Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 6.8B

October 28, 2003

  • If you closed Adagio OrderEntry and the program did not immediately close so you closed it again, an error message was displayed in some cases.

  • When using the Find feature to go to a known document without also entering the customer number, performance was very slow on very large databases in some cases.

  • With the addition of the ability to multi-select lines on a document for deletion in 6.8B, there was a problem if you multi-selected lines and clicked the OK button to post the document. On the next document, the detail screen appeared to freeze and you could not enter new lines. The Invoice button was not displayed in this case.

  • If after printing a document, you stayed at the dialog displaying the message ‘Everything printed OK?” and did not respond, in some cases, other stations received the message ‘Unable to create named pipe’ when they attempted to print a document.

  • Loading the specification to print a document has been speeded up in the case where you have multiple large specifications containing graphics.

  • When printing a range of documents while other users are posting, the order files can become locked momentarily by another user and a message is displayed indicating this. After clicking the Retry button, the documents continue to print. In rare cases, the next document printed after this message would contain an incorrect header or detail.

  • When using single segment item numbers, if you entered serial number lines in Adagio OrderEntry, there was an error if you ran Day End in ACCPAC Plus OE, although not if you ran Day End in Adagio. In addition, the item number on serial number lines was left justified instead of right justified on custom reports in Crystal Reports for Adagio or views in GridView.

  • The Total Weight printed with 2 decimal places on all documents, even when formatted for zero decimals.

  • The ‘Ship via’ field was incorrect in the Display Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes inquiry if the ‘Ship Via’ entered in the order was not in the drop-down list, or if you deleted the ‘Ship Via’ after posting the original document. This was a display issue only, so all existing documents now show the correct information in this field.

  • Reports printed to file in Excel® format could not be opened in Excel in some cases.

  • The Aged Orders report displayed the error "Data integrity error. Do a data integrity check" if orders in the current orders file existed for customers who had been deleted in Adagio Receivables.

  • When using Adagio OrderEntry stand-alone (Adagio Inventory not used), the item number and item number segments where not forced to upper case in some cases.

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