Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 8.0A

May 10, 2006

  • Pricing by markup was using the Recent Cost rather than the Standard Cost in version 8.0A (2006.04.11)

  • The Base Price field in the order detail line was set to zero rather than the Base Price from the item in version 8.0A (2006.04.11). While this field does not show on any screen during entry it can be shown on printed documents.

  • Rounding of prices was not working in some cases in version 8.0A (2006.04.11).

  • Import orders did not accept 6 digit years (YYMMDD rather than YYYYMMDD) in some cases in version 8.0A (2006.04.11).

  • The Ship Via field allowed entry of more than its size of 20 characters.

  • Alt-C was missing on print document dialogs.

  • Adagio OrderEntry could not be installed from the 15-Mar-2006 Adagio Product CD.

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