Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Payables 9.2A

May 24, 2016

    ·    Change were made is this release for Adagio Cloud.

    ·    If you used the smart finder on the ‘Find document’ field on the Transactions tab in Edit/View Vendor, and you were viewing with the ‘Both’ option, a critical error was displayed.

    ·    The Detail Type of an adjustment batch entry for a vendor who did not have any Forced documents changed from ‘PUR’ to ‘Forced’ when saved.

    ·    Posting in Payables 9.2A (2015.06.09) when there is no Ledger data present gave the error “Unable to open data file GL Batch @P92AGLZ, (1213)”.

    ·    You could not print an alignment check (for Dot Matrix printers) in Payables 9.2A.

    ·    Fields and objects on specifications can now have custom colors, with full control of hue, saturation and luminosity. Colors in the sample data specifications and templates in the designer have been updated accordingly.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A (2015.06.09), the Aged Retainage report did not print any transactions.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A, the Pre-check Register sorted by applied Transaction Type / Document No. rather than Transaction Type / Document No.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A, the Tax Tracking report when printed with the 'Include Tax code summary' option did not print the amounts for the codes in the summary.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A, there was an error when you tried to print the Fax Queue Listing report.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A, the invoice posting journal did not print details in the order they were entered.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A, some reports displayed an error similar to “Cannot open file "\DATA\APxxnnnnR.DAT". The system cannot find the file specified.” on systems with many Windows users (approximately more than 100).

     ·    The import of invoices and cash invoices with Job Cost details failed on the Det-G/L Department Code in Payables 9.2A.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A if you exported vendors and browsed to any folder other than the data folder, where the output file did not already exist, then said Yes to create the file, there was an Access Violation error if you did not also include the file extension in the filename.

    ·    Adagio DataCare displayed the error “Unable to open data file options @P81BOPT, (1213)” when opened with a Payables 9.2A database present and Payables 8.1F or earlier had never been used with the database.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A, after creating a new database or converting from an earlier version, if Adagio Ledger data was not present, you could not retrieve into Ledger in another data set.

    ·    Enabling the ‘Use TLS/SSL’ setting in the Email Setup was not remembered.

    ·    Fixed a problem in Payables 9.2A where the MultiCurrency Revaluation function caused data integrity errors in some cases. Also fixed similar but different and less frequent problem that existed in 8.1F and earlier versions.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A, a file for retrieval in BankRec was created even though BankRec was not used. This did not cause a problem and has been corrected.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A, the Revaluation function was not updating the Home Equivalent amount on Prepayments.

    ·    Installing Payables 9.2A (2015.06.09) at a site that had not also upgraded to Receivables 9.2A, incorrectly displayed the warning “Receivables 9.1A (140723); must be at least [9.2A (140723)]” when in fact Receivables 9.1A (140723) was installed and is compatible with Payables 9.2A.

    ·    Corrected a problem where, after a workstation install was completed, it cycled requiring another workstation install (sometimes cycling without user intervention). This happened in isolated cases on some workstations for systems where Adagio 9.2A/B modules dated in December 2015 or later were installed for the first time at a site, depending on the workstation environment and/or the order in which upgrades and Service Packs were installed. Installing this release will also correct the problem for all other installed modules.

    ·    In Payables 9.2A (2015.06.09), the auto-workstation install on a new workstation that had not had vitalEsafe installed by a previous install ran again each time you started Payables. Note: the vitalEsafe web based file storage service has been discontinued and this function has been removed from Payables.

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