Enhancements & RevisionsAdagio FX 9.2AMay 17, 2016General Features · This release is Adagio Cloud ready. · This release has been updated to use the same features and data structure as Adagio Ledger 9.2B (2016.05.16) wherever applicable, including reports. · Added Adagio Toolbar. · Adagio FX now logs user activity within the application. The application log may be viewed with Adagio Console 9.2A or GridView. · The Edit / View Accounts grids now display the total number of records, as well as a count of the displayed records when a Filter is active. An Ignore Style Color button has also been added. Click this button to toggle the grid between no color and Style colors or no color and banding (if it is enabled in User Preferences). · Account Filters can now be displayed in Style Priority sequence. Added ‘Display Priority’ field to the grid in the Edit Account Filters function. This makes it easier to tell the sequence in which Styles will be applied. The setting of the sort option is saved by user. · Grids may be “banded” with a User Selectable color and banding frequency set under File | User Preferences. Filter Styles may be disabled and replaced with regular banding if desired. · The status bar at the bottom of the main window now shows activity of various steps when the program is starting up and the database is opening. · Updated splash screen with new Adagio logo and colors. Updated icon and toolbar button images. · The Data Integrity Check (DIC) saves results for the last 9 previous runs in files AFWINERR01..09.dat (where .dat is your company data file extension). The current DIC information will always be in AFWINERR. If you do check/rebuild/check without closing the DIC function the results are appended to the same file. · Added option to the Company Profile to create a backup of related data whenever a Data Integrity Check completes without errors. Adagio FX will always create a backup of a database prior to rebuild. · Added Email Setup function to support Direct email for Adagio Console users, allowing them to use Direct for the EmailPDFLog command in automation batches rather than MAPI, which requires operator input. · Added ‘Week starts at’ to the Company Profile to allow you to specify the beginning day of the week for grid filters. Edit / View Accounts / Departments · When an Account is edited or created, you can require it be assigned to an Account Group by setting the new ‘Mandatory Account Groups’ option in the Company Profile. · Account Groups can be defined as non-contiguous ranges and these ranges can now be enforced when accounts are added to the chart of accounts by setting the new ‘Mandatory Account Groups’ option in the Company Profile. · You can now make a department "inactive". When a department is made “inactive”, you can optionally makes all accounts in the department inactive as well. · Account Groups can now be added to the Account Group table. A warning will be displayed that changes to this table will necessitate edits to the basic default Balance Sheet and Income Statement included with the Financial Reporter; however, you can now create ranges for specific Due to/Due from and clearing accounts. Edit / View Budgets · Accounts with current or historical values can now be deleted from Edit Accounts. · Edit Budgets and Forecasts functions are the same as in Ledger. These functions have been significantly improved to speed the entry of budget figures. Speed keys have been made available on several frequently accessed fields, and the tab order has been modified to more accurately conform to the expected field entry. When “stepping through” a range of accounts or departments, Adagio FX remembers the previously used method for allocating the budget and automatically changes the method. If you “step into” an account with non-zero entries and there is no previously used budgeting method on file for the account, you will be placed into “manual entry” mode to prevent inadvertently changing the previously set budget figures. If the method results in updated budget or forecast figures, these amounts will be displayed in red to highlight the change. For accounts where the budget / forecast has never been edited the function defaults the entry method to the last you used for the company. If the program will be saving changed figures, the “Ok” button text will be changed to say “Apply”. · Options have been added to the Company Profile to allow you to lock budgets and/or forecasts in the current and/or next year to prevent them from being edited in FX or updated in the Financial Reporter. Transaction Inquiry · The Posted Transactions file structure has changed from a sorted sequential file to an indexed file for version 9.2A. The new structure allows immediate viewing of entries in the View Transaction/Budgets function and drill down within the Financial Reporter at any time. · View Transactions has the entire entry displayed on a grid when viewing a detail. · The View Transaction/Budget inquiry grid can now be set to show active accounts only. · When viewing the details of a transaction, you can display the PDF of the form that created the transaction (e.g. an invoice) if Adagio ePrint is installed and the PDF is available. · In the View Transactions | Budgets function, you can now place the YTD Budget or Forecast totals, or the Budget / Forecast figure for any specific period on the account selection grid. · Added the ability to find transactions in the View Transactions function. The ‘Find Trans’ button opens a screen allowing selection of a fiscal year and within that to pick a Batch, Entry and Line # (from postings in Ledger). The smart finder is used to search all transactions within that fiscal year. Selecting from the smart finder result positions to the desired transaction in the grid. · All Fiscal Period finders now show all 12 (or 13) periods. This can speed up entry when using the mouse to select the period. Reports · Adagio FX’s standard reports are now created using Crystal Reports 2013, replacing the Crystal Reports 8.5 Print Engine (CRPE32.dll). · Print the Trial Balance and Detail Listing reports to Excel using ExcelDirect. Added an ExcelDirect button and ExcelDirect Options button on the report dialogs. Transactions from the report are exported to Excel using the selected ranges, sorts and options (except subtotals and page breaks). The resulting spreadsheet may be more useful than the export produced using Crystal depending on what you are looking for. Select the new ‘Enable ExcelDirect Print’ option and related settings on the Report Options tab in the Company Profile. · An updated version of Adagio PrintTool (PT) is installed in \Softrak\PrintTool. PT allows you to print / preview custom reports without needing to run Crystal Reports itself or without placing the report on the Custom Reports menu in an Adagio module. Import / Export · You can now import and export Departments. · Many restrictions have been removed when importing accounts and transactions, including checking of dates, requiring balanced entries, allowing import of Current and Opening Balance, and allowing import of transactions for the current year. Account and Department must still be valid for Net changes, Transactions, Budgets, Forecasts, and Statistics. · During an automated retrieve using a Retrieve Template or the /R parameter, Access Violation errors are automatically closed without requiring user input in an attempt to allow the retrieve to completed. Problems fixed· Corrected problem retrieving from Adagio Ledger with a “wildcard” Department and departmental restrictions. · Corrected problem where budgets were not retrieved correctly from Adagio Ledger when using the 'Use Existing Budgets' option. · The Trial Balance report with only the ‘Include YE adjustments’ option enabled omitted accounts in some cases. · The Detail Listing report now always defaults to the expected year when Next Year is open and your fiscal year is not the calendar year. · The Default file for Import Account Statistics defaulted to GLSTATIM.CSV instead of AFSTATIM.CSV. · Automation did not allow selecting an Import Transactions template. Financial Reporter· The Financial Reporter in FX is now at exactly the same revision as the Financial Reporter in Adagio Ledger 9.2B (2016.05.16). · "Pin" fiscal periods and Department choices so that they are applied to every sheet in the financial statement. Note: In order to have the push pin appear, you may need to select View | Customize | Settings | Toolbars, and click "Reset" on each toolbar in turn. · Conditional cell formatting is supported. Highlight the cell you wish to conditionally format and select Format | Conditional Styles The conditional format formula is entered into the Formula box. The formula is a regular "IF()" function with the name of the Style you want applied if the condition is TRUE and the Style you want applied if the condition is FALSE. Use an empty Style ("") if you want the default formatting applied if the condition is not met. The Preview window will show you the contents of the selected cell formatted according to the conditional Style. Until the formula is syntactically correct, the OK button will be disabled, and the Preview window will be blank. IF() formulas may be nested. Normal cell references may be used. "#" is used to reference the current cell (as illustrated). Conditional Cell Formatting may be Enabled/Disabled for the entire sheet from the Conditional Styles Dialog, or from the Formulas | Conditional Styles menu choice. · Allow an arbitrary selection of fiscal periods from the currently selected and previous years to sum amounts. Net Changes, Budgets, Forecasts, Statistical Units and Provisionally posted amounts can now be easily summed over arbitrary fiscal periods. Previously, a specific period could be included in a Specification Code. For example [11]M would provide the Net Changes for Fiscal Period 11. You can now place starting and ending periods between the []M separated by a colon (":"). For example, [3:5]M would sum the Net Changes to an account for periods 3 to 5. The Starting period must be less than the Ending period, unless it is preceded by "P". NET[3:5]M and [3:5]M sum the Net Posted transactions for periods 3 to 5. NET[P10:3]M and [P10:3]M sum the Net Posted transactions from Period 10 in the prior year to period 3 in the currently selected year. The following modifiers change the summed value: NET = Net Changes (assumed if no specifier) B = Budgets F = Forecasts U = Units PRO = Provisionally Posted Amounts ENC = Encumbrance Amounts · GLUPDATE() has an optional additional parameter to select the Budget Year to update. "1" updates the previous year's budget figures. · When drilling down into transactions, the displayed Grid will be banded according to the User Preference settings for color and banding frequency. · The Financial Reporter status bar now displays Company Name, data path and extension, and the Adagio and Windows user. · Performance improvements have been made to speed the loading and printing of statements. · Supports new budget and forecast lock options in the Company Profile. You cannot update budget or forecast figures for either the current and/or the next fiscal year if locked in the Company Profile. · If you retrieve from a multi-currency Adagio Ledger database, the Source Currency code and Exchange Rate fields are available on the drill-down to the transaction details. · Updated all Financial Reporter specifications in the sample data that used =AD formulas to use .ColSpec. The SuperSpec has a sample for the [n:n] Net Changes. Added new specification GL!CellFormat.sam showing simple cell formatting. · The financial statement templates have been updated. Use File | Open Template to open one of these basic statement templates provided in the \SOFTRAK\FSDesigner\Templates folder. · The /t command line parameter is supported when starting the Financial Reporter program directly from a shortcut. This allows you to set a session date in the format of YYYYMMDD. Problems Fixed in Financial Reporter· ExcelDirect no longer includes a trailing decimal point when amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar. · "Blank" departments are now correctly handled in Statement Groups. · Revised department descriptions are now correctly loaded in the Financial Reporter when User Department Restrictions are in effect. · When Users are restricted from printing a Statement Group, that Statement Group will no longer be available to send to Excel from FX. · When a Statement Group contained sheets with different paper sizes and orientation, the correct page selections were not done if the Statement was open in the Designer. This has been fixed. · When a new account was added to the chart of accounts, that account would not be reflected on a financial statement until the user collapsed and expanded the statement. This is no longer required when ".AutoUpdate" is specified. · Hidden rows at the bottom of a statement were not being hidden when exported to Excel. · Inactive Departments were not suppressed when ‘Skip Inactive Departments’ was set on a Statement Group item with a Custom Range of departments. · The Save As Template function now requires the template to be saved in the \SOFTRAK\FSDesigner\Templates folder so that will be found by the Open Template function.
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