Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 9.3A

May 21, 2020

    ·   Posting Credit Notes for Non-Stock items that were not Active in a specific inventory location was causing Data Integrity errors and errors during Day End Processing.

    ·   Using the SmartFinder search from a filtered List of Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes was causing an error: Internal Error: Field number is out of range.

    ·   When serial numbered items were posted in an order, the serial numbers entered would be copied to all the subsequent lines, regardless of whether they were Serial lines or not.  While all details presented correctly in OrderEntry, this complicated creating GridView views and has been fixed.

    ·   In Edit Credit Card Processor, for accounts with long passwords, each time the Processor was saved, the password had to be re-entered.

    ·   When importing credit card transaction processed in another program, Capture transactions were imported as Pre-Authorizations.  Pre-Authorization with Captures will not be imported.

    ·   Fixed the definition of Tax Status in the OE92A History Header (View) dictionary.

    ·   In Special Prices for an item, if an Inactive item is selected, it must be activated.

    ·   When DocStore is integrated, attaching the first PDF to posted invoices or credit notes is now correctly saved when done from the Enter Invoices/Credit Notes areas.  There was no problem when attaching PDFs from with the Inquiry function nor when attaching an additional PDF to invoices or credit notes within the Entry function.

    ·   For APS credit card payments, when ‘Level 3 processing?’ was set on the credit card processor, an incorrect amount was sent as the ‘Shipping’ total under Order Information in the APS Vault.

    ·   The Sales report was reporting on all Salespersons when the Sort by selection criteria was limited to a specific range of salepersons.

    ·   In some cases, edits to the item details were not retained when the order was posted.

    ·   When a future or standing order is created with a new Inventory item that does not yet have quantity by location files created, the data integrity check no longer reports an error.

    ·   Emailing forms using a Direct method that requires TLS/SSL encryption closed a Windows socket that prevented subsequent posting of transactions with online credit card payments using APS Payments and gave the error ‘XML request to gateway failed’.  This error no longer occurs with this sequence of steps.

    ·   For Credit Card Processors with Level 3 Processing enabled, negative item details cannot be processed.  This affects Order or Invoices with Pre-Authorizations, Invoices for sale and captures, as well as Credit Notes for credit transactions.

    ·   Fixed a problem where the date range on the Tax Tracking report was not being remembered correctly.

    ·   Users with security access to editing customer online credit card information can now do so when editing a customer from within the enter order function, in addition to the standard Edit Customers area.

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