Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio GridView 9.2B

May 4, 2016

    Views created with this version are not backward compatible with earlier versions of GridView. Views opened with this version will be automatically converted to the new format and will not be usable by earlier GridView versions.

    ·    Conditional Cell Formatting is supported. Right mouse button on the column title and select Edit Conditional Styles from the context menu or choose Format | Conditional Styles to add a conditional Style to the active column. 

    Use a regular IF() function to test the condition. Name the desired style to apply if the condition is TRUE. Name an alternative Style to apply if the condition is FALSE, or use a NULL string ("") if you want the default formatting applied. Refer to the current cell with "#" (as illustrated).

    The Preview window will show a value with the formatting applied as the condition is evaluated. The OK button will only be enabled and the Preview window displayed, if the Formula is syntactically correct.

    Conditional Styles can be Enabled/Disabled on the Dialog or View | Conditional Styles menu.

    Constraint violations are no longer supported.

    ·    Views that are "Tied" to a specific database can now be modified when logged in as SYS so that network Views can be maintained when running on a laptop version of the data.

    ·    CSV and TXT files can be loaded and parsed in GridView. A structured CSV file with a defined header row can pass data element type information to GridView to correctly format the columns. See the F1-Help text for details.

    ·    Tool tips have been added to display calculation dependencies, Filter and Row Format definitions. Many dialogs have been made sizeable.

    ·    Allows NULLs to be sent to external database. Option setting is in View | Customize | General.

    ·    When exporting a View with ODBC compliant column names (/XDO /XDN on the command line), empty cells will send 0 if the column is numeric unless NULLS are forced in the View | Customize | General tab.

    ·    When a cell is hyperlinked to a PDF document, the Adagio PDF Viewer is called to display the PDF instead of the workstation default PDF Viewer.

    ·    Default column widths will be more accurate. Calculated Columns, Row Formats and Sort Sequences are now sorted for selection. Field name matching when replacing one table with another has been improved. Refreshing of multiple Views in an ordered Workspace has been improved. The default Table Style to be used by Excel can be set on the Defaults | General tab.

    ·    "Enable auto trim" on the Defaults | Views tab automatically wraps a right justified field in the TRIM() function to strip leading blanks. This makes string comparisons more natural when the fields are used in formulas.

    ·    The sample views installed in \Softrak\GVWIN\Views have been updated to use the currently shipping 9.2A dictionaries.

    ·    Added System Info tab to Help | About.

    ·    This release is Adagio Cloud ready.


    GETPDFITEM(CVCode, DocPrefix, DocType, Docnum)

    Returns the full path of an ePrint saved document if it exists in the \SoftPDF Folder. The arguments are text fields containing:

    -       The Customer or Vendor Code (6 characters)

    -       The Application Prefix that generated the PDF (AR, IN, OE or TB).

    -       The Document Type (I=Invoice, C=Credit Note)

    -       The Document number


    Returns the Julian day number of the date. Uses TODAY() if no date is provided. The date provided must be later than December 31, 1979.


    Returns the ISO week number in the year – the week with the year's first Thursday in it. Monday is the first day of the week.

    Julian day number of the date. Uses TODAY() if no date is provided.

    WEEKNUM(Date[,return type])

    Returns the week number in the year, counted according to the value in [return type]. If [return type] is not specified, 1 is used. January 1 is always week 1, except when [Return type] is 21 (ISO), in which case week 1 may begin on another day of the week. [Return type] controls how weeks are counted:

      1        Week runs from Sunday to Saturday

      2        Week runs from Monday to Sunday

     11        Week runs from Monday to Sunday

     12        Week runs from Tuesday to Monday

     13        Week runs from Wednesday to Tuesday

     14        Week runs from Thursday to Wednesday

     15        Week runs from Friday to Thursday

     16        Week runs from Saturday to Friday

     17        Week runs from Sunday to Saturday

     21        Use ISO week numbering 

    All other values return Error! 

    Problems Fixed

    ·    When a View is saved Summarized, the state is now saved for the next time the View is loaded.

    ·    Syntax checking has been relaxed for Calculated Columns and Filters that return "!Error" during definition.

    ·    Trailing spaces are trimmed from the Worksheet name when a Workspace is sent to Excel.

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