Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio BankRec 6.8B

August 29, 2004

  • When entering batches, fields from the previous entry (including date) are now remembered.

  • Added a template ('Paymate Platinum detail only") and sample file (PRPayPlat.csv) to the sample data for interface to Paymate Platinum.

  • When creating a new batch, the default is now 'Deposit Only'.

  • Receipt batch entry and posting now test for duplicate check numbers in Adagio Receivables current and history for the customer.

  • Transactions displayed in the grid during receipt entry were not correctly sorted by document number in some cases.

  • When a Deposit Only batch was copied and the dates revised, the deposit date was set to the session date. It is now set to the revised date.

  • 'Auto print posting journal after post' option did not work if you used the post button on the toolbar rather than the post button on the Open Batches screen.

  • A warning is now displayed in all cases if you reverse a check for which no transaction exists in the Adagio Payables check reconciliation file. The Check Reconciliation Posting Journal now also shows the error.

  • Cleared with error and reversal GL transactions created by posting a bank reconciliation now use the statement date rather than the session date.

  • The error "Attempting to perform operation on unopened transactions file." occurred during posting if BankRec was not interfaced to Adagio Receivables.

  • If the 'NSF customer charge' is zero, a zero dollar transaction is no longer sent to Adagio Receivables.

  • If the 'Bank NSF fee' is zero, a zero dollar transaction is no longer added to the BankRec batch.

  • In some cases, you could not reverse a transaction for an NSF check.

  • Reversing a transaction for an NSF check only reversed one invoice in cases where the check paid multiple invoices.

  • Making a check NSF on an unapplied receipt did not reverse correctly and caused an error when the receipt was posted in Adagio Receivables.

  • The payment batch retrieved from Adagio Payables was not purged in some cases if it contained checks for an AP bank that was not defined in BankRec. The undefined checks were rejected but this resulted in duplicate checks in the next retrieval.

  • The batch type 'Generated' has been added to the Print Batch Status report dialog.

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