Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio BankRec 9.2A

February 9, 2018

    ·    Compatible with future release of Adagio Receivables 9.3A.

    ·    BankRec now supports transactions with Adagio DocStore links retrieved from Payables 9.3A and future release of Receivables 9.3A. It passes the DocStore document links in retrieved batches through to Adagio Ledger when the batches are posted in BankRec.

    ·    BankRec did not retrieve entries from Cash Batch postings in Receivables, in some cases, when there were consecutive miscellaneous (blank customer code) customer receipts with duplicate Check Numbers.

    ·    If ‘Validate closed periods’ is set to ‘Warn Only’ or ‘Disallow’, posting in Reconcile Bank will warn when there are ‘Reversed’, ‘Cleared with error’ or ‘Cleared with diff.’ transactions for closed Ledger periods.

    ·    The backup after a Data Integrity Check did not put the backup zip file in the correct folder in some cases.

    ·    Corrections were made to the Smart Finder for the Ship to Code on the Invoicing tab in Edit Customer when it did not find any records.

    ·    The tab key did not move to the buttons in the Edit Customer function after tabbing through fields on Customer or Accounting tabs.

    ·    Changes made to the grid on the Purchase Orders tab in the IC Item with Sales and Costs inquiry with the Column Editor were lost when the Edit or View Vendor functions were used in BankRec.

    ·    Import Bank Statements had an Access Violation error when importing a CSV file where the last record is missing the end of record indicator (a CR/LF). Previous versions of BankRec were able to import such files that are produced by some banks.

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