Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio BankRec 6.8B

September 13, 2005

  • Import Deposits has been added.

  • Renaming a batch now changes the status from Printed to Open if you change the description, deposit number or deposit date.

  • If the option 'Allow edit of tax code' is set in Receivables, and you changed the tax default code on a receipt and saved the entry, the tax code reverted to the default if you edited the entry.

  • When you printed and cleared the Batch Status report, any batches of type 'Generated' were not cleared.

  • You could not print reports to file in Word format.

  • The finder in the Batch Number on the Batch Status report dialog contained blank lines in some cases.

  • The message "Note: AP Vendor transactions only update accounts for Cash and A/P Clearing" was appearing on multiple lines on the posting journal in some cases when it should not have.

  • The New Bank Statement Balance is now printed on the Bank Reconciliation report when printed in summary form.

  • When printing the Bank Reconciliation or Bank Transactions reports to file you got the error message "Error:524 Print Job Busy".

  • In some cases when printing the Batch Posting Journal to file you got the error message "Error:524 Print Job Busy".

  • When printing the Batch Posting Journal to file you got the error "Critical Error 1." in some cases.

  • When importing payments, the leading zero was trimmed from the Bank Code field in the import file, even though BankRec allows leading zeros in the Bank Code. As a result, the file could not be imported.

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