Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio Ledger 9.0A
December 19, 2007
- You could not
paste serial numbers and install codes into the install screen using the right
mouse menu, although Ctrl-V worked fine.
- The currency files were deleted in
some cases if you elected to uninstall your old version of Ledger when
installing the Ledger 9.0A upgrade to a network drive. This could happen on
single currency databases and it prevented you from opening Adagio databases
until the files were restored. In addition, the SSINST32.DLL file was
uninstalled in some cases if you installed your Adagio 8.0 or earlier products
from a different workstation than one used to uninstall your old version of
Ledger. This prevented you from running Adagio 8.0 and earlier modules.
- The
sub-ledger batch could not be retrieved from some third-party products in some
cases if it included comment lines. The products affected included Purchase
Orders for Adagio and 21st Century Payroll.
- The sub-ledger batch could not be
retrieved from Adagio JobCost 8.1A if transactions had been posted in JobCost
prior to and after upgrading to Ledger 9.0A before retrieving.
- When the Next year is
activated, the retrieve function displayed a screen with Yes/No choices to post
sub-ledger batches for the Next year, when retrieved batches do not default as
Ready to Post, thus posting should not yet be available. The Yes/No choices have
been replaced by an OK button.
- If you had the View
Transactions/Budgets screen open when you posted a batch, the posting did not
complete in the 2007.11.02 release. In the 2007.12.17 Hot Fix you received the
message: 'Unable to merge posted transactions, file currently in use by another
- The export Account Budgets function did not insert the appropriate
value for the account or department in the range fields in some cases, causing
the error message 'No records to export in that range.' to be displayed.
- You
could not import a batch in the 'Detail-only' format that had only 1 entry when
running the 9.0A (2007.11.30) Hot Fix.
- A failed import created an empty
batch in some cases.
- The values for the Account Sign showed 'Debits' as blank in
GridView when the 'Translate coded fields' option was enabled. Grids within
Adagio Ledger displayed 'D' correctly.
- The Active/Inactive ('A'/'I') values
showed as reversed in GridView. Grids within Adagio Ledger displayed correctly.
- The
Description field showed as blanks on the batch entry details grid when added to
the grid with the column editor.
- The Comments field showed as blanks
on the batch entry grid when added to the grid with the column editor.
- Using
the finder in the Edit Account Forecast Data function caused an access violation
The Smart Finder was not working on Account / Department fields in Adagio 8.1A
sub-ledger programs after installing Ledger 9.0A.
- The 'Description 2' field is now
available in the column editor on the batch entry details grid.
- Added the composite
table 'GL Net w/Budgets & Master (Read Only)' to make it easier for GridView
users to get Account Master, Balances and Budgets on a single view.
- The Reference, Date,
Account and Department fields from the first detail line of the entry can now be
shown in the batch entry grid.
- When editing Archive or Next Year
batches, the window title of all screens now includes 'Archive' or 'Next Year'
to differentiate them from current batch screens.
- Editing a provisionally posted batch
did not reset the status to Open.
- The error message displayed if the
Retained Earnings account was invalid showed the wrong department.
- Some field labels and
button names were incorrect in the Backup Options, Security Group Setup and
Security Group Listing functions.
- If you have the Company Profile
option 'Report missing department errors' selected, this will now prevent
creating a new account-department pair for which the department code does not
exist. Previously this was only reported as a warning in the Integrity Check.
This affects creating, copying or importing new accounts.
- Options for A3 and A4 paper
added for the Multi-currency Report Printer in File | Options. Available only on
multi-currency databases. The report formats remain unchanged. Users with
Crystal Reports for Adagio can modify canned reports for A3 and A4 paper and
place in \Softrak\Ledger\ModRP.
- The Detail Listing report prints now
prints subtotals for the account net change and the account balance in the
footer section for each account. The report footer section contains the Report
net change and the Report balance. Labels have been included to identify the
amounts. Previously the Total account balance was not printing on the report.
- When
printing the Detail Listing report for departmentalized accounts and the last
department had no transactions, the account totals section was incorrectly
- The Account Description was not fully displayed on the Detail Listing
report for long descriptions.
- The GL Listing and Trial Balance
reports now have 2 options to control selection of accounts: 'Include accounts
with no activity' and 'Include inactive accounts'. The former refers to accounts
with no postings and the later refers to the 'Account active?' setting in the
account. Note that when 'Include inactive accounts' is off, accounts with a
balance can be excluded and therefore the report may not be in balance.
- Printing
Next Year batches did not set the status to Printed.
- The Batch Listings for Next
Year incorrectly reported errors that the period was closed if instead the same
period in the current year was closed.
- The Posting Journal report did not
print if it contained consolidated entries and you selected to sort by Account.
- When the
Posting Journal was sorted by Account the prior year report did not print "Prior
Year", and the current year report did print "Prior Year".
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