Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Inventory 9.3A

October 23, 2019

    ·    Compatible with Adagio DocStore. Items, transaction entry and transaction history including viewing documents from OrderEntry, Invoices and PurchaseOrders.

    ·    Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs has Doc Links for Documents listed on the Purchase Orders tab.

    ·    For DocStore users, the glasses graphic was added to tabs on the Edit and View Items functions and the Receipt Transaction entry function to highlight the fact that the DocStore view / attach buttons are available on the screen for those tabs.

    ·    The Adagio Login dialog permits browsing to a UNC. The Create database button is hidden unless “/C” is included on the command line. New databases are created with the extension “ADB” or the extension used by existing modules in the selected Folder.

    ·    A “Backup” button has been added to the Adagio Toolbar. Backup Options select whether the button saves the module data, related data or the entire database and whether exclusive access is required for the backup to proceed. The backup now includes the Automation Batch Folder.

    ·    Backup options enable automatic or prompted backups prior to Day End, Period End, Year End, Post Inventory Reconciliation (after physical inventory) and Retrieve Shipments. You can choose the number of these backups that will be saved.

    ·    The 64-bit version of Adagio GridView (if available) is launched from the Adagio menu and for custom Views added to the Inquiries menu. The 64-bit version makes use of more memory (if available), allowing for views on larger databases and it can be faster. Note: This is not yet supported on Adagio Cloud.

    ·    The Find button on the grid in the Edit/View Items functions is now enabled when a filter is applied. You can use the Finder and Smart Finder to search within the filtered grid.

    As of the release of Inventory 9.3A, this feature is also in the current versions of OrderEntry, PurchaseOrders, Invoices, and SalesAnalysis. It is automatically enabled when Inventory data is version 9.3A.

    ·    It is easier to choose the correct field from tables with large numbers of fields in the Column Editor. You can now sort the list, restrict the list using the data type you are searching for (Text, Date, Amount and Value), and type in some text likely to identify the field. Use the Select the Type option on the Select Fields dialog to show fields of that type.

    ·    Refresh Sample Data function has been added to the Help menu. It allows you to refresh single and multi-currency sample data to its original state at install time.

    ·    The Date, Time and User have been added at the bottom of all messages. These fields provide useful information on screenshots of messages.

    ·    Phone numbers are displayed formatted on grids if the Format Phone Number option is enabled in the Company Profile. Works in Edit Locations also.

    ·    Installs the new SP25 version of the SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework used to print/preview reports. This may require a workstation install for all stations that run Adagio, regardless of whether Adagio Inventory is run from a station. See the Installing section below for details.

    ·    Installs a new version of the printer driver used to print documents and reports to PDF. The new driver name is AdagioV3PDF. This driver uses novaPDF version 10.

    ·    Added new ‘Invert’ button to the Maintain Documents screen invoked from the paperclip button when attaching or maintaining documents for Adagio DocStore users. The Invert button sets the order of the documents displayed in the grid to the reverse of what is currently seen (eg. by default, the most recently attached document will display first in the grid). The Invert button also changes the PDF sequence numbers.

    ·    Added new ‘Newest Last’ option to the Maintain Documents screen invoked from the paperclip button when attaching or maintaining documents for Adagio DocStore users. By default, documents are displayed in the grid in the order they were attached, with the most recently attached document shown first in the grid. Enable the Newest Last option, to quickly have the documents in the grid display the oldest document attached first in the grid (i.e. the opposite of the default display).

    ·    When Adagio DocStore is integrated, report sets can now be emailed to selected recipients, with PDF or Excel file attachments for each report.

    ·    New automation command nouns have been added to allow attaching report set PDF/Excel files to the email with the automation log results. This allows reports from multiple applications to be attached on a single email. The EmailPDFAutoLog has Overwrite/Attach and Append/Attach nouns to include PDF/Excel files from report sets. A future 9.3A release of Adagio Console is required to use this feature.

    ·    Added ‘Outlook’ option in Email Setup. This corrects a problem where you could not send email using the ‘MAPI’ setting or you had slow performance sending emails if you use Outlook and Windows 10 in some cases.

    Edit / View Inventory Items

    ·    Edit Barcodes has been added to the Edit, Item Maintenance menu. Barcodes may also be added from Edit Item, on the Units tab or they may be Imported. Barcodes must be unique but multiple Barcodes may be added for an Item/Unit of Measure.  The 40-character Alt. Description field may be used to differentiate the item, eg. it may be used for color or size. The Alternate Description will override the Item description on items when the 24-character Barcodes are scanned or entered in Transaction Entry. If it is left blank, the Item Description from the Item or Alternate Price List item will be used.

    Barcodes may be displayed in Item Inquiry from the Vendors/Barcodes tab.

    ·    If Barcodes are present, they may be entered or scanned everywhere there is an Item number field in Inventory, OrderEntry, Invoices and PurchaseOrders. Edit Physical Inventory will display a Barcode field under the Location to aid Inventory Reconciliation.

    ·    Barcodes for an item can be entered using Item edit. There is a Barcodes list on the Units tab. Use the Insert key to add a new barcode, and the Delete key to delete one. Double click or Spacebar to modify an existing barcode. On edit, you can only modify the alternate description. The barcode group is disabled if you have no security rights to add barcodes.

    ·    New fields, Total Cost and Average Cost, have been made available to Item grids, including Finders and SmartFinders. To display these fields in a GridView view, you need to use new tables IC Item Master GridView or IC Item (1) GridView, with the Translate Fields property enabled.

    ·    The Doc Type code is translated on the Item Inquiry with Sales & Cost, Purchase Orders grid. Also for Historical Transactions Inquiry as well as Transaction History for an Item, Trans type is now Transaction source and type.

    ·    Edit Items, Alternate Price List Items and Edit Category have been updated to immediately validate the value for:
    - Discount percentages to be between 0.00 and 99.99.
    - Markup percentages can be greater than 100 (not greater than 1000), but not less than 0.00.

    ·    Edit Alternate Price List Items has a Sort by (Price List/Item) and the list can be restricted based on the Sort by option selected. Note: In MultiCurrency data, if the Sort by is Price List, the Currency code must also be set.

    ·    You can attach PDF documents to items when integrated with Adagio DocStore.

    Transaction Entry and Posting

    ·    All transaction entry functions allow multi-user entry, closing a transaction without requiring immediate posting, and printing a Listing prior to post.

    ·    Added Transaction Optional Fields. They are defined on the Optional Fields tab in the Company Profile. They can be entered for all Transaction entry types. They are written to history.

    ·    Barcodes can be scanned or entered within the Find Item screen in Transaction Entry functions.

    ·    Using Barcodes allows defining an alternate description that will override the item description on transactions when scanned.

    ·    Transaction entry has Total fields, now that multiple items can be included together in a single transaction entry:
    - Shipments: Total Price and Total Cost
    - Adjustment: Total Cost, and Total Hash Qty
    - Stock Transfers: Total Cost (excluding Cost to Prorate), and Total Hash Qty
    - Assemblies: Total Cost (Variable + Fixed) and Total Hash Qty

    ·    Transaction Reference fields can now be Auto-generated using settings in the Company Profile to assist in ensuring unique values as required. Different reference formats may be created for each transaction type. Combine text with translated codes such as for date or user. The %ref code will use the auto-incrementing sequence number, and %ref# (eg. %ref5) will pad the value with zeros to make # equal total digits. Choose either the Session date or System date if date codes are used.

    ·    Added the option 'Auto-add detail?' to User Preferences. It applies to all transaction types. If you turn this checkbox on, each time you add new items to the end of a document, Adagio Inventory will call up the New Detail dialog box for the next item. This allows you to add the next item right away without clicking New or double-clicking at the bottom of the Item list. This speeds up the process of adding new items considerably.

    ·    All transaction types now have an Item Inquiry button to look up the full information, with or without Sales and Costs as security allows.

    ·    Item Description fields can be added to Entry grids in Shipments. This is new to Shipments, Adjustments, Assemblies and Stock Transfers only.  Receipts did have it in Edit Detail.

    ·    Multiple Transactions can now be selected in all transaction grids for the purpose of deleting, posting, or including in the new Listing report.

    ·    Reason Codes have been added for all transaction entry functions. Posting writes the Reason Code to history. Physical Inventory Reason Codes are also written to history.

    ·    The Reference/Receipt number has been enlarged to 24 characters. Note: for FIFO/LIFO items, Costing Lots will only be updated with the first or last 6 characters of the Reference/Receipt number. In the Company Profile, set “Update IC buckets with” to choose whether it is the first or last 6 characters.

    ·    For Adagio BOM users, OrderEntry Day End now writes all 12 characters of the OE Invoice number to the 24-character reference in IC 9.3A Adjustments and when posted to IC Transaction History.

    ·    Adjustment posting now has an information message for 'Adjustment posting complete.' This is the same as all the other functions, with or without auto-print posting journals/audit lists.

    ·    While Assemblies is open, the last Location selected is remembered. The Detail location defaults from the Header location. If Adagio BOM is installed, the Location (Component) and Master Location both default from the Header Location.

    ·    Transaction entry now supports the ability of copying an unposted transaction to a new one.

    ·    Excel Direct has been added to the Receipt Details grid.

    ·    Receipt entry supports the longer vendor name (40 characters) in Payables 9.2A and higher.

    ·    9.3A adds Security Group security to the Add, Edit, Delete and Post buttons for Receipts, Shipments, Adjustments, Stock Transfers and Assemblies transactions. Security groups will work on posted (Active) Receipts but Entered Receipts still have an active Delete button at the Detail level. This matches the way Entry templates in AR & AP control the Detail delete button. Basically, if a group has access to Edit, they can delete at the item detail level.

    ·    Added Assembly Filters.

    ·    Date Created and Date Last Edited fields have been added for Transaction entry.

    ·    Entry type is no longer visible in Shipment entry. If the Shipment detail has a negative quantity, it is a Sales Return. Positives are Shipments. Entry type is respected on Import but, if Entry type is imported, the quantities must all be positive.

    ·    Transaction grids support Automatic Filter Styles.

    ·    Find function and Find within filtered lists based on Reference/Receipt number has been added for all transaction types. In 92A, only Receipts had a Find button based on the Receipt number.


    ·    All Transaction Entry functions now have a Listing report that can be printed prior to posting.

    ·    All Transaction types have a Posting sequence saved with their respective audit list reports, so that specific ranges including the most recent can be printed. Posted transactions can now be retrieved to Ledger in separate batches by Posting Sequence.

    ·    All transaction audit list files now store the item description.

    ·    The option to purge audit lists after printing has been removed. Audit Lists are now cleared as part of Year End Processing.

    ·    A new option for the Stock Card report now allows printing the unit cost to 4 decimal precision.

    ·    The Stock Card report now supports the ExcelDirect Print method. Export the report to a table-formatted Excel spreadsheet, with a predefined file name and save location.

    ·    The Receipt Listing report now prints the unit weight, and no longer prints the unused quantity on PO.

    ·    Vendor Item Description has been added to the Vendors report.

    ·    Print/Consolidate G/L Transactions report now has option for: 'Show description 2'.

    ·    The Receipt Listing report can now be sorted by Total Receipt Cost in either Ascending or Descending direction.


    ·    You can now drill-down on transaction history records from the grid to open a screen with more information about the transaction than can be fit on the grid, including the GL Details. This is available both from History Inquiry and Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs. Drilldown in Item History shows the Adagio Invoices and OrderEntry Document number.

    ·    Transaction History now stores these new fields from PurchaseOrders: PO Original Document # (PO), PO Receipt #, Vendor Name, and Vendor Invoice No. Requires PurchaseOrders 9.3A (2019.05.20).

    ·    Transaction History now stores these new fields from OrderEntry: Customer Name, O/E Document (order number).

    ·    OrderEntry 9.3A (2019.01.17) and higher write the OE Dayend # into the IC item History Posting Sequence.

    ·    Transaction History now stores these new fields from Adagio Invoices: Customer Name, Q/I Document field (invoice or credit number), to differentiate from shipments created and posted in Inventory.

    ·    Historical Transactions now display the Customer Name for Shipment Transactions and the Vendor Name from Receipts entered in Adagio Inventory.

    ·    Transaction history now stores the unit cost in two separate fields, to two and four decimal precision.

    ·    The Reference field in the Transaction History data file has been expanded from 10 to 24 characters.

    ·    Detail Optional Fields are shown on the drill-down screen and can be shown on the history grid.

    ·    History now stores the date, time and user that last edited and posted each transaction detail.

    ·    The option to Retain Transaction History has been removed. History will now always be kept for posted transactions.

    ·    Added Adjustment Reason to Transaction History.

    ·    The Transaction Type field in the History table has been restructured to make it easier to use for custom reports and GridView inquiries.

    ·    A new Movement Quantity field has been added to the transaction history table, showing all quantity increases to inventory as positive and decreases as negative. This can be used for custom reports and inquiries without requiring complex formulas for the sign.

    Maintenance Functions

    ·    Shipments from Adagio Invoices may be retrieved into Inventory 9.3A instead of using Import Shipments. The Invoices 93A Company Profile, Batch Entry tab must have the 'Create IC Shipment for' option set to Retrieve. The 'Send to IC shipments' option may be set to 'Reference' or 'Document number'. If 'Reference' is selected, both the Reference and the Document number are sent to the Reference field in IC Shipments. The new Maintenance menu option, Retrieve Shipments, is only visible if Invoices is present. It is only enabled if there is something to retrieve. The automation command RetrieveShipments has also been added for Adagio Console users.


    ·    Assemblies can now be imported.

    ·    Barcodes can be exported or imported. This is useful if the UPC code field on items was previously used to store a barcode value.  Barcodes must be unique for the item and unit of measure.

    ·    Importing Receipts and Shipments now have an option to post immediately after a successful import.

    ·    New fields are available to include in all transaction import templates: Header Optional Fields, Reason codes, and DocStore links or paths to PDFs.

    ·    For Import Transactions, Reference number is a required field. It must be imported or auto-generated.

    ·    Import Shipments requires fewer fields. Date, Reference, Entry type, Extended Price and Extended Cost can all be defaulted.

    ·    When integrated with Adagio Payments and American Payment Systems, importing Items allows including a commodity code value for use when selling items that are paid by online credit cards within Adagio. The item Commodity Code can be imported/exported for the exceptions for Level 3 Processing.

    ·    Import Shipments will recognize a positive Det-Quantity Shipped as a Shipment and force the Ext. price and Ext. cost to be positive as well. A negative quantity is a Sales Return, unless the Hdr-Entry Type is imported. Then, the quantity is interpreted in relation to the Entry type. A positive with a 'Shipment' entry will be a shipment. A positive with a 'Sales Return' entry will be a return.

    ·    The 'Send to IC shipments' option in Adagio Invoices may be set to 'Reference' or 'Document number'. If 'Reference' is selected, both the Reference and the Document number are sent to the Reference field when importing Shipments, to ensure unique Reference values.

    ·    Primary Vendor Item desc and Secondary Vendor Item desc have been added for import/export items.

    ·    The new Shipments Default import template supports shipments created by postings in Adagio Invoices 9.3A (2019.03.18) or higher. It is the same as the Shipments Default import template in earlier versions but with the Hdr-Invoices Doc. Link (to support DocStore) and Det-Item Description fields added. The new file created by Invoices 9.3A postings is: ICS93BTH. The Shipments Legacy Default template is the default from prior versions for the file ICSBATCH. It must be used for import files created by other programs in the old format.

    ·    For Imported Shipments, the Unit Price is now calculated from the Extended Price. Used in IC 9.3A Transaction History.

    ·    Opening an Import or Export template or processing an Import is logged more precisely in the Application Log.


    ·    The Company tab in the Company Profile has been updated to match the Company tab in Adagio Receivables. It shows the options chosen in AR with formatting and the new address fields for City, State/Prov and Country. Adagio OrderEntry 9.3A can print specifications with formatted Company address lines.

    ·    For Bill-of-Materials, the default for the Auto assemble option is off.

    ·    Period End has been added as an Automation Command.

    ·    DataCare now checks Phase II history even when the Inventory Company Profile, System Options tab, option for 'Bypass transaction history in DIC?' has not been enabled.

    ·    The Data Integrity Check has improved data checking in Transactions for locations and dates.

    ·    Company Profile has Contact email and DUNS number. These fields can be printed on OrderEntry 9.3A specifications.

    ·    Added Transaction Optional Fields to the Company Profile, Optional Fields tab.

    ·    New option ‘Rounding to nearest’ has been added to the Pricing Options tab in the Company Profile and in the alternate price lists. Inventory shows the effects of Rounding changes in these functions:

    - Shipment entry and Import Shipments
    - Item Inquiry also shows a rounded Calculated Price in the Units/Pricing tab
    - Inquiry on Alt Prices Units is showing the Rounded Calculated Price
    - It is also supported in OrderEntry 93A and Invoices 93A

    ·    The new option 'Display unit cost to 4 decimals?' has been added to the Company Profile, System Options tab.

    ·    In Physical Inventory, it is now possible to scan a barcode and have the count for the associated item be incremented by the unit of measure assigned to the barcode -- either from the Edit Physical Inventory grid, or when editing the count for a specific item.

    ·    If the selected Period End or Year End dates in their respective functions are later than today, a Confirmation message will now be displayed: “New [period/year] end date is a future date. Do you want to continue?” If either function is run as part of an Automation process, using a future date will result in failure for the command. This helps prevent accidentally running Period or Year End for a future date.

    ·    Emailing the automation log now uses Direct when possible rather than MAPI / Outlook, allowing Automation Files and Automation Batches from Adagio Console to run unattended.

    ·    The Integrity Check has been enhanced to check for Receipts without a Home Currency Code.

    ·    Sample data has been updated to demonstrate new features in Inventory 9.3A, including Barcodes.

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