Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Invoices 9.3B

September 30, 2021

    Batch Entry

    ·    There is a new Company Profile, Batch Entry tab option to suppress the address update messages in Batch Entry: 'Disable customer/ship to update prompt?'.

    ·    There is a new Company Profile option, 'Use computer date for invoice'. If the option is set to “Use Computer Date for Invoice”, the System Date will be the default Document Date instead of the Session Date.

    ·    When documents with inactive or deleted items are restored from History, Warnings will be displayed for the problem items. Restoring these documents may cause integrity errors regarding Batch Totals. The problem items should be dealt with prior to printing forms or posting batches. Note: The Warning messages appear for documents restored at the entry level, not for restoring Batches.

    ·    On the Totals tab, the Original Invoice field is now beneath the Document Type field. It only displays if the Document type is Credit Note or Ret. Invoice.

    ·    Batch Entry Templates have been added. Templates can speed up entry and eliminate confusion caused by fields that are not in use. Templates allow skipping, disabling or hiding fields for Invoices and Credit Notes. Entry Templates can be by Security Group (most effective) or by using the Edit Menu.

    ·    When batches or entries are moved to a new batch, this specific action is now logged in the Application Log.

    ·    The facility to display screens correctly on ultra-high definition monitors has been added.

    ·    If an entry had been saved with a Payment (non-Credit Card) and then the Payment method was edited to change it to a Payment method for an online Credit Card Category, the Authorize button was not always enabled.

    ·    For Adagio Payments, if there was a Posting Error not related to the Credit Card, the Credit Card Capture, Sale, or Refund was processed even though the Invoice or Credit note went to an Error Batch.

    ·    If the Customer code for a Credit note is changed after the Original Invoice has been selected, closing the Credit Note will check that the Original invoice is not in History. A Credit note cannot be saved with an Original Invoice that is in History.

    ·    Adagio message 'Found' was appearing during Invoice Import, in some cases.

    ·    Importing items with particular decimal precision in quantity or amount field values in the import file has that precision maintained on the item records, including zero decimals. When editing and saving imported items with zero decimal precision, values are no longer reset to currency decimal precision.

    ·    A \\\"Find Cust\\\" button has been added to the Bill To tab in Batch Entry. If you have some customer information but can't remember their Customer code, you can use the Find Cust button to help you.

    ·    User Preferences has an option to 'Auto Advance On Edit Documents'. If you are editing existing documents and you OK changes on a detail, enabling this option will automatically open the next detail for editing.

    ·    Invoice Batch Inquiry (batch status) allows you to Recover batches that have been posted or batches that were deleted from Open or Archive Batch Lists.

    ·    When copying, moving, archiving or restoring invoices or batches, the option to Include Payment is remembered for the next time any of these functions are used.

    ·    Invoices items now have a Description field available on the Find screen within Batch entry and Edit Items, for locating items by the description.

    ·    Word Wrap is supported for blocks of text copied and pasted into Invoices in edits of Items and Text Blocks as well as in Invoice Entry for the Item Detail Description Text and Header Text.

    ·    Current and Archived Invoice batches can have color on their forms for differentiating entry.

    ·    For Inventory Item details, the Quantity by Location information that used to be displayed in the Finder from the Location field is now displayed in the Item detail and in the Item Information popup.

    ·    When customers are updated, and All is selected on the confirmation to update a document with these changes, there is a new prompt to update the document detail Customer type and pricing if the Customer type has been changed.

    Company Profile

    ·    A company profile option has been added to allow bypassing an integrity check on the historical transaction data files.

    ·    All Receivables company profile information from the Company Data tab is now displayed in the Invoices company profile, including the ID number, DUNS number and contact email.


    ·    New specification codes D080: Item cost (ext decimal) and D081: Item price (ext decimal) print the Unit Cost and Unit Price values with up to 4 decimal precision, and trims trailing 0 digits when full precision is not used on the detail entry.

    ·    Specification codes have been added to print Ledger Project codes for item details. Projects must be set up in Ledger and Receivables must be 93B or higher.

    o    D084, Project code (incl. dividers)

    o    D085, Project code (unformatted)

    o    D086, Project name

    o    D087, Project name 2

    ·    New Specification Codes have been added to Tax included prices. For Invoices and Inventory items, these Extended price fields are available:

    o    D110, line extension, less discount, plus tax juris. 1

    o    D111, line extension, less discount, plus tax juris. 2

    o    D112, line extension, less discount, plus tax juris. 3

    o    D113, line extension, less discount, plus tax juris. 4

    o    D114, line extension, less discount, plus tax juris. 5

    For Inventory Items, these Unit Price fields are available:

    o    D131, Tax juris. 1 included base unit price per selling unit of measure

    o    D132, Tax juris. 2 included base unit price per selling unit of measure

    o    D133, Tax juris. 3 included base unit price per selling unit of measure

    o    D134, Tax juris. 4 included base unit price per selling unit of measure

    o    D135, Tax juris. 5 included base unit price per selling unit of measure

    o    D136, Tax juris. 1 included unit price per selling unit

    o    D137, Tax juris. 2 included unit price per selling unit

    o    D138, Tax juris. 3 included unit price per selling unit

    o    D139, Tax juris. 4 included unit price per selling unit

    o    D140, Tax juris. 5 included unit price per selling unit

    ·    New Specification codes have been added for Inventory items, fields from the Item’s Vendor tab:

    o    D088, I/C Vendor 1 Name

    o    D089, I/C Vendor 1 Item #

    o    D090, I/C Vendor 2 Name

    o    D091, I/C Vendor 2 Item #

    o    D092, I/C Comment 1

    o    D093, I/C Comment 2

    o    D094, I/C Comment 3

    o    D095, I/C Comment 4

    ·    New Specification Codes have been added for the Inventory Item Detail Optional Amount and Unit fields:

    o    E254, Total optional Amount 1 D56

    o    E255, Total optional Amount 2 D57

    o    E256, Total optional Units 1 D58

    o    E257, Total optional Units 2 D59

    ·    New specification codes are available to print job-related descriptions and contract number when integrated with Adagio JobCost:

    o    J004 - J035 and D077 - D079

    ·    In the Designer, properties for Amount fields has a new option for the Thousands separator: None.

    ·    Specification codes have been added to the Designer for the Inventory Location Address and Contact fields: E229 to E251.

    ·    New Specification codes have been added to print the totals for Inventory Item for:

    o    E252, Total extended line discount amount D63

    o    E253, Total extended IC Base Price D65

    ·    New specification codes for IC Item information:

    o    D071 Packaged length

    o    D072 Packaged width

    o    D073 Packaged height

    o    D074 Item length

    o    D075 Item width

    o    D076 Item height


    ·    Can enter the number of decimals to be used for precision of the Invoices Item Cost and Item Price.

    ·    Edit Styles allows displaying only the Generic style settings not related to other applications.

    ·    Edit Barcodes has been added to the Edit menu. Barcodes may also be added from Edit Item, on the Barcodes tab or they may be Imported. Barcodes must be unique but multiple Barcodes may be added for an Item. If Barcodes are present, they may be entered or scanned everywhere there is an Item number field in Invoices

    ·    Invoices Items have an Active/Inactive Status. Creating a document for an Inactive item will prompt for activation in order to proceed. Copying or restoring from Archive or History will have a warning. Posting and Importing Invoice details with inactive items will be prevented.

    ·    The Edit Shipping Addresses screen has a new Find screen, with the ability to search for customers by Name or Phone Number in addition to the code, and a Ship To field to search by the ship to code. When F6 is pressed on the main grid, the smart finder will automatically open on the Ship To field instead of the customer number field.

    ·    An Excel Direct button has been added to the Edit Text screen to allow exporting grid contents to an Excel worksheet.

    Import / Export

    ·    Import Invoices has been updated to respect the 'Require PO?' option on the Customer's Invoicing tab.

    ·    Import and Export Invoice templates shows Optional Field Titles as defined in the Company Profile in the field list instead of the generic labels.


    ·    Enhanced the Item Information inquiry on the Edit IC Item Detail screen. Use the ‘i’ button next to the Item number field to show detailed information about the item selected. The inquiry shows:

    o    - Price Levels for the base price list or Alternate Price List

    o    - Stock Quantity for the selected Location or for all Locations

    o    - Price History showing invoices for various periods, for the selected Customer or all Customers

    o    - Alternate items (if any) showing the Qty on hand / Sales order / PO.

    ·    The Batch Status Inquiry has been improved. Batches are sorted in descending order. Batch Listings and Posting Journals can be printed. For batches that were posted using 93B, Batch Listings can be reprinted. Batches Deleted using 93B can be Recovered.

    ·    Batch Status Inquiry may now be started using the Batch Inquiry button on the toolbar.

    ·    In Inquiries, I/C Items with Sales and Cost will display any Barcodes added for the item.

    Print Forms Invoices

    ·    A User Preference option to prompt if invoice printing completed successfully has been added. After printing, emailing or faxing batches or entries, a question 'Did the invoice(s) print/send OK?' appears. Choosing Yes will set the Printed status on the entries and generate and attach archived PDF copies of the documents if Adagio DocStore is integrated. Choosing No will leave the entries as an Unprinted status and no PDFs are generated.

    ·    When printing invoices, the selected Send Methods are remembered when Match Preferred Send Method is also chosen, and loaded when multiple invoices are printed. Printing single invoices with Match Preferred Send Method will continue to load the send method values from the customer.

    ·    For PDF report printing, the %btt Expansion code for Batch Type may be used to differentiate between Open and Archive Batch Listings.


    ·    Whenever Open or Archive batch entries are created, edited, copied, printed or deleted while editing a batch, these tasks are now logged in the Application Log.

    ·    Added an Allow Credit Notes option to Security Groups. Users in this group will be prevented from creating credit notes when the option is disabled.

    o    If you want users of a security group to have the ability to create credit notes in Adagio Invoices, enable this option.

    o    During Conversion of Security Groups, this option is disabled.

    o    Users that are prevented from creating credit notes may still be permitted to edit them depending on the other Security Group options.


    ·    When emailing documents from either batches or history, the settings for which email address to use (Bill To, Ship To or Customer) and when the emails are sent (Now or Queue) are remembered for each user.

    ·    If a specification form had trailing spaces in the spec Title, this previously caused problems in remembering this spec when selected for printing invoices. This has been fixed.

    ·    The application log now stores the data conversion start and completion times.

    ·    When integrated with Adagio DocStore, the View PDF button is available in the Search Invoices function.

    ·    Posting batches will support new future release Adagio Receivables codes within Send to GL Description for %pyt Payment Method and %cci Credit Card ID.

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