Adagio ChartView Change log

Adagio ChartView
9.2B | 2016-05-06 (May '16)
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    ·    Chart defaults are more reasonably chosen based on the structure of the View supplying the data.

    Problems Fixed

    ·    A trend line on the zero-axis is no longer generated.

Adagio ChartView
9.2A | 2014-08-31 (Aug '14)
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    ·    Trend Lines have been added as an option on Line charts. When calculating the trend line, blank cells (blank on zero) will be treated as #NA values and be excluded from the calculation. 0.00 values will affect the trend line.

    ·    You can now plot more data points on a chart.

    ·    Compatible with Adagio Console and respects requests to shut down.

    ·    Includes 64-bit version.

    Problems Fixed

    ·    Chart Scale and Tilt are now properly saved

    ·    Charts sometimes opened with 0 height, rendering them invisible but enabled.

    ·    ChartView does a better job of determining the first numeric column to chart.

Adagio ChartView
9.1A | 2013-06-01 (Jun '13)
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    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio ChartView (2013.06.01)

       Initial Release of Adagio ChartView. Requires GridView 9.1A.