Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 6.8B

November 12, 2004

  • Credit Notes added rather than subtracted from the totals on the Sales report.

  • The lost sales figures were incorrect on the Summary Statistics report in cases where you shipped a quantity greater than the quantity ordered.

  • If the ‘Calculate backorder’ option is on, and you edited an order to set the Backorder Quantity on a line to zero and posted the order, then selected the Invoice button to invoice the remaining item(s) on the order, the invoice totals included all items but the edited line was not invoiced.

  • You could not save an Order Action template in some cases.

  • Users can no longer edit a customer from the Edit Orders screen if their security Group does not permit them to use the Edit Customers menu choice.

  • Days to delete old documents’, ‘Purge from current after days’ and ‘Purge from History after days’ now defaults to 365 days instead of thirty when creating new data.

  • In some cases the system date on the status bar was displayed incorrectly on the status bar – it did not equal the date you logged in with.

  • When the ‘Auto add items on documents’ feature was used at a Multi-currency Lite site, the GL batch could not be retrieved in some cases.

  • Added specification OE$ALL.SAM ‘All Specification codes’ to the sample data. This specification prints all possible spec codes to aid in the design of invoice specifications.

  • Added black and white specs that can be used for faxing to the sample data (OE$nnnnB.sam).

  • When launching other modules from the Adagio menu in Adagio OrderEntry, the session date is passed to the module. For example, if you are logged into Adagio OrderEntry with yesterday’s date and launch Adagio Receivables, it will also use yesterday’s date as its session date. Most currently shipping versions of Adagio modules accept the session date when launched from the Adagio menu.

  • GridView has been added to the Adagio menu. For users to be permitted to create or edit views in GridView when launched from the Adagio menu you must edit the User and select the new option ‘Edit GridView’.

  • The functionality of the Adagio menu has been extended to allow Adagio Developer Partners to add their products to the Adagio menu in Adagio Invoices. In this way, third party products can be launched from the Adagio menu.

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