Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 9.3A

April 8, 2019

    ·    Enhanced compatibility with future release of Adagio Inventory 9.3A. Document links for Adagio DocStore are sent to Inventory 9.3A. The item description from the OE documents is sent to Inventory (in case you change it from the description in the Inventory item).

    ·    Compatible with Adagio DocStore for future release of Adagio SalesAnalysis 9.3A. Document links are sent to SalesAnalysis.

    ·    The 64-bit version of Adagio GridView (if available) is launched from the Adagio menu and for custom Views added to the Inquiries menu. The 64-bit version makes use of more memory (if available), allowing for views on larger databases and it can be faster. Note: this is not yet supported on Adagio Cloud.

    ·    For DocStore users, the glasses graphic was added to the Header tab for the Enter Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes and View History functions to highlight the fact that the DocStore view / attach buttons are available on the screen for that tab.

    ·    The 'Ordered' quantity for Item details now defaults to 1 rather than zero to speed up entry in many cases.

    ·    Cancelling a new order that had a pre-authorized online credit card payment would result in overwriting a different order in some cases.

    ·    For Auto-Invoice Orders, the Print Status settings for Picking Slip printed and Order printed are now updated to ‘No’ for fully and partially shipped Orders.

    ·    The check for duplicate References failed to detect there was a duplicate in current orders in rare cases.

    ·    The Contact field on the Order Header tab is now 30 characters long (it was only 18 characters). It was also the incorrect length for Statement specifications and import functions. Entry into BillTo / ShipTo Contact fields was also limited to 18 characters, although this was not an issue for specifications or import.

    ·    In rare circumstances, orders with an ‘on hold’ status could be edited and saved, causing fixable integrity errors for item on sales order values. This scenario no longer occurs.

    ·    For Adagio DocStore users with OrderEntry 9.3A (2018.12.14) and higher, if 'Edit PDF setup' was not enabled in the User record, the DocStore and old ePrint Viewer icons both showed in the Enter Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes and View Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes functions.

    ·    Auto-invoicing prepaid orders no longer pauses for each credit card that is declined. The Auto-invoice log will show two messages: 'DECLINE' and 'APS capture/sale/refund failure.'

    ·    For Adagio Payments users, pre-authorized amounts were rounded up to the nearest dollar to avoid potential penny rounding issues when the invoice amount was captured. In some cases, this caused unnecessary credit/debit transactions to be processed and doubled amount of the credit limit used on the customer’s credit card account in some cases. Authorized amounts are no longer rounded up to whole dollars if 0% is set as the ‘Authorization overage %' in the Payment Processor in Receivables.

    ·    These specification codes did not print the correct values for the eleventh and higher Miscellaneous Charge when more than ten Miscellaneous Charges were used in OrderEntry 9.3A:
       F16, total misc. charges
       F25, net discounted invoice amt.
       T01, total of all items, misc. invoice charges, and tax details printed
       T02, total items and misc. charges less discount
       T03, total items and misc charges less discount, plus tax

    ·    New Import option 'Duplicate Ref. check override?' to override the 'Check for duplicate reference' option in the Company Profile. It is only available if 'Check for duplicate reference' is turned on in the Company Profile. Import will only check for duplicate references if 'Check for duplicate reference' is turned on in the Company Profile and the new option 'Duplicate Ref. check override?' is not checked.

    ·    After installing OrderEntry 9.3A (2019.01.17), the Data Integrity Check and DataCare checked temporary tables that did not need to be checked, slowing down the integrity check.

    ·    OrderEntry can no longer be closed while the Data Integrity Check is still open. This caused an error.

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