Enhancements & Revisions
Adagio Inventory 8.1B
July 14, 2009
The Adagio Inventory 8.1B release adds full Adagio Receivables 9.0A feature compatibility and the generic features found in AR 9.0A compatibility upgrades to other products that were missing in the 8.1A (2009.02.17) Service Pack released for basic AR 9.0A compatibility. The changes and improvements to Adagio Inventory with this release are significant. To make it easier to review the various changes that have been made, we have grouped them by function in this release note.
- The Adagio Open Data Dialog has been significantly improved. The Previously Opened database list is now saved by Adagio User rather than for all users. The first time an existing user or a new user logs into Adagio Inventory 8.1B they will be asked “Would you like your historical company access list set up?” Answer yes to have all entries from the Previously Opened list from your prior use of Inventory copied for your use. The Open Data screen and Previously Opened database list now show the date the database was last opened by the user. You may also elect to have Adagio save your Adagio User Id and Password and default them when logging into Adagio. The saved information is based on your Windows authenticated user name. This option may be turned off by editing softraksystemADS.INI and adding the lines:
[Options] RememberUser=0 RememberPassword=0
- Options have been added to open several different functions when the program starts up, including item edit, item inquiry, receipt entry, and shipment entry. Imports can be automatically processed on start up.
- Added option 'Warn if date entered in a transaction is more than 'x' days away from session date' on the System Options tab in the Company Profile. Use this option to help prevent entering an incorrect session date when logging into Inventory.
- Removed the warning ‘These audit lists have transactions’ message on start up. This warning is no longer needed as purging the audit lists is no longer required to update history (a change made for 8.1A). History is updated when transactions are posted.
- Adagio Inventory will optionally create a backup of related data whenever a Data Integrity Check completes without errors. Adagio Inventory will offer to create a backup of a database prior to applying any “fix” as a result of the “Rebuild” option being selected to repair damaged data. Backup details are written to the log file.
- The multi-currency files for single currency databases are now backed up when you backup a ‘Complete Dataset’.
- Backing up ‘related data’ now includes the Payables and Purchase Orders data files.
- The Item edit/inquiry screen is larger, allowing for larger fields, and can now be sized to allow room for grids to display more rows.
- Alt Keys have been added for tabs on the item edit and item inquiry screens.
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- The item now records last edited by Date, Time and User. This information can be shown in grids and Adagio GridView.
- Added a Copy button on the Edit Alternate Items grid.
- Added Location, Reorder and Sales History tabs in the main item edit function. These tabs provide the same functionality as the separate edit menu functions Item list for location, Reorder Data and Sales History, allowing all item related edits to be completed in a single edit function. The separate edit functions existing in previous versions remain. Security for the new tabs is controlled by menu access settings in the Group for the existing functions.
- Added a Find button in the Edit Categories function.
- You can now make an item active at locations within the Edit Items function. If 'Allow items at all locations' is not set in the company profile, the possible item statuses are 'Active' and 'Inactive'. If 'Allow items at all locations' is set, the possible statuses are 'Active' and 'On demand'. The 'On demand' status means that the first time a transaction is posted (in any function or module) the item will be made active at the location (this has always been the case), i.e. on demand. Locations can be multi-selected in the grid and status changed by clicking the Active/Inactive button or toggling with the spacebar.
- The finder (Find button) is now active in the Edit Physical Inventory function when the grid is sorted by Picking Sequence.
- The Edit Item and Edit Receipts functions now display a warning when you enter a vendor marked inactive in Payables.
- You can now change the costing method in the Edit Control Account Set function. When the Account Set saved with the change, the program reads through the items changing the costing method all items using that Account Set. In the case of changing LIFO or FIFO to Moving Average the Lots are consolidated.
- Added a Category field to the Alternate Items edit screen. The Category in the Alternate Item overrides the Category from the Item (if different) when the Alternate Item is entered on a line in OrderEntry (8.1C or higher). Future versions of Adagio Invoices may also support this feature. The Category field has been added to the Import Alternate Item function.
- Copy item, category, and location place you directly on the edit screen for the newly created record.
- Alt keys have been added to tabbed dialogs to speed moving between tabs.
- Added a toolbar button to launch the Transaction History inquiry function.
- Added ExcelDirect button in Transaction History Inquiry and from Inquiry tab in view Items with Sales and Costs. ExcelDirect creates a table in Excel version 2007 or higher.
- Added a Bills of Materials (BOM) inquiry function. This allows security to be set to allow certain users to view but not edit BOMs.
- Added a Print button to the Transaction History tab in the Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs to print the Transaction History report directly from within the inquiry.
- The grid showing Lots on the Costing tab of Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs is not longer shown unless the costing method is LIFO or FIFO.
- Added Purchase Orders grid in the Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs function. This allows you to see detail lines in Purchase Orders for Adagio, including the quantity on purchase order and the expected receipt date. A grid showing historical purchase order details has also been added
- The Calculated Price is now shown beside the Discount/Markup by Percentage/Amount on the Units/Pricing tab in the Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs.
- The Item Inquiry, Adjustment Entry and Receipt Entry functions are less restrictive in preventing other users from accessing certain other functions.
Transaction Entry
- Transaction entry forms are now sizeable. This allows the more transactions lines to be shown on the screen at one time.
- Shipment entry supports look up of customer by name, phone number and document number if Receivables is version 9.0A or higher.
- You can now prevent or give a warning when the date entered in a transaction is for a closed period or year in the GL. The option 'Validate closed periods' on the GL Integration tab of the Company Profile can be set to 'Allow, Warn only, or Disallow'.
- You can now add items on the fly in shipments and receipts. If a user does not have permission to add items they cannot add items on the fly. If the ‘Allow inventory levels to be below 0?’ is off, items cannot be added on the fly in shipments.
- Added the option ‘Warn period end’ to the start-up options in the Company Profile. This option reminds you a period end is due to be
Adagio Inventory 8.1B 3 of 6 IC20090714 20-Jul-2009 run and asks if you want to run it when you log in. A Period End is due to be run when the session date you log in with is more than one month past the ending date of the most recent period. If the session date is several months past the ending date you will get multiple warnings.
- The Unit and Extended Cost are now displayed in the Enter Shipments function. This is particularly useful for JobCost users. The cost that would be used if you posted is displayed. Note: Depending on the costing method, the cost displayed may not be the actual cost used when you do post the shipment if others users have received quantities of the item or sold it in OrderEntry.
- The Adjustment Entry grid now positions at the line you just entered rather than the line highlighted before entering the new line.
- Job Alerts by module/function in JobCost 8.1B or higher are supported in the Enter Shipments function.
- Report printing performance has been improved for most reports, including all Stock Control, Price/Sales Analysis, Transaction Reports, Audit Lists, and the Print/Consolidate GL Transaction report.
- Added ‘Allow Audit List Purge’ option to the Company Profile. If this option is off you cannot purge the transaction audit list reports after printing them. This prevents accidental purging of audit lists. If this option is off the audit lists will be purged as part of Year End.
- Added option ‘Prompt to consolidate’ on the GL Integration tab in the Company Profile. Disabling this option ensures you do not accidentally consolidate transactions after printing the ‘Print/Consolidate G/L transactions’ report.
- Added option ‘Close report dialog after print’ on the Processing Options tab in the Company Profile. Set this option off if you often print reports multiple times with different settings or ranges.
- The option to print landscape oriented multi-currency reports on scaled printers was not working reliably and has been replaced with an option to ‘Fit to paper size’ (your printer / driver must support ‘Fit to paper size’). Under File | Options, the ‘Multi-currency Report Printer / Orientation Landscape’ option ‘Letter on dedicated scaled printer’ (and in some modules, ‘A3’ and ‘A4’) has been replaced with ‘Fit to other’ option. Use this option to print landscape oriented reports such as the GL Transactions report in ‘Source + home’ on letter instead of legal size paper. International companies can use this option to print on A4 or A3 paper. A Tech Tip is available from Softrak describing how to fit legal size reports on letter.
- Added the Vendor Number to the receipt audit list report.
- Added the option ‘Allow history purge?’ to the Company Profile, Processing Options tab. If this option is off you are not prompted to delete history after printing the Transaction History report. This prevents accidental purging after printing the report. When you do want to purge history you must set this option on and print the report to paper or file.
- Added the audit reports to the main reports menu under Audit Report. The reports are also still available in the transaction entry menus as they were in previous versions.
- Added option ‘Auto print audit list after post’ on the Processing Options tab in the Company Profile. Set this option to print the audit list automatically after posting transactions.
- Many enhancements have been made to the Stock Card report. The report can now be printed consolidated for all locations using new options ’Consolidated Locations’ and ‘Separate Locations’. Added new fields, including the Customer/Vendor number, Reference (i.e. document number such as IC or PO receipt number, OE invoice number, etc.), the Units, Unit Cost and Extended Cost. Added the opening quantity and cost (when printed in detail, consolidated by location).
- Added the option ‘Suppress 0 qty items’ on the Physical Inventory Worksheet. This lets you not select items that have zero quantity on hand, allowing the report (and the resulting work file) to be much shorter when not all items are stocked.
- Added the option ‘Restrict to positive qtys and costs’ to the Item Valuation report.
- The Reorder report now supports the ‘Active item’ flag in the item.
- A warning is given when you print a Physical Inventory Worksheet (which creates a new worksheet) if one already exists for the location. This helps prevent accidentally recreating and overwriting the existing worksheet, loosing the entries already made. Note that multiple users can do physical inventories on the same Location. Refer to the documentation for details.
- The Item Valuation report includes the warning “Note: Invoices have been entered in Order Entry, but have not been costed. Items will not show correct costs until O/E Day End processing is completed.” at the bottom if there are items for which quantity has been shipped in OE but not costed because OE Day End has not yet been run. The items with non-zero Shipped not Costed are now marked with **.
Import / export
- Import Categories and Export Categories functions have been added.
- Sales History fields have been added to the item import and export templates. The new fields are Units Sold, Amounts Sold and
Adagio Inventory 8.1B 4 of 6 IC20090714 20-Jul-2009 Total Costs for Current Period, Periods 1-12, and Last Year. The YTD figures are recalculated on import based on the sum of the period buckets. If the period imported is prior to the last Year End date, then the YTD values are not incremented. Negative quantity and amounts are only allowed if ‘Allow inventory levels to be below 0’ is on.
- The Export Physical Inventory Worksheet function now includes a range by Picking Sequence.
- The import log file ICIMPERR.ddd (where ddd is the extension of your data files for the company) shows records ignored by the import and why they were ignored.
Maintenance Functions
- Added a field ‘Date of new period end’ to the Period End function to allow you to confirm the date and change it in cases where the session date (date you logged in with) is not necessarily the date you want to use for the period end.
- The Year End function now includes a ‘Year end date’ field to allow you to confirm the date and change it in cases where the session date (date you logged in with) is not necessarily the date you want to use for the year end. If a year end has already been run on that date a warning displayed to help prevent you from accidentally running the Year End function more than once, which would clear the Last Year figures to zero.
- When Adagio GridView 9.0A or higher is opened from the Adagio menu, Adagio Inventory 8.1B will be displayed as the first line on the Select Module screen so you do not need to scroll down to find it.
- The Field Verification option has been removed from File | Options. Fields are always verified during entry.
- The Help Menu has been modified to allow the user to launch the Adagio System Status utility (chksys.exe) and print the Adagio Lanpak registration form.
- Added an Assemblies toolbar button to launch the Assemble Master Items function for BOMs.
- Improved the documentation on the steps required to do a Physical Inventory.
- The ‘Qty on Hand’ now totals and displays the quantity from all LIFO/FIFO Lots in the finder and smart finder grids.
- Added the option ‘Bypass transaction history in DIC?’ to the Company Profile, System Options tab. Set this option to speed up the integrity check if checking history is not critical for your site. Note: DataCare checks the transaction history regardless of the setting as it is assumed a DataCare check will usually be run after business hours when the speed of the integrity check not likely to be a concern.
Fixes made in version 8.1B
- An error occurred if you tried to edit items while the edit Account Sets function was open.
- You now receive an error message on the item number field in transaction entry functions when you enter an invalid item rather only when you attempt to save the entry.
- If you started to enter a shipment but canceled without entering any details, the original date was remembered rather than defaulting to the session date when you enter a shipment at a later date. In addition, you could not import shipments because the program thought shipment entry was in progress.
- When importing a Physical Inventory Worksheet, if the 'Qty Counted' field in the import file was 0, then the 'Quantities Entered?' flag remained false, regardless of the actual quantity on hand (zero or not). This was changed because it is more likely to cause mistakes (i.e. export and re-import 0 counts) rather than be used to set a physical count of zero in the quantity on hand. Items for which the quantity must actually be changed to zero based on the physical count must be changed by entry rather than import.
- The default import and export templates for items now match, making it easier to export, change and re-import. To accomplish this, certain fields were removed from the default export template.
- The Backdated Item Valuation and Stock Card Reports were incorrect due to a problem in Purchase Orders for Adagio where adjustments to cost (but not quantity) caused a problem in IC history. Inventory compensates for this and Data Integrity Check (DIC) corrects the problem in existing history records. The DIC will be slower the first time it is run after installing 8.1B as it checks for this condition.
- The Data Integrity Check reported an error in the count of items for a category when there were more than 65,535 items for the category.
- The 'Recent Cost date change' and 'Standard Cost date change' fields are blank for new items but in the View Items with Sales and Costs function if you first viewed a different item (with a non-blank dates) the fields contained the dates from this item instead of blanks.
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- Posting an adjustment to a LIFO/FIFO costed item no longer updates the Receipt info (Receipt Date and Receipt #).on the Lot, allowing the original receipt information to show on the Costing tab in the Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs. Posting a transfer between locations also no longer updates the Receipt fields.
- The confirmation message displayed when you delete an item now includes a warning if the item has transaction history.
- The Unit of Measure field printed in the wrong position on the Physical Inventory Worksheet report.
- The Data Integrity Check hung if it encountered a history transaction with date greater than the year 2099 (entered accidentally and posted).
- Items could not be imported if you had deleted Account Set 1.
- History Inquiry ranges were remembered across companies. This was confusing and of little or no use.
- The Pricing Summary was wrong on the Alternate Price List report when the Pricing Unit is not equal to the Costing Unit and pricing is based on markup.
- The cost shown on the back-dated Item Valuation report was incorrect for items where the first location on file had zero quantity on hand.
- The Data Integrity Check now detects more types of errors in the Item Location file. As a result the DIC may report new errors after installing 8.1B.
- The Stock Card and Item Valuation reports did not recognize items with leading zeroes.
- The Receipts report could not be printed if the sort included the ‘Total receipt cost’ field.
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