Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 6.8A

March 27, 2003

  • When the program is started, it now checks that a workstation install has been done and that it is current. The workstation install is automatically started if required. This prevents problems caused when a workstation install has not been done or is not up to date.

  • When the program is started, it now checks that the Report Tables Drive is correct and up to date. This prevents problems printing reports caused by selecting the wrong Reports Tables Drive during installation, changing it in Crystal Reports for Adagio, or changing the drive mapping to the Reports Tables Drive after installing the product.

  • The install now checks for Adagio programs in use by other workstations on a network. This prevents problems caused when files are not updated on a server because they are open by another workstation.

  • The install now checks to be sure the user has installation privileges to local machines running XP, 2000 or NT. When installing Adagio programs or running a workstation install on a network, you must be logged in as the actual User who will be running Adagio on the station, and this User must have installation privileges during the install; otherwise the installation may not be completed successfully. If you do not want to change the privileges permanently, grant the user privileges prior to performing the install or workstation install, then change them back afterwards.

  • Added a new spec code ‘F37, Payment discount’ to the Invoice Totals spec codes in the Designer. This allows the invoice to total properly when the payment discount is not equivalent to the terms discount.

  • Added Formatted Address Line spec codes for 'Bill to' and 'Ship To' addresses in the forms Designer. This allows you to eliminate blank address lines on order confirmations, invoices and credit notes. Specs using these new codes have been added to the sample data (OE$nnnn1.sam, where nnnn is the type of spec).

  • Adagio SalesAnalysis sample data files have been added to the sample data.

  • The Additional Comments in Item Notes did not print on the Item Notes report unless there were also time stamped notes for the item. This is only applicable when Adagio OrderEntry is run with out Adagio Inventory.

  • An Access Violation error occurred in some cases when a hint was displayed on a grid (mouse cursor over a field too wide to be fully displayed in the grid), and you tabbed to a button at the side of the grid and pressed the Enter key.

  • Entering a Comment or Instruction line on and order and then changing it to an Item line caused an error in the Data Integrity Check.

  • Costing was incorrect in some cases for LIFO/FIFO if costing lots contained negatives quantities.

  • If you did a Smart Finder search, then changed the criteria but escaped before doing another search, the next time you invoked Smart Finder, it would show the result from the first search but with the changed criteria.

  • When a Customer or Item Note was edited and the time changed, a note with the new time was created but the original note was not deleted.

  • The Order Number in the Order History Header file can now be correctly printed on custom reports designed in Crystal Reports for Adagio.

  • The Item Number did not print on the Order Action report if you use single segment item numbers and the maximum item number width was less than 16 characters.

  • There were transactions missing on the Order Log report in some cases in a multi-user environment.

  • When you deleted an import/export template, it appeared to be deleted but was not actually deleted.

  • In some cases, there was an error when importing batches where string fields contained a comma.

  • If an order import template did not include Comment detail fields (not needed if you never import Comment lines), the import failed for orders that contained both Item and Miscellaneous Charge lines.

  • If the Automatic Order Numbering is not on in the Company Profile, and you imported an order with a specified order number that was a duplicate of an existing order on file or another order in the import file, the imported order number was set to zero. An error is now displayed in this case and the order is not imported.

  • If you imported an order with a Miscellaneous Charge, then generated an invoice for that order using the “OK” button rather than the “Invoice” button, the Miscellaneous Charge transaction was for $0.00 on the Invoice Audit list report, and the G/L transaction was not generated (although the transaction was correct in Receivables).

  • Importing orders failed in some cases if the last field on a line in the import file was empty quotes (i.e. a blank string field).

  • The export format for exporting reports to file has been changed from Text to Microsoft® Word, as the result is superior in Word.

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