Enhancements & RevisionsAdagio Ledger 9.3AApril 22, 2018New Features · The Find button on the grid in the Edit/View Accounts functions is now enabled when a filter is applied. You can use the Finder and Smart Finder to search within the filtered grid. · It is easier to choose the correct field from tables with large numbers of fields in the Column Editor. You can now sort the list, restrict the list using the data type you are searching for (Text, Date, Amount and Value), and type in some text likely to identify the field. On the Select the Type option on the Select Fields dialog to show fields of that type. Problems Fixed · Retrieving batches from PayDirt Payroll (or other third-party applications) showed no batches for retrieval when these applications were installed on private Adagio Cloud. This was not a problem when the third-party application was installed on the local station and batches were retrieved to the cloud from the station. · Recovering a batch that was previously posted with DocStore links now creates a new batch without replicating those links on entries. In previous Ledger 9.3A releases, the new batch had the DocStore links. · Unposting a batch that had DocStore links, and choosing to not Delete Posted Transactions, no longer creates a new batch with the same document links on entries. In previous Ledger 9.3A releases, Unpost always copied the document Links. · For a MultiCurrency account, if a posting to prior year is for a Source currency that has not been posted to in the Current fiscal year, viewing the Account History did not show the Source currency amount for the new Source currency. · The Doc Link column on the View Account Transactions grid now shows ‘Linked’ when there is a DocStore PDF attached. · PDF documents attached for DocStore on the View Account Transactions grid did not remain attached to the transaction. · The Departments report was blank if you did not have a Retained Earnings account with a blank Department. · In Ledger 9.2A and higher, the Batch Status report for provisionally posted batches was blank. · When you printed a Report Set that has a Statement Group in it to a PDF file, the AdagioV2PDF Save PDF file screen displayed before the Statement Group PDF was generated, making it hard to print the Report Set unattended. · Printing a Report Set to PDF used the older AdagioPDF printer driver rather than the newer AdagioV2PDF printer driver. This caused a problem if an older version of some Adagio module that installed older AdagioPDF had not been installed at a site. · You could not select a Fiscal Year ending with a letter (eg. 2017A) on a Source Journal report. · Import functions had an Access Violation error when importing a CSV file where the last record is missing the end of record indicator (a CR/LF).
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