Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio BankRec 8.0A

June 23, 2006

  • Adagio BankRec now supports multi-currency accounting.

  • You can import bank statements downloaded from your bank for automated reconciliation.

  • Transactions can be optionally posted as reconciled for bank service charges and interest.

  • A Cash Flow report has been added.

  • Checks can now be reversed without having to post the bank reconciliation.

  • A Batch Status Inquiry function has been added.

  • When you enter a cash receipt for a customer who is 'On Hold', a warning can now be displayed indicating the on hold status, and you can take the customer off hold at that time.

  • The reconciliation grid can now be sorted by Sort recon by date and amount, as well as by reference.

  • In the Reconcile Bank function you can now hide pending transactions to show only the outstanding transactions.

  • BankRec now Interfaces to Adagio Checks. Adagio Checks version 8.0A is required.

  • The G/L summary on the Posting Journal can now optionally be summarized by Account/Department. Set this option on the Options tab in the Company Profile.

  • View Customer in BankRec supports the new fields and features found in customers in Adagio Receivables 8.0A and higher.

  • View Vendor in BankRec supports the new fields and features found in vendors in Adagio Payables 8.0A and higher.

  • Alerts entered for customers in Adagio Receivables and vendors in Adagio Payables will pop-up when a transaction is entered or edited.

  • The Active flag in Vendors in Adagio Payables 8.0A and higher is supported.

  • Sample data has been updated to demonstrate the new features.

  • Multi-currency sample data has been added and is installed in \softrak\BRWin\mcsamdata.

  • The function 'Active Users' has been added to the Help menu.

  • Users of Adagio GridView can add views to the Inquiry menu.

  • The F2 key now supports Windows standard behavior by editing the line selected on a grid.

  • The F6 key now opens the smart finder directly from any grid where you can do a find.

  • The Windows calculator can added to and launched from the toolbar by selecting 'Calculator button' in File | Options.

  • The date of the last data integrity check is now displayed in the status bar.

  • The Data Integrity Checker memo now shows the date the integrity check was run, the starting and ending time, the path and extension of the data and the user name.

  • The source files for all reports in Adagio BankRec are installed in the StandardRP sub-directory rather in the program directory \Softrak\BRWin.

  • On the batch entry screen for entering a receipt, the field name for the amount has been changed from Payment to Receipt so as not to be confused with payment entry.

  • The Bank Reconciliation report now shows the Payee Name (vendor) in the Description field for payments.

  • The fields in the BankRec G/L Transaction Batch file are now available in GridView.

  • When you added a tax or tax included entry to a receipt, the tax rate was correctly displayed but if you edited the distribution it was redisplayed divided by 100.

  • Deleting the detail for a payment with a distribution code caused unrelated details to be deleted from the entry.

  • When entering receipt transactions in a non Deposit Only batch, the customer number is remembered between entries but appeared in the vendor field if you switched to entering payment transactions. The vendor number is now blanked in this case.

  • When you add a batch entry using a Distribution Set, the cursor now returns to the amount field after each entry when appropriate to speed up entry.

  • The Transaction Info screen in the View Transactions function has be changed to improve readability.

  • The sort sequence on the Batch Listing report was incorrect in some cases when you printed multiple batches for different banks on the same report.

  • Two of the subtotals on the Bank Reconciliation report now have names (Net Pending and Net Outstanding) beside them to better indicate their purpose.

  • An NSF for a receipt with a miscellaneous distribution did not reverse correctly.

  • For receipt entries with miscellaneous distribution, if you created a distribution using a tax only or tax Included distribution and then edited it to use a sale (purchase only) type distribution, the tax base was not cleared to 0. The reverse was also true.

  • More error conditions are checked for when importing with the Verification option.

  • Totals on the Bank Reconciliation report were incorrect if there were reversed bank transfers pending.

  • Reversals of receipts entered without using Distribution Codes were not reflected in the Tax Tacking report.

  • Reversed payments were added rather than subtracted on the Tax Tracking report.

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