Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio BankRec 9.3A

April 7, 2021

    ·         When a reserved Windows character is part of the Bank Reference field, the message ‘Found’ was displayed before printing the report.

    ·          If the Reconciliation Match Progress data fil is larger than 4,000 records, this caused problems determining record uniquifiers and caused extreme slowness in opening, closing and using the Bank Reconciliation function.  The performance has been improved significantly.

     ·        When the Accounting Date option in the Company Profiles was not enabled, posting transactions that had the default transaction type edited could result in a blank or incorrect Accounting Date value in the batch.  This caused errors or an incorrect fiscal period for the retrieved Ledger batch.

    ·          Printing the Batch Listing report to paper or PDF was incorrectly changing the status of other batches with lower batch numbers from Open to Printed, when those batches had not been selected to be printed.

    ·          Posting Payments to Miscellaneous Vendors caused an Access Violation in some cases.

    ·          If a Bank Reconciliation is Reset to remove the Matched and other pending status changes after Unmatched transactions have been created in a batch, the New status from the imported records is now reset. This allows the user to rematch the transactions if they were posted or to delete the imported transactions and the batch to start the reconciliation process again.  It also makes it easier to get the To Clear value to zero in order to post the reconciliation when completed.

    ·          In the BR9.3A (2020.12.30) service pack, a problem was introduced where posting payments entered directly in BankRec were incorrectly creating zero dollar detail transactions  to be retrieved into Adagio Ledger. This has been corrected.

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