Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio Ledger 6.8B
November 20, 2002
- Excel Direct
feature in Financial Reporter allows you to click a single button to launch
Excel® and export a financial statement to a workbook.
- Excel Direct feature added to
Smart Finder.
- Adagio Ledger now allows you to run multiple instances on the same
- Background color of the main window can be set by company in Edit
Company Profile.
- Users of Crystal Reports for Adagio can create custom reports and have
them appear on the Reports menu in Adagio Ledger.
- Sample data has been expanded and
A 12 period income statement has been added to the sample data.
- A sample import file
for importing accounts has been added to the sample data.
- Two new Formatting Options
(Regional Currency and Regional Numbers) that use the Windows Regional Settings
have been added to the Financial Reporter.
- List of recently opened databases has
been expanded from 10 to 25 entries. Duplicate entries where the characters of
the path have a different case are now removed.
- Printing the Posting Journal is much
faster when printing a range of sequences on a large database, where the posting
journals have not been cleared.
- Multiple users can now print the same
report at the same time.
- Data Integrity Checker handles additional types of corruption
in the database.
- Crystal Reports Text Object Support library (CRPaig32.DLL) is
- The chksys.exe utility has been enhanced to check for incorrect
Opportunistic Locking settings on workstations running NT4.0, W2K or
Install now checks for Adagio programs in use by other workstations on a
Open batch files have been added to the Adagio Ledger Crystal Reports
Financial Reporter could not be launched if there were spaces in the path to the
Financial Reporter no longer allows you to make changes to financial
specifications when launched from the Print Financial Reports menu choice or
from the "Financial" button on the toolbar; you must start the Financial
Reporter with the "Maintain Financial Reports" function in the "Maintenance"
Only one user can open the Financial Reporter to maintain financial reports from
the same database.
- If you did a Smart Finder search, then changed the criteria but
escaped before doing another search, the next time you invoked Smart Finder, it
would show the result from the first search but with the changed
When a new department is added, the 'Close dept to' now defaults to the default
retained earnings account in the Company Profile.
- Financial Reporter included with
Adagio Ledger 6.8B (2002.06.19) stopped running on August 31st, 2002, displaying
an error message indicating that you were not running the correct version of
Adagio Ledger (when in fact you were).
- Changes to the Help | About dialog
have been made.
- Source Code is now remembered for the next entry during a batch entry
Provisional Retrieve batches option now allows you to also provisionally post
all open batches at the same time the retrieved batches are provisionally
When importing from an Excel® spreadsheet, blank cells in the import caused an
error instead of resulting in an empty string field.
- When importing a batch, if the Fiscal
Period is set to 0 in the import file, the fiscal period for the entry is now
assigned based on the date field and the Fiscal Calendar.
- When importing a batch in the
'Detail Only' format, and the 'Delete import file on success' and 'Validate
before importing' options where selected, the batch was not
Help for the Adagio Ledger and the Financial Reporter has been updated and
There was an error during posting if another user was in the Financial Report
and had drilled down to the transaction level.
- A very large number of errors would
overflow the memo field in the Data Integrity Checker.
- The Detail Listing report was
missing the last detail of each section when printed in the 'Extended'
- An
error occurred when printing the Trial Balance in the 'Worksheet'
Adagio Ledger did not successfully convert an ACCPAC Plus General Ledger 7.0A
database if there were no archived batches.
- A database could not be opened in
Adagio Ledger if the F9T financial reporter was already open on the same
Overlapping fields in the Properties window for Account Groups have been fixed
in the Financial Reporter.
- Drilldown for ADCREDIT now works in all cases in the Financial
Hide/Unhide of rows/columns is now recognized as a change in the Financial
Reporter and the Save Icon is active.
- In some cases, the Provisional
Posting Journal could not be printed.
- There was an error in the posting
journal generated by Close Year if the Posting Format option in an account was
set to post Consolidated.
- Export format for exporting reports to file has been changed
from Text to Microsoft® Word, as the result is superior in Word.
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