Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio Invoices 6.8B
September 22, 2005
- The Invoices
button and Edit Invoices menu choice were not disabled when the Invoices grid
was already open.
- If a user had 2 instances of Adagio Invoices open and used the Search
Invoices function in both instances, the search result of one instance was shown
in the other instance, even though the search criteria were
- If you were locked from editing a batch in Adagio Invoices by another
user editing the Company Profile in AR, even when the AR user exited the
function you still got a message saying you could not edit the batch when
attempting to do so.
- The list of options in the 'Default print to file format'
field in the Company Profile showed a blank instead of 'Microsoft®
You could not print reports to file using the 'Microsoft Word'
Restoring an invoice from Archive or History now recalculates tax in case any
tax rates in the Tax Group used for the original document have
Added Job links to Adagio Invoices data dictionary to speed up linking to Adagio
JobCost in Adagio GridView.
- If you had a negative invoice, you could not tab out of the
Discount Base field on the total screen.
- If the AR JobCost batch file
(ARAJBTCH) did not exist in the data you got the error "Unable to open data file
job cost batch, (1213)".
- The Job field on the Totals screen in History has been widened
to allow for display of a 6 character Job.
- Added new spec code D49 'Print
Adjustment (factor)'.
- The Extended cost subtotal (M6) and Price Adjustment Running
Total (M17) spec codes printed zero on invoices if the Quantity Ordered field
was not displayed for an Adagio Invoices Item.
- The Batch Listing report now prints
the label 'Cred. Note No.:' rather than 'Invoice No.: for credit note documents
in the batch.
- When a credit note was posted in Adagio Invoices, it was retrieved as
an "Other Charge" in Adagio JobCost instead of a negative billing.
- Batch entry now
forces Job, Phase and Category codes to upper case.
- The IC item Discount Level was not
being stored in the invoice and the Discount Level spec code (D44) was printing
blanks instead of the A-E.
- Added Discount Level spec code (E113) to show the Discount
Level on the invoice (as opposed to C15, which shows the customer's Discount
Updated the All specification codes spec (QI$ALL) to show the new spec codes
available in this release.
- Reset Window Sizes was not working correctly.
- There was a problem
with the position of windows if you minimized a window in Adagio Invoices when
the remember window position option was on.
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