Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Receivables 9.3A

June 10, 2020

    ·    When printing statements to PDF or to the AdagioV3PDF printer driver, an error message ‘Cannot read active profile’ would appear and the PDF generation would fail.  This has been fixed.

    ·    If an Invoice entry with a non-credit card payment had been saved, when the entry was edited to change the payment method to an Online Credit Card Category payment, the Authorize button was not enabled.

    ·    If an Invoice had been saved with a Payment that was not an APS Payments Credit Card Payment Method and then the Payment Method was changed to a Credit Card Payment Method, the Authorize button was not always active when it should have been.

    ·    Fixed a problem where, in some cases, posting Recurring Charges did not update the charge’s YTD amount in the customer record.

    ·    Edit/View of Customer Transactions was not highlighting the correct document when the ‘Transactions for’ option was changed to OrderEntry.

    ·    Finder/SmartFinder was showing a character string instead of ‘Linked’ for the DocLink field in some cases.

    ·    Retrieving Cash entries from Adagio OrderEntry may now be defined within an Automation command.

    ·    Fixed a problem where, in some cases, records were being duplicated on the Overdue Receivables and Projected Receivables reports when Summary was selected.

    ·    Fixed a problem in the Overdue Receivables, Projected Receivables and Customer Transactions reports where the range selected for File number was not respected.

    ·    You may choose to select more than one send method when printing receipts and create forms in all selected methods for Print, Email, Fax and PDF when you don’t choose to Match the customer’s Preferred Send Method.

    ·    Emailing forms using a Direct method that requires TLS/SSL encryption closed a Windows socket that prevented subsequent posting of transactions with online credit card payments using APS Payments.  The error ‘XML request to gateway failed’ was received.  This error no longer happens with this sequence of steps.

    ·    For APS credit card payments, when ‘Level 3 Processing?’ was set on the Credit Card Processor, an incorrect amount was sent as the ‘Shipping’ Total under Order Information in the APS Vault.

    ·    If an email address was added to a customer’s existing credit card, the APS Payments Vault was not updated with the new email address.  This did not affect the receipt sent from APS Payments.  It is sent using the email address from the Transaction ID.

    ·    If posting a batch found an entry with an error and moved it to a new Error batch, the posting sequence value was maintained which could cause confusion if the Error batch was later deleted.  Now the Posting sequence value is blank on Error batches.

    ·    For Online Credit Card payment transactions captured in an external application, captures were being imported as Pre-Authorizations.  Now, Transaction IDs for captures will cause an import error.

    ·    Entries retrieved by Subledger period into Ledger were not being retrieved into the proper period.  Posting in Receivables was not updating the Accounting date properly.

    ·    If a credit card had been deleted from the APS Payments Vault but not from within Adagio, it can be deleted from the Customer.

    ·    In Edit Credit Card Processor, for accounts with long passwords, each time the Processor was saved, the Password had to be re-entered.

    ·    In cash batch entry, the information totals were cut off in some cases.

    ·    In MultiCurrency data only, for Online Credit Card payments that are captured in an external application, in cash batch entry the payment field is no longer editable for sales and credits.

    ·    When printing statements, the AdagioV3PDF printer window opened and the path that the PDFs were being saved to was incorrect.  The PDF filename was also incorrect.  This has been fixed.

    ·    An Access Violation error when viewing a customer transaction could be caused by viewing customers and transactions within cash batch entry in a company integrated with Adagio DocStore.  This error no longer happens.

    ·    Posting was failing when an invoice with terms that had ‘Payment required’ set to ‘Full’ was partially settled with a discount amount.  Posting was not including the discount amount while determining that the invoice had been fully paid.

    ·    When Adagio DocStore is integrated, report sets can now be emailed to selected recipients with PDF or Excel file attachments for each report.

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