Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Inventory 8.1E

February 24, 2015

    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio Inventory 8.1E (2015.02.24)

       Imported shipments were using the Inventory AP clearing account from the company profile for all items. For non-stock items only, the AP clearing account is now being retrieved from the IC control account set. Note that this affects shipments being Retrieved from Adagio Invoices.

       Inventory 8.1E (2014.07.22) was made to be compatible with a future release of Adagio Payables 9.2A. Earlier versions of Inventory will not open if Payables 9.2A data is present. However, there was still a compatibility problem with Payables 9.2A in that release. Receipts did not show the list of invoices in the Invoice Number finder field for 9.2A vendors. This has been corrected. Inventory 8.1E (2015.02.24) or higher will be required for compatibility with Payables 9.2A.

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