Enhancements & RevisionsAdagio Invoices 9.3ANovember 20, 2018· Added ‘Revise addresses’ option to the Copy, Move and Restore dialogs. Enabling this option will update the addresses of the copied / restored invoice from the customer, including the ‘Format address’ option. · Added ‘Revise all (addr., pricing, etc.)’ option to the Copy, Move and Restore dialogs. Enabling this option will not only update the addresses per the customer's record, but will also update any changes made to the Invoicing tab or ShipTo Addresses, as well as changes made to Invoices or Inventory items. · For Adagio JobCost users, a warning is now displayed in batch entry if you select or change a Job Number for a closed job. · In a batch with many invoices (approximately 40 or more), when a new document was inserted nearer the end of the batch it was not displayed until the grid was refreshed by scrolling up and down. · In Invoices 9.3A, an error was displayed by the Find on the customer grid with a filter applied when you entered a customer code less than 6 characters in length and pressed ENTER rather selecting the customer from the finder. · In Invoices 9.3A when you attempted to copy the first batch in the open or archive batches grid nothing happened unless you had copied another batch prior to that. · In Invoices 9.3A, when an existing invoice was edited and information had changed in the customer since it was entered, if you elected to update the invoice with the ‘All’ option when prompted, the invoice date was changed to the session date when it should not have been changed at all. · In Invoices 9.3A, when an existing invoice was edited and address information had changed in the customer since it was entered, if you elected to update the invoice when prompted, and if you then edited another invoice that had been printed but made no change to it, the print status was set to open for the second invoice. · In Invoices 9.3A, when an existing invoice was edited and the Tax Group or Tax Type had changed in the customer or ship-to since it was entered, if you elected to update the invoice with the ‘All’ or ‘Addr only’ option when prompted, the Total Before Tax was set to zero in some cases. This caused a data integrity error that had to be rebuilt by the Data Integrity Check. · Improved the performance of batches and history grids, including scrolling and clicking on rows, when Adagio DocStore is used and there are links to documents on the grids. · When there has been a change in a customer since an invoice was originally entered and the prompt “Customer and/or shipto record have been changed since this invoice was entered” is displayed when you edit the invoice, if you select ‘None’, the prompt will not appear again. · Added an option to the prompt “Customer and/or shipto record have been changed since this invoice was entered” to exclude a manually entered shipto address from being updated (i.e. when no ShipTo Code was used). Click the option ‘Exclude custom shipto address on update?’ to stop the shipto from being updated from the customer’s billing address. · Entering dates using just the day did not work correctly when the Windows “short date” format was set to yyyy-mm-dd. · Moving an invoice from one active batch to another would sometimes generate an integrity error in the batch system. · Multi-user protection was not working properly when assigning a new invoice number. This could result in duplicate auto-incrementing invoice numbers. · The setting to exclude a custom Ship-to address when updating an invoice is now remembered. · In invoice and cash batch entry, for a customer with multiple credit cards, if you changed cards the Card ending with, Name on card, Expiry date and Vault ID fields were not updated on the screen until you exited the credit card ID field. · The Payment Type on an invoice was updated when the ship-to code was changed, even if the payment was an authorized credit card payment. · When rounding is on in Adagio Inventory, rounding is now applied to all prices, not just prices calculated using percentage markups or discounts. · Corrections and improvements have been made on the Item Information screen launched with the “i” button on detail lines for Adagio Inventory items. · It was possible to use the Column Editor to show the cost for Inventory items in the batch entry grid when Group Security was set to prevent the user from seeing cost. · It was possible to use the Column Editor to show cost fields on the Transactions grid for Invoices and OrderEntry details in the Edit / View customer functions when Group Security was set to prevent the user from seeing cost. · In batch entry, the Price Level chosen for the item should have been retained when the Unit of Measure was changed. · If you edited an invoice when information in the customer had been changed and the prompt to confirm the changes in the invoice was displayed, when you chose the ‘Addr Only’ button and set the ‘Exclude custom shipto address on update’ to off, the Ship Via and Salesperson were updated when they should not have been. · In Invoices 9.3A, changing the Payment Method during batch entry did not change the bank Account/Department for the new Payment Method. · In batch entry, the Payment Method was not changed when the Customer Number was changed on the Bill-To tab. · Posting an invoice for $0.00 but having a payment greater than zero resulted in a corrupt Receivables G/L batch that could not be retrieved into Ledger. Posting zero dollar invoices with a payment is not an intended use of Invoices and is not recommended. However, it was possible to do this if you entered an invoice with an amount, entered a payment, then zeroed out or deleted the invoice line, and ignored the zero dollar invoice warning. The G/L batch can now be retrieved if you do this. However, the Batch Listing and Posting Journal reports do not print correctly in this case and it will result in an unapplied cash transaction in Receivables. · Optional Fields did not print the correct value on invoices in some cases when a mix of Adagio Invoices and Adagio Inventory items were on the invoice. · The Find in Invoices History was much slower in 9.3A than earlier versions. · It was possible to use the Column Editor to show the cost in Invoices History when Group Security was set to prevent the user from seeing cost. · When emailing an invoice, when you selected Customer as the ‘Send to’ on the Fax/Email Print Options screen, the email address from the invoice was used instead of the one from customer, which may have been newer. · Added ‘Wait between emails (seconds)’ option in Email Setup. If your Outgoing Mail Server limits the number of emails you can send, setting a delay between emails may increase the number of emails you can send all at once. · Added ‘Outlook’ option in Email Setup. This corrects a problem where you could not send email using the ‘MAPI’ setting or you had slow performance sending emails if you use Outlook and Windows 10 in some cases. · Cancelled invoices were printed on the Batch Listing report and included in the totals. · Importing invoices with payments applied was not working correctly. · Invoices restored from Archive retained changes to the Bill To Zip/Postal. · Imported invoices were not assigned Invoice numbers in some cases. · Importing an Invoice with a payment for a pre-authorized transaction from another system, where the authorized amount is not imported, showed as zero on the Batch Listing and Posting Journal, although the capture was correct. · Importing invoices with the Inventory Unit of Measure field in the details resulted in an error during import. · Importing invoices with items that price by Quantity did not take quantity discounts. For a Price list item, this did work. · When importing invoices with a Price List and Unit of Measure fields on the detail, if the Price list field was non blank, the Pricing unit of measure from the Alternate price list item was used. However, the Cost used was from the imported Unit of Measure, which caused problems. · Negative invoices that were paid by online credit card did not trigger an online payment and thus were not were processed by the credit card provider. · Corrected a problem where an Invoice Search with a Description containing a dash (“-“) caused an error in the Year End function in some cases.
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