Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Invoices 9.2A

April 28, 2015

    General Features

    ·    You can now start other Adagio modules from toolbar buttons showing the icon for the module. This allows easy switching between Adagio modules. If a module is running against the same company data, Adagio will now just switch to that running instance, rather than launching a second instance. Toolbar buttons can be rearranged under File | User preferences, or by dragging the buttons around or off the toolbar itself.

    ·    Adagio Invoices now logs user activity within the module, including login, menu choices and batch New, Edit, Copy, Delete and Post. Audit logs may be viewed with GridView.

    ·    The Edit / View Customer and Edit / View IC Item grids now display the total number of records, as well as a count of the displayed records when a Filter is active. An Ignore Style Color button has also been added. Click this button to toggle the grid between no color and Style colors or no color and banding (if it is enabled in User Preferences).

    ·    Grids may be “banded” with a User Selectable color and banding frequency set under File | User Preferences. Filter Styles may be disabled and replaced with regular banding if desired.

    ·    The status bar at the bottom of the main window now shows activity of various steps when the program is starting up and the database is opening.

    ·    The Column Editor screen can be sized. The size is remembered by module on the workstation.

    ·    Updated splash screen with new Adagio logo and colors. Updated icon and toolbar button images.

    Ledger and Receivables Interfaces

    ·    Invoices 9.2A is fully compatible with the new feature in Ledger 9.2A’s Retrieve Subledger Batches function, which allows separation of subledger batches on retrieve by Posting Sequence or Batch Number (for Receivables subledger batches resulting from posting in Invoices). The retrieval file cannot be separated by Batch Number for earlier versions of Invoices.

    ·    The Edit / View Customers functions support the new options ‘Sort by’ on the Transactions tab, and ‘Print BR receipts?’ and ‘Require PO?’ on the Invoicing tab added in Receivables 9.2A.

    ·    Supports ‘Allow edit of posted desc or reference?’ option in Receivables 9.2A. Allows the Description 1 and 2 fields and the Reference field for posted transactions to be edited on the Transaction Details screen.

    ·    The Terms Description is displayed next to the Terms field in Edit and View Customer.

    Batch Entry and Posting

    ·    If the ‘Include tax in discount base?’ option is disabled in the Invoices Company Profile, when credit notes are applied to invoices during posting, the amount of the credit note before tax is applied to the Discount Base. In previous versions, the full amount of the credit note was applied.


    ·    Added an option to print a General Ledger Distribution Summary on batch listings.

    ·    The Batch Description is now printed on the Batch Listing in addition to the batch number.

    ·    Posting Journals can no longer be cleared after printing. This avoids accidental clearing. Posting Journals are cleared at year end. The 'Allow Post Journal Purge?' option has been removed from the Company Profile.

    ·    Adagio Invoices reports are now created using Crystal Reports 2013, replacing the Crystal Reports 8.5 Print Engine (CRPE32.dll). The module’s management reports are now stored in \Softrak\Invoices\StandardReports. Revisions to these reports should be placed in \Softrak\Invoices\ModifiedReports. Custom reports to be added to the Reports menu should be stored in \Softrak\Invoices\CustomReports. Reports must be edited or created using Crystal Reports 2011 or 2013 and Adagio ODBC for access to the data files. Users will notice minor changes to some of the visual elements in the module and a new Print Preview window. The size and position of the Print Preview window are now remembered between sessions by user, so the Workstation Options controlling this function have been removed. Exporting to an Excel spreadsheet from the print preview window has been significantly improved. The Report Tables Drive settings and Crystal tables in the \QRASP folder are not used by version 9.2A modules.

    ·    An updated version of Adagio PrintTool (PT) is installed in \Softrak\PrintTool. PT allows you to print / preview custom reports without needing to run Crystal Reports itself or without placing the report on the Custom Reports menu in an Adagio module. It allows reports to be placed on the Windows desktop. PrintTool 9.2A prints custom reports created with Crystal Reports 2011 or 2013 only. Adagio ODBC must be installed to create custom reports but is not required to print custom reports. Your Adagio dealer or consultant can create custom reports for you and deploy them at your site. PT allows you to specify a report to print on the command line using the /r parameter. This allows Adagio automation batches to print custom reports (to printer – a future release of PT will allow automation batches to print custom reports to PDF). PT does not require registration with Softrak Systems but does use Adagio Lanpak licenses. Note: PT does not print reports created with Crystal Reports 8.5 for Adagio. Existing version 8.5 custom reports must be converted before they can be printed by 9.2A.

    Specification Designer and Printing Invoices

    ·    Added invoice specification codes for most totals in home currency. The new codes are E177 to E192 and P008 to P010.

    ·    Added invoice specification codes to print City, State/Province and Country in a single formatted field:
       C156, City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal code
       E193, Bill to City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal code
       E194, Ship to City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal code

    ·    Added invoice specification codes for formatted address in Company Profile, including City, State/Province and Country codes. The new codes are N021 to N035.


    ·    Added Excel Direct to the Batch Status Inquiry function.

    ·    Company address in the Company Profile can now be formatted, with separate fields for City, State/Province and Country.

    ·    The Data Integrity Check (DIC) saves results for the last 9 previous runs in files QIWINERR01..09.dat (where .dat is your company data file extension). The current DIC information will always be in QIWINERR. If you do check/rebuild/check without closing the DIC function the results are appended to the same file.

    ·    Import and export templates created for Excel format now default the file extension to .XLXS rather than .XLS.

    Problems Fixed

    ·    If the footer height of a credit note was different than the height of invoices printed at the same time extraneous lines were printed on the footer of the credit note in some cases.

    ·    Tax was not calculated for Adagio Invoices items when the option to show quantity Shipped was disabled when the Tax Base for Tax Group on the invoices was by ‘Item Cost’.

    ·    Importing invoices for customers on an Alternate Price List displayed the warning 'Invalid unit of measure' when items in the import file used different units of measure and the wrong unit of measure was used for the item.

    ·    For multi-currency databases, the Posting Journal did not print the currency Description for all currencies in the Currency Summary.

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