Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Payables 8.1A

September 19, 2007

  • If you had data for Adagio Invoices 6.8B or older in your company data directory, or data for any version of Quik Invoice Plus for DOS, when you started Adagio Payables 8.1A (2007.06.04) you received the error message saying "Your current version of Adagio Payables is not compatible with the version of Adagio Invoices database you are currently using. If your Adagio Invoices was version 8.0A (2005.12.27) or higher this error did not occur.

  • If you had data for Adagio BankRec 6.8B in your company data directory, when you started Adagio Payables 8.1A (2007.06.04) you received the error message saying "Your current version of Adagio Payables is not compatible with the version of Adagio BankRec database you are currently using. If your Adagio BankRec was version 8.0A (2006.06.23) or higher this error did not occur.

  • If you are using ACCPAC® PlusT General Ledger 7.0A you received the error message saying "Your current version of Adagio Payables is not compatible with the version of Adagio Ledger database you are currently using. If you are using any version of Adagio Ledger this error did not occur. Note that Adagio Ledger converts Plus G/L 7.0A databases to a compatible format.

  • If you had data for BridgeWorks - EDI for DOS in your company data directory, when you started Adagio Payables 8.1A (2007.06.04) you received the error message saying "Your current version of Adagio Payables is not compatible with the version of Adagio BankRec database you are currently using.

  • Posting a reversal for a system check that paid an invoice with multiple details with early payment discounts had an incorrect amount in the G/L transaction batch and on the Reconciliation Posting Journal.

  • Some settings such as bin and paper size made in the printer Setup where ignored when printing forms (checks and advices).

  • If you had ACCPAC Plus Accounts Payable or General Ledger open you could not open Adagio Payables 8.1A (2007.06.04) on the same database.

  • The G/L Transaction batch could not be retrieved in Ledger for new databases created with Adagio Payables 8.1A (2007.06.04).

  • Adagio Payables 8.1A (2007.06.04) backup up to some removable devices, such as a USB Key, reported the error "Cannot update an existing spanned disk set" and the backup could not be completed.

  • The search criteria for smart finder were not remembered in Adagio Payables 8.1A (2007.06.04) after closing the program.

  • In Adagio Payables 8.1A (2007.06.04) if you posted multiple batches one by one from the batches grid and a batch had errors, posting errors were incorrectly report on all batches after that until you closed the batches screen.

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