Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Payables 9.3A

February 1, 2018

    If you have the 9.3A version of Ledger, Payables, OrderEntry, PurchaseOrders or GridView, after installing Payables 9.3A (2018.02.01), a File Data Integrity error may be reported in the “Adagio Document Storage” file by the Data Integrity Check (DIC) in any of the modules and DataCare. This error will not cause any problems. It can and should be rebuilt by the DIC in any of the modules or DataCare. After the rebuild, the error will no longer be reported by any module.

    ·    Adagio Payables 9.3A (2018.02.01) is compatible with and required if future release of Adagio Receivables 9.3A is used.

    ·    In Payables 9.2B and 9.3A the EFT tab did not appear when a vendor was edited from within batch entry.

    ·    In Vendor Edit the F11 key was not invoking attach (paperclip) button to attach documents for DocStore.

    ·    The Account Set for a MultiCurrency vendor could be changed in a rare case. This is now prevented.

    ·    When viewing PDF transactions for PurchaseOrders in the Edit/View Vendors functions, Next / Previous did not display documents correctly.

    ·    The Browse for EFT Payments path in Edit EFT Providers was not remembering the last subfolder in the path.

    ·    Editing the Next Sequence number in an EFT Provider now enforces the maximum of ‘9999’.

    ·    When a user was on the Print Manual Checks dialog screen, other users could not create or post batches.

    ·    Cash Invoice attachments in DocStore are now treated like invoices.

    ·    The Document Number for Cash Invoice attachments in DocStore was blank.

    ·    Double-clicking the paperclip button or clicking it a second time when the Open PDF dialog was already open caused an error message. This is now prevented.

    ·    If you deleted a DocStore attachment immediately after adding it (for example if you attached the wrong document) an error was displayed.

    ·    Duplicate PDFs were added to DocStore for additional forms when checks were printed. Additional forms are no longer added to DocStore.

    If a DocStorage Form is specified on the Bank, it will be the attachment. Otherwise:

    - For printed checks, the printed Check specification will be attached.

    - For EFT:
         a) if the Bank is set up with a Check specification or a Check specification is selected on the EFT Check Run window, a copy of the Check will be attached, or
         b) if there is no Check specification set on the Bank or selected during the EFT run, an Additional form set on the Bank will be attached, or
         c) if there are no Additional form specifications defined on the bank and the Check specification is left blank on the Bank and on the EFT Check Run window, nothing will be attached.

    ·    The message “There are no batches to post in the selected range” was displayed if you attempted to post a batch while another user was editing it. The message now says “Unable to post as batch [n, n] is currently being accessed by user [nnn].”

    ·    If duplicate check numbers were entered (incorrectly) when voiding checks, the Check Register reported invoices paid for the wrong vendor.

    ·    The Doc Link column on the Payments grid in System Checks showed blanks instead of ‘Linked’ when there was a DocStore PDF attached.

    ·    Printing and clearing the Archive Batch Status report cleared the Open batches, not the Archive batches.

    ·    The recoverable tax on the Reconciliation Posting Journal is now being shown correctly.

    ·    Creating an Archive batch in Payables 9.2B or 9.3A used the Next Batch Number for Current batches. This resulted in an error when creating a new Archive batch in some cases and there was a gap in batch numbers for Current batches.

    ·    The Data Integrity Check error for duplicate documents in manual check batches stated the error was in an invoice batch.

    ·    When importing invoice batches with validation for an import file with errors, if you cancelled before viewing all the errors, then imported another batch with errors, there were data integrity errors.

    ·    If a vendor name was changed by importing vendors, a new DocStore folder for the vendor was created instead of renaming the existing folder to the changed vendor name.

    ·    The EFT Trans Type field was always imported as blank.

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