrity check is now displayed in the status bar.

  • The Data Integrity Checker memo now shows the date the integrity check was run, the starting and ending time, the path and extension of the data and the user name.

  • The Data Integrity Checker now writes full details of the integrity check into the log file.

  • The source files for all reports in Adagio Payables are installed in the StandardRP sub-directory rather in the program directory \Softrak\APWin.

  • The import and export functions include many enhancements and revisions, including:

  • Import functions write errors to a log file.

  • Default fields in import templates now have finders and are validated when entering the template.

  • Supports ACCPAC® PlusT Accounts Payable batch import file structures in most cases.

  • Imports batches created in Adagio Inventory.

  • If you copy your database to another directory, the path to the import file in the default import template is automatically updated to the new path.

  • The invoices batch grid now shows the transaction type spelled out as 'Invoice', 'Debit' or 'Credit' rather than as a number.

  • You can now archive a batch and overwrite an existing archive batch of the same name instead of having to delete the existing batch first.

  • The Filler field now works correctly in import templates.

  • Importing a cash invoice transaction to a Manual Check batch only imported approximately the first 10 transactions in the import file.

  • You can now import a cash invoice without requiring a vendor to be on file by leaving the vendor number blank in the import file.

  • The filler field did not work in import batch templates.

  • Import now strips leading zeros from Vendor Numbers and other key fields.

  • Import invoices and import manual checks are now included under File in Groups.

  • The retainage percentage was off by 2 decimals (divided by 100) when imported.

  • When doing a manual check to a miscellaneous vendor the date from the previous entry was not remembered.

  • When Payables is interfaced with Adagio JobCost and a non-zero 'payables retainage' value is assigned to a job, invoices entered now use this value as the default.

  • When you copied a batch with a status of 'Printed' the status of the new batch was not changed to 'Open'.

  • The 'First check' field during manual check entry was zero rather than the 'Next check' in the bank if the check number was 10 or more digits long.

  • The Adagio JobCost Job, Phase and Category fields are now verified in batch entry.

  • Job, Phase and Category codes are now forced to upper case during batch entry.

  • When adding a retainage detail to an invoice and selecting the original document, the amount of outstanding retainage is now updated and displayed.

  • When entering a retainage type adjustment detail the original retainage invoice number was not verified if verification was off, although the invoice must be on file.

  • When entering an invoice with retainage for a JobCost detail, the discount base was calculated incorrectly.

  • Messages that instruct you to clear posting journals before a certain function can be performed now also instruct you to clear the Check Register.

  • When you copied a Vendor the YTD 1099 amount was not cleared to zero for the new vendor.

  • In Check Reconciliation you could not change the status of a check with a blank status.

  • You can no longer reverse a check if it exists in Check Reconciliation but is not on file.

  • The Amount Cleared field was not updated in Check Reconciliation when you used the space bar to reconcile a check.

  • You are now prevented from posting duplicate adjustments for a vendor.

  • An error occurred if you accidentally selected a range of vendors from blank to blank in a system check run.

  • When you added a description when reconciling a check the description was not saved.

  • When you pay a post-dated invoice with a manual check the Open Payables report now shows the transaction similar to the way prepays are shown.

  • When you had duplicate check numbers for different Cash Invoice numbers, the Check Reconciliation report showed GL Details for unrelated cash invoices in some cases.

  • A correction was made to the GL summary on the Reconciliation Posting Journal in cases where there is a check cleared with error.

  • A new option in the Company Profile allows you to sort the GL summary on posting journals by Distribution/Account/ Department or Account/Department.

  • The Check Reconciliation Posting Journal showed an error if you posted a reconciliation that resulted in an empty reconciliation journal.

  • The GL summary did not appear on posting journals printed to file in Word format.

  • The Manual Check Posting Journal showed garbage in the Source Code field for Cash Invoices when Adagio Payables was interfaced to Adagio Time&Billing.

  • The Check Number Audit List included the amount of voided checks in totals.

  • Dates on check transactions were incorrect on the Check Number Audit List on some machines.

  • The spec code L12 showed blank instead of the calculated percentage in some cases.

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