Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Receivables 9.3B

November 16, 2022

    ·    The issue of unsuccessful conversion to Receivables 9.3B when there are Balance Forward Customers has been resolved.

    ·    The issue of customer transactions not showing up in the DocStore Viewer for SalesCQ Quotes has been fixed.

    ·    In the Form Designer, added Blank on Zero (property on amount fields). Corrected a problem where the preview of checks to an Ultra High Resolution screen displayed shrunken in the upper left of the screen. The preview from the Specification Designer was also corrected.

    ·    New Specification codes have been added: C064, Default Payment Code; C065, Default Payment Code Description; D048, Payment Type Description.

    ·    Receivables renders dialogs properly on Ultra High Resolution displays when the font size is anything other than 100% of normal on Windows 8.1 or higher.

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