New features by version in Adagio SalesAnalysis

Adagio SalesAnalysis 9.3B 2024-12-11 (Dec. 11, 24)

    ·          Compatibility with Inventory 9.3B.

    ·          Adagio SalesAnalysis now respects the Group Security settings for Item Notes within Adagio Inventory. If an Inventory user does have access to Edit Item Notes, the SalesAnalysis user will also be able to edit Item Notes while viewing Item records.

    ·          Custom Reports with sub-reports could not be printed. This error was received : The table could not be found.

               ·          Custom Reports that used the Crystal report option to Hide a detail section, which permits drill down, did not work properly.

And these changes were made in earlier versions:

Version 9.3A | 2023-04-03 (Apr. 3, 23)

    • Crystal Reports used in printing Adagio Reports was not fully compatible with the Windows 22H2 update for Windows 11 and for Windows 10, in some cases.

Version 9.2A | 2018-05-19 (May. 19, 18)

    ·    Adagio module toolbar allows one click launch of an Adagio module.

    ·    Reports have been converted to Crystal Reports 2013, improving the export to Excel.

    ·    Grids may be "banded" with a User Selectable color and banding frequency.

    ·    Edit grids display the total number of records, as well as a count of the displayed records when a Filter is active.

    ·    Logs user activity within the module. Audit logs may be viewed with GridView.

    ·    Supports enhancements and new options in customers added in Receivables 9.2A.