Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Ledger 6.5A

January 18, 2000

  • Data Integrity Checker was incorrectly reporting the error "Total credits do not equal total debits" after importing accounts in some cases. This has been corrected.

  • Data Integrity Checker was incorrectly reporting errors in databases that had previously been converted from older versions of General Ledger. This has been corrected.

  • Problems importing/exporting accounts have been corrected.

  • Problems importing batches have been corrected.

  • Problem where reallocation details did not sum correctly when editing reallocation accounts has been corrected.

  • Printing a GL Listing when there are no transactions caused an error. This has been corrected.

  • The department finder in Edit Account now shows the available departments instead of the Accounts/Departments already on file.

  • A problem renaming batches has been corrected.

  • Problems on the GL Listing in extended format have been corrected.

  • After copying/moving batch entries while other batches were open, the batch grid was not correctly refreshed. This has been corrected.

  • Retrieving sub-ledger batches with the option set to assign entries to a specific period retrieves the sub-ledger prefix instead of the period resulting in an error such as "AP is not a valid integer value". This has been corrected.

  • Problem retrieving batches with more than 999 entries has been corrected.

  • Reports would not print if the data had a 1 or 2 character extension. This has been corrected.

  • When creating a recurring batch, the period is now defaulted based on the date you select.

  • Problem setting the date while logging in when outside the current fiscal year has been corrected.

  • Period range selection in Print Source Journals is now working correctly.

  • A "memory full" error when printing the Chart of Accounts in Budget/History format has been corrected.

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