Enhancements & RevisionsAdagio OrderEntry 9.3AAugust 13, 2019New Features · Added new ‘Invert’ button to the Maintain Documents screen invoked from the paperclip button when attaching or maintaining documents for Adagio DocStore users. The Invert button sets the order of the documents displayed in the grid to the reverse of what is currently seen (eg. by default, the most recently attached document will display first in the grid). The Invert button also changes the PDF sequence numbers. · Added new ‘Newest Last’ option to the Maintain Documents screen invoked from the paperclip button when attaching or maintaining documents for Adagio DocStore users. By default, documents are displayed in the grid in the order they were attached, with the most recently attached document shown first in the grid. Enable the Newest Last option, to quickly have the documents in the grid display the oldest document attached first in the grid (i.e. the opposite of the default display). · Added the ability to attach and access DocStore files from the Order/Invoice Inquiry. · When Adagio DocStore is integrated, report sets can now be emailed to selected recipients, with PDF or Excel file attachments for each report. · New automation command nouns have been added to allow attaching report set PDF/Excel files to the email with the automation log results. This allows reports from multiple applications to be attached on a single email. The EmailPDFAutoLog has Overwrite/Attach and Append/Attach nouns to include PDF/Excel files from report sets. A future 9.3A release of Adagio Console is required to use this feature. · A Receipt email is sent to the Customer by American Payment Systems during capture or sale processing in posting if the Receivables Credit Card processor option for 'Send Customer Receipt?' is set to Always or if set to \\\"By customer card\\\" and 'Send receipt?’ is set on the customer credit card record. The Receivables Credit Card processor must also have the User name and Password set. Note: Requires a future release of Adagio Receivables dated after the date of this OrderEntry release. · If Credit Cards have been vaulted in American Payment Systems through another system, such as Webtelligence™ from North49 Business Solutions, rather than in Adagio, you can import sales and credits into OrderEntry using the Credit Card Vault Id by Importing Orders with Credit Card Payments. Sales or credits processed in another system will pass through OrderEntry and Receivables without any additional credit card activity being processed by Adagio. For a Pre-Authorization, the sale will be captured when the Invoice is posted. Note: You cannot edit Payment amounts or anything credit card related in the imported order. The Credit Card Processor record in Receivables MUST be set up with the Username and Password. Note: Requires a future release of Adagio Receivables dated after the date of this OrderEntry release. If the new credit cards are being added through importing Orders, the Processor Code will default from the imported or defaulted Payment method. The Billing address will default from the APS Payments vault. The Credit Card Id, Description and Credit Card type will default from the APS Payments vault. If these fields are blank in the APS Payments vault they will default to these settings: Problems fixed · In OrderEntry 9.3A (2019.04.08), if the ‘Shipped as Ordered’ option was enabled in the Company Profile, when the Ordered quantity was 1, Backordered was set to 1 and Shipped was zero. · For Adagio DocStore users, when OrderEntry is used stand-alone (Inventory is not used), the view document button did not have the correct image. · Remembered form options did not correctly remember the Order number. · The 'Unit cost' could be set to a negative amount for User Specified costing items and for all Costing methods in Credit Notes and RMAs. Where Unit cost is editable, it can no longer be set to a negative amount. · Previously, if an order was edited and any of the quote number, revision or territory was edited and nothing else, saving the order lost these changes. This has been fixed. · When a Location was changed and propagated to the details, non-stock Items were not correctly having the location changed. · In RMA entry, a negative cannot be set for a Returned quantity. A Warning message will appear: 'Shipping a negative quantity is not permitted.', and the quantity will be cleared to 0. · Editing an order for the purpose of attaching a PDF with DocStore no longer reposts the order and resets the print statuses of the order confirmation or picking slip to False. Similarly, simply editing an order and clicking the OK button also no longer resets the order print statuses to False. · Expected Ship Dates from Item Detail cannot be older than the Order Date but they may be blank. · Credit notes posted without an associated invoice did not write to the Date field on the detail records; thus, the History Items search would not locate these details for typical date range criteria. Now, the history details have the Date field populated to allow the History Items search to work as expected. · If the Security Group is set up to Hide Costs, Item Information will not show the viewer for PDFs for Current/Open POs. · Day End will update the Item Transaction History with the Original Order number in the future release of Adagio Inventory 9.3A. · In OrderEntry 9.3A, when the Document number was changed to maximum length of 12, Dayend was not updating the IC Serial numbers audit list with the full Invoice number; the last 2 characters were lost. · SalesCQ quotes are now shown on the Transactions tab in Edit and View Customer if SalesCQ data is present. Note: Drilldown to SalesCQ transactions screens is not available (that is only available in Edit Customer in SalesCQ). Items show quantities with 2 decimals. The Quotes tab is only available in Edit Customer in SalesCQ. · When there are more than 4 item detail optional fields, they did not display properly when accessed from the Orders/Invoices/Credit notes Inquiry and History Inquiry. · Importing with Field offset was trimming the import field on the right instead of the left. · Added All Spec for Shipping Labels. The specification file is OE$LABEL. · When OrderEntry is used without Adagio Inventory, the Data Integrity Check was hanging if it ran into an orphan record in the O/E Additional Item File in some cases.
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