Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio JobCost 8.1A
June 8, 2007
- Compatible with
Windows® VistaT.
- Compatible with Adagio Lankpaks 8.1A. Lanpaks must be 8.1A for all
Adagio 8.1A modules.
- Smart Finder can now search on multiple criteria.
- Contents of disabled
fields are shown in blue rather than dimmed gray. This may be easier to read on
some monitors at higher resolutions.
- Adagio download files, installs,
workstation installs, all workstation install (\softrak\allwkst\allwkst.exe),
and the Adagio Check System utility (chksys.exe) are now signed with a digital
certificate using VeriSign to allow you to verify the Publisher is Softrak
Systems Inc.
- Vista does not support the old style Windows Help (.HLP files). All
.HLP files were converted to compiled HTML help (.CHM files), which are
supported by Vista.
- For security reasons Windows does not permit .CHM help files
to be run from a network drive. This is true in XP as well as Vista. The .CHM
files must be run from a local drive. Adagio 8.1A installs all .CHM help files
to your local hard drive and loads them from there. The workstation install also
copies .CHM files to the local drive.
- When switching window/task in Vista
with Alt-Tab or the new Flip 3D (Windows-Tab) an image of the current Adagio
screen is shown rather than just the icon of the Adagio program.
- You can now backup
Adagio data in zip form to WebSafe, a web-based storage facility. WebSafe is a
service which allows you to store your important information in a secure
location that you can access from anywhere in the world. See www.websafe.com for
The formatting of dates and text sent to Excel from Smart Finder results has
been improved.
- A 'User defined' field has been added to the G/L Description 'Send to'
options in the Company Profile. This allows you to format the G/L Description
field sent to the GL using a combination of fields from the original
transaction, batch information (posting sequence, batch number, entry number),
and free form text. The following specification codes are supported.
Job number
Batch number
Job description 1
Entry number
Job description 2
Vendor number
Vendor name
Customer code
Estimate job-ph-cat
Customer name
Manager number
Manager name
Document number
Vendor or Customer
Posting sequence
Vend or Cust name
- Adagio JobCost is Adagio Ledger 9.0A
ready. Fields required for future drill-down from Ledger to JobCost are included
in the GL transaction batch and will be retrieved by Ledger 8.1A. Cost batches
post Units through to the Statistical Units field in GL 9.0A. The GL 9.0A Fiscal
Calendar is used if a GL 9.0A database is present.
- A simple Timecard entry function has
been added to allow labor costs to be entered by employee. Posting timecards
creates a cost batch in JC and optionally creates a transaction batch for
retrieval by payroll programs or a payroll service. Entering time in JobCost
rather than in payroll allows you to post labor related costs to jobs
immediately without having to do a payroll run. The interface in previous
versions required time be entered in payroll and retrieved in JobCost (this
interface is still supported as well). Timecards entries can be copied and/or
retained after posting, providing for recurring time entry. JobCost maintains
its own Employee, Earnings, and Classes. Earnings codes are optional and if used
can be assigned to Employees. Classes can be used for Union codes or for WCC
codes in the US, making the timecard entry function suitable for use in Canada
or the US.
- Import and export functions have been added for Timecards, Employees,
Earnings, and Classes. Payroll programs interfacing to JobCost can create
Employee, Earnings and Classes import files for maintaining these files in
The sample data has been updated to include Employees, Earnings, Classes and
- You can now multi-select jobs within a range in the Recognize Revenue
and Expense function. The spacebar can be used to select or unselect entries and
automatically moves to the next row.
- You can multi-select jobs within a
range in the following reports: Job Summary, Job Status, Direct Cost Analysis,
Change Order, Customer Job Summary, Manager Job Summary, Jobs In Progress, Job
Estimates, Job Estimate Worksheet, Billing Worksheet, Job Inspection Worksheet,
AIA Billing Worksheet, Retainainge Payable Aging, and Retainage Receivable
Aging. Selecting a subset of jobs in a range can also improve the performance of
the report.
- Adagio JobCost retrieves additional fields to cost batches in Adagio
Payables 8.1A. The new fields include the Description, Vendor Number and
Document Number. The Description field is shown on the edit cost batch screen,
Cost Batches report and Cost Posting journal in JobCost. The Document Number and
Vendor Number fields are not shown on the edit cost batch screen, Cost Batches
report or Cost Posting journal but are available in the cost batches column
editor and to GridView and Crystal Reports for Adagio. All 3 fields are posted
though to the job details file.
- The performance of reports has been
significantly improved for these reports: Job Status, Billing Worksheet, Job
Estimate Worksheet, Job Estimates, Retainage Payable Aging, and Retainage
Receivable Aging. The ability to multi-select jobs in range also speeds up
reports in some cases.
- Jobs now appear on the following reports even when no
transactions have been posted for the Job (at least one Job Estimate is required
in some cases): Billing Worksheet, Change Order Report, Job Inspection
Worksheet, Direct Cost Analysis, Job Status, Retainage Payable Aging, Retainage
Receivable Aging, Job Estimates and Job Estimates Worksheet.
- The function 'Active
Users' has been added to the Help menu. This function lists the users and the
applications they have open for the company you have open.
- Users of Adagio GridView can
add views to the Inquiry menu. To use this feature, create a Workspace in
GridView containing one or more Views, copy the Workspace (.gvs) and Views (.gv)
it uses to \softrak\ajwin\views. GridView must be version 8.0A or higher.
- The F2
key now supports Windows standard behavior by editing the line selected on a
grid (same as clicking the Edit button).
- The F6 key now opens the smart finder
directly from any grid where you can do a find. You do not have to press F5 or
the Find button first to invoke the smart finder.
- The Windows calculator can added to
and launched from the toolbar by selecting 'Calculator button' in File |
The date of the last data integrity check is now displayed in the status bar.
- The Data
Integrity Checker memo now shows the date the integrity check was run, the
starting and ending time, the path and extension of the data and the user name.
- The
source files for all reports in Adagio JobCost are installed in the StandardRP
sub-directory rather in the program directory \Softrak\AJWin. You can modify the
built-in reports using Crystal Reports for Adagio and place them in
\Softrak\AJWin\ModRP. Adagio JobCost will print the modified version of the
report from ModRP directory. This allows future installations of Adagio JobCost
to update report files without over-writing custom versions of the report. Note:
customizations to built-in reports should be redone on any updated report file
to take advantage of revisions in the updated version.
- The Billing Rate field is no
longer displayed with a dollar sign as this was confusing because it can be a
markup factor as well as an amount.
- The database conversion process now
shows an hourglass and progress bar.
- Copying a Job permitted the new Job
Number to be lower case. Lower case Jobs are not allowed and this led to
problems selecting and closing jobs.
- It was possible to post a cost batch
containing transactions in a closed Entry Period if you entered the batch and
later turned on the 'Warn on invalid entry periods' option.
- An error occurred
when retrieving transactions from Adagio Receivables 8.0A or older in JobCost
6.8B (2006.12.16). There was no problem if Receivables was 8.0B.
- The cost type summary
on various reports can now be printed by Classification. The option 'Cost type
totals by' has been added to the Job Estimates, Job Estimate Worksheet, Billing
Worksheet and Job Status reports, including the 'archive' versions of those
reports. You can select to summarize by 'Classification' or 'Cost type'.
- GL
Department fields were active on some screens when the 'Use GL departments' was
off in the Company Profile.
- Copying a customer did not trim
leading zeros from the new vendor number. Leading zeros are not allowed in
customer numbers.
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