Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Ledger 9.2B

February 18, 2017

    ·    The finder on the GL Department field is now restricted to the departments for the account selected.

    ·    The GL Department Description is now available to be added to the GL Account finder with the Column Editor.

    ·    When making a department and all associated accounts inactive, any retained earnings accounts in that department are not made inactive. This allows you to make a department inactive to prevent accidental use without having to make retained earnings active in order to run Next Year. Retained earnings accounts with departments must still be active when creating the Next Year, and can be edited manually as needed.

    ·    Empty batches no longer post. If an empty batch is included in a range of batches it is left unposted.

    ·    In Ledger 9.2A and higher, if you were in the View Transactions/Budgets function when batches were posted, the transaction details were not refreshed until you closed and re-entered the function.

    ·    If the Current Balance, Budget or Forecast columns were removed from the View Transactions screen and later re-added without using Reset, when you changed the fiscal period, the column amounts did not refresh the numbers for the selected fiscal period.

    ·    In Ledger 9.2A and higher if the grid was sorted by Department, the Find Transaction function did not locate transactions correctly.

    ·    PurchaseOrders transactions with a vendor document number less than 9 characters did not display the PDF in the View Transactions function.

    ·    In Ledger 9.2B, the Posting Journal did not print entries in the order entered or show on the Batch Listing in some cases.

    ·    After installing Ledger 9.2B (2016.08.10) or SysUpdater (160809), temporary files created on workstations by printing reports were not deleted in some cases, although this did not cause any problems.

    ·    When printing a Report Set containing a posting journal for an empty batch, an error occurred. This could cause an automation job to fail to complete. The error no longer occurs.

    ·    In Ledger 9.2A and higher, the Chart of Accounts report did not and there was an error when the report was previewed.

    ·    In some cases, the sequence for the Provisional Posting Journal was not set properly if Next Year was open.

    ·    Ledger on Adagio Cloud now supports retrieval of batches from third-party applications (for example PayDirt Payroll™) running on the local machine.

    ·    When cloning a company if you changed the fiscal year, posting a batch to a prior year caused data integrity errors.

    ·    Ledger now renders dialogs properly on Ultra High Resolution displays when the font size is anything other than 100% of normal on Windows 8.1 or higher.

    ·    The Data Integrity Check now shows the Account in the error for any orphaned transactions.

    ·    If a user who had Ledger open ran a Data Integrity Check (DIC) after another user had posted a batch and then exited the program, the DIC reported false errors. If Ledger was closed and reopened, the errors are no longer reported.

    ·    Installing the 9.2B (2016.08.10) Service Pack displayed the error “x:\Softrak\Ledger\LedgerFinRep.exe is not a valid previous version and could not be upgraded.” in some cases.

    ·    Station logs had blanks in remote entries if the Adagio application was logged in with a UNC rather than a mapped drive. The Remote Device and Remote Platform entries are now populated in this case.

    ·    Station logs always showed Remote Platform as the generic OS type, usually \\\"Win NT\\\". It now shows the actual server OS, such as “Windows Server 2012 R2”.

    ·    Station logs have new entry Remote OpLocks Setting that shows the Oplocks setting on the server as “Enabled” or “Disabled”. If unable to connect to remote registry it will show \\\"”.

    Enhancements & Revisions in Financial Reporter

    ·    New SmartSheet commands “.Sort”, “.SortCase” and “.SortEnd” are available to sort a section of a financial statement into alphabetical (or some other) order. The sort is case sensitive when “.SortCase” is used. The sort is in ascending order. Place the text “Start” in the column on which the sort is to be performed. Multiple sort blocks in a sheet are supported.

    ·    The new Header/Footer code “$G” is now available to print the UTC date and time in the section. Here is the complete list of supported Header/Footer codes:

      $A - Application (LedgerFinRep.exe)
      $C - Company Name
      $D - Date - can have parameters in {}
      $F - File title
      $G - UTC Date - can have parameters in {}
                        %z is always utc,%Z is always UTC
      $N - Number of pages
      $P - Current page number
      $R - Sheet Name
      $U - User Id
      $V - Filter value
      $X - Path Name
      $Y - Date string - \\\"As of ...\\\"

    ·    Expression Notepad added to improve the entry of complex formulas. Right Button Mouse on a formula cell or double click in the Formula Bar launches the Notepad. Text is entered in a monospace font and multilines are supported.

    ·    Statement Groups now allow you to specify a specific name for the ExcelDirect workbook. Right Mouse Click on the Statement Group name to set the Export name.

    ·    “.ExportSheetName(“name”)” in cell A3 will override the default name for the statement when a workbook is sent to Excel. The string specified in the function can be an expression. This allows you to specifically name each sheet in a workbook when it is sent to Excel.

    ·    The behavior of the Department Selection Combo Box has been significantly improved for sites with a large number of departments.

    ·    Items in the Department View can be re-ordered (moved) using Alt-UpArrow and Alt-DownArrow key presses.

    ·    In the “Specify Fiscal Period” dialog, the Description, Fiscal Start and Fiscal End dates are now displayed.

    ·    The Financial Reporter now records the name of the statement being loaded in the application log (SDAPPLOG).

    ·    The function GLFPE() returned the incorrect ending period date when used with the \\\"BAL\\\" specifier. It now returns the end date of the selected fiscal period. \\\"CURBAL\\\" always returns the last day of the fiscal year.

    ·    Department masks with leading blanks now work correctly.

    ·    When printing a Statement Group for several departments, the order of the statements appeared to be random. The Group will now print in the order selected.

    ·    Specification codes “U”, “PRO” and “ENC” now return the full year value, regardless of the fiscal period selected.

    ·    The “Accounting $$” format now works correctly when the first row(s) of an expanded range are hidden.

    ·    Statement expansion now works reliably when the statement contains user department restrictions.

    ·    Updating budgets when next year was open used to generate a data integrity error in the general ledger. This no longer occurs.

    ·    Choosing “Save as…” for a statement loaded from a Folder other than the Company data now changes the Folder destination to the Company data Folder and the extension of the Statement.

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