Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Inventory 8.0A

May 16, 2005

  • Now supports multi-currency accounting.

  • User-defined Optional Fields on items.

  • Images files can be associated with items and displayed in the Edit Items and Item Inquiry functions.

  • UPC code field has been added to items.

  • An 'Active item' field has been added to items.

  • Alerts have been added to items.

  • Alerts entered for customers in Adagio Receivables will pop up when a Shipment is entered in Adagio Inventory.

  • Item grids, finders and smart finders can now access fields in the secondary item record. Optional fields and other new fields in the item can also be accessed..

  • All grids now display quantities with no decimals unless 'Handle Fractional Quantities' is on.

  • Sample data has been updated to demonstrate the new features.

  • Multi-currency sample data has been added and is installed in \softrak\ICWin\mcsamdata.

  • The function 'Active Users' has been added to the Help menu.

  • Users of Adagio GridView can add views to the Inquiry menu.

  • The F2 key now supports Windows standard behavior by editing the line selected on a grid.

  • The F6 key now opens the smart finder directly from any grid where you can do a find.

  • The Windows calculator can be added to and launched from the toolbar.

  • The date of the last data integrity check is now displayed in the status bar.

  • The Data Integrity Checker memo now shows the date the integrity check was run, the starting and ending time, the path and extension of the data and the user name.

  • The Data Integrity Checker now writes full details of the integrity check into the log file.

  • The source files for all reports in Adagio Inventory are installed in the StandardRP sub-directory rather in the program directory \Softrak\ICWin.

  • A Find button has been added in the Edit Receipts function.

  • An Import / Export Alternate Items function has been added.

  • The import and export functions include many enhancements and revisions, including but not limited to the following items relating to import/export.

  • Import functions write errors to a log file.

  • Default fields in import templates now have finders and are validated when entering the template.

  • If you copy your database to another directory, the path to the import file in the default import template is automatically updated to the new path.

  • Importing items already on file but with a different category code, did not update the item count in the category. The count is now incremented in the new category and decremented in the old category.

  • Import templates for Items and Shipments could not be printed with Adagio Invoices 6.8B (2004.11.13).

  • When the Pricing determination fields are not imported they are now defaulted from the category.

  • The Transaction History report no longer locks users from entering orders in OE.

  • A progress bar has been added to the Dayend function.

  • A progress bar has been added to import items.

  • When doing a stock transfer between items where the units of measure are different between the items, there is now a warning that no conversion of units will occur.

  • Item assembly posted costs to item sales history when it should not have.

  • Text overlapped the "continued" field on the Item Status report in some cases.

  • A stock transfer between different items with different Control Accounts now generates accounting entries.

  • The Data Integrity Check reported errors in the Quantity on PO for non-stock items for which there was a PO in PO Tracker. Adagio IC now provides a way for PO Tracker to prevent this.

  • If OE data was created with Adagio OE, and IC data existed, it caused a problem for Purchase Orders for Adagio (POA) in some cases. This has been corrected in OE, and when Adagio Inventory opens the database it will correct the problem in the database if required.

  • After shipping a non-stock item, the quantity on hand was negative.

  • You could not import a shipments batch (ICSBATCH) created in Adagio Invoices if it contained Adagio JobCost related invoice transactions. JobCost related shipments/returns are now treated like normal shipments/returns.

  • When you entered a receipt for items with a costing unit different than the stocking unit, that have re-order quantities, and used the Inquiry there to look at the re-order data, the displayed quantities were in the stocking unit of measure, not the costing unit. The projected sales is based on the Pricing unit of measure and had the same problem.

  • The 'stocking unit of measure' field did not print on the Item Valuation report. Other minor fixes have been made to the Item Valuation report.

  • When you transferred an item to another item with a different unit of measure, the Quantity field showed the Unit of Measure from the From item instead of the Receiving item.

  • When updating the reorder data for an item, you had to click the Apply button twice in some cases to update the item.

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