Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio MultiCurrency 9.2B

November 28, 2016

    ·    Updated for Adagio Cloud.

    ·    Adagio MultiCurrency now logs user activity within the module, including login and menu choices. Application logs may be viewed with GridView, Crystal Reports or from Adagio Console.

    ·    The Euro currency symbol is now supported.

    ·    Improved validation when entering rates.

    ·    Installs a new Adagio Data Source (ADS) that prevents resource locking problems at large Adagio sites running 9.2 versions and improves application performance at these sites.

    NOTE: All third-party applications from Adagio Developer Partners must use the new ADS. You must check with your Adagio consultant or the developer to confirm their application is using ADS 1.12. 66.3503 or higher. Failure to ascertain this risks corrupting data if the application is writing to the Adagio data files concurrently with Adagio modules.

    Problems Fixed

    ·    The Exchange Rates report printed the rate and spread 100 times too small.

    ·    The Workstation install displayed a message in some cases saying it had to download packages to complete the install when in fact that was not required.

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