Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Ledger 9.0A

January 22, 2008

  • Printer Setup button added to the print preview window. Allows you to select a different printer after previewing a report.

  • Copy batch from Next Year now defaults the period based on the date rather than always setting it to period 12.

  • The Edit Batches grid has some improvements and corrections to the copy and move functions when in use by multiple users.

  • The final balance was not printing for the last Department on the Detail Listing.

  • Pressing the Listing button displayed the message "Incomplete posting. Only Integrity Check and backup will be available" if at batch was posted by another user when you had the batch list open.

  • The subtotal amount on the Batch Listing was cut off when the amount was in the billions.

  • On the Trial Balance screen, if the Report style was set to 'Worksheet', the screen was screen was not displayed correctly.

  • The Detail Listing did not show the closing entry correctly after posting to a Prior Year income statement account.

  • In Edit Accounts, equity accounts that are Balance Sheet accounts rather than Retained Earnings accounts (such as paid in capital) could not have their Account Group set to C10 'Equity - Share Capital'.

  • If you added a prior year in the Edit Fiscal Calendar function and then edited account history for that year it caused an integrity problem in some cases.

  • The period description was coming from the current year instead of the selected year in the View Transactions function.

  • You could not import Accounts, Budgets, Forecasts, Statistics or Transactions in Adagio Ledger 9.0A (2007.12.19) and received an error saying you were blocked by another user (yourself).

  • If the 'Report missing departments as errors' was enabled in the Company Profile, then importing accounts for which the department code did exist resulted (correctly) in an error. However, this was also preventing import of accounts that don't have a department at all.

  • The Export Transactions function incorrectly gave the error message 'starting period is greater than last period' when the range did not start at period 1.

  • Importing new accounts when Next Year was active cause integrity errors in some cases.

  • Importing transactions for accounts in a prior year caused integrity errors in some cases.

  • Swapping back and forth between import account templates without first closing the import function caused the fields to get mixed up in the template.

  • The Import Account Net Changes function reported errors when you tried to save a new template in some cases. These errors should only have been displayed when the import was actually run. This prevented you from saving the new template.

  • If both fields Fiscal Date and Fiscal Period are imported in a batch, the Fiscal Period now takes precedence unless it is zero, in which case the Fiscal Date is used to determine the period. This is the way it worked in earlier versions of Ledger. In GL9 however, the Fiscal Date was always used and the Fiscal Period in the import file was ignored.

  • The Create Next Year function allowed you to cancel. If you canceled it caused integrity errors in some cases. Cancel is no longer permitted.

  • You were permitted to close year to an account that was not a Retainage account. This caused errors when a new year was created. This is no longer permitted in the Close Income/Expense Account and Create Next Fiscal Year functions.

  • The DataCare check of Ledger multi-currency data incorrectly reported the error: 'Retained Earnings account does not accept currency'. The Data Integrity Check in Ledger itself did not report this error.

  • When multiple instances of Adagio Ledger were run on the same machine, the window title did not show the instance number (for example: Adagio Ledger (2) - Adagio Corporation).

  • The cursor remained displayed as an hourglass in some cases after the program displayed a message indicating the Financial Reporter was locked by another user or instance.

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